import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams, LoadingController, AlertController } from "ionic-angular"; import { FormBuilder, Validators, FormGroup, ValidatorFn, AbstractControl } from "@angular/forms"; import { TwitterApiProvider } from "../../providers/twitter-api/twitter-api"; import { Storage } from "@ionic/storage"; import { P2pStorageIpfsProvider } from "../../providers/p2p-storage-ipfs/p2p-storage-ipfs"; import { P2pDatabaseGunProvider } from "../../providers/p2p-database-gun/p2p-database-gun"; import twittertext from "twitter-text"; import { CryptoProvider } from "../../providers/crypto/crypto"; import * as openpgp from 'openpgp'; @IonicPage() @Component({ selector: "page-write-tweet", templateUrl: "write-tweet.html" }) export class WriteTweetPage { tweet: FormGroup; retweetId: string; replyToStatusId: string; retweet; replyTweet; openpgp; privateKey; publicKey; passp = 'super long and hard to guess secret' ; constructor( public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private twitter: TwitterApiProvider, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController, private storage: Storage, private ipfs: P2pStorageIpfsProvider, private gun: P2pDatabaseGunProvider, private cryptoUtils: CryptoProvider, private alertCtrl: AlertController ) { this.retweetId = this.navParams.get("tweetId"); this.replyToStatusId = this.navParams.get("replyToStatus"); this.tweet ={ text: [""], p2p: [false] }); this.addValidators(); this.generateKeys(); } public async encryptDecryptFunction () { // await openpgp.initWorker({}); // await this.generateKeys(); console.log('priv key: ',this.privateKey,'this . pubkey',this.publicKey); let encrypted; const privKeyObj = (await openpgp.key.readArmored(this.privateKey)).keys[0]; console.log('privKeyObj',privKeyObj); await privKeyObj.decrypt(this.passp) const options = { message: openpgp.message.fromText('Hello, World!'), // input as Message object publicKeys: (await openpgp.key.readArmored(this.publicKey)).keys, // for encryption privateKeys: [privKeyObj] // for signing (optional) } openpgp.encrypt(options).then(ciphertext => { encrypted = // '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE ... END PGP MESSAGE-----' console.log('encrypted text is:',encrypted); return encrypted }) .then(async encrypted => { const options = { message: await openpgp.message.readArmored(encrypted), // parse armored message publicKeys: (await openpgp.key.readArmored(this.publicKey)).keys, // for verification (optional) privateKeys: [privKeyObj] // for decryption } openpgp.decrypt(options).then(plaintext => { console.log('decrypted text is:',plaintext,; return // 'Hello, World!' }) }) } public async generateKeys(){ let options = { userIds: [{ name:'Jon Smith', email:'' }], // multiple user IDs curve: "ed25519", // ECC curve name passphrase: this.passp // protects the private key }; // var vm = this; // openpgp.generateKey(options) // .then(function(vm,key) { // if(key){ // var privkey = key.privateKeyArmored; // '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK ... ' // var pubkey = key.publicKeyArmored; // '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK ... ' // var revocationCertificate = key.revocationCertificate; // '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK ... ' // vm.privateKey =privkey; // vm.publicKey = pubkey; // } // }) const a = await openpgp.generateKey(options); console.log('resolved a = ',a); this.privateKey =a.privateKeyArmored; this.publicKey = a.publicKeyArmored; this.encryptDecryptFunction(); } private async addValidators() { const triggerWords = await"keywords"); const validators = [ Validators.maxLength(140), this.containsTriggerWord(triggerWords) ]; this.tweet.controls["text"].setValidators(validators); } private containsTriggerWord(triggerWords: string): ValidatorFn { return (control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } | null => { if (triggerWords) { const regexList = triggerWords .toLowerCase() .split(", ") .join("|"); const regex = new RegExp(regexList); const containsTriggerWord = regex.test(control.value.toLowerCase()); return containsTriggerWord ? { containsTriggerWord: { value: control.value } } : null; } else { return null; } }; } async ionViewDidLoad() { if (this.retweetId) { this.retweet = await this.twitter.fetchTweet(this.retweetId); } if (this.replyToStatusId) { this.replyTweet = await this.twitter.fetchTweet(this.replyToStatusId); } } get tweetCharProgress() { const progress = 1 - this.tweet.value["text"].length / 140; const radius = 8; const circumference = Math.PI * radius * 2; return progress * circumference; } get showTrigger(): boolean { return ( this.tweet && this.tweet.controls && this.tweet.controls.text && this.tweet.controls.text.errors && this.tweet.controls.text.errors["containsTriggerWord"] && !this.tweet.controls.p2p.value ); } showTriggerInfo() { this.alertCtrl .create({ title: "Watch Out!", message: "Your tweet contains words you have previously defined to only share securely via P2P. Currently P2P mode is not selected.", buttons: ["OK"] }) .present(); } async submitTweet() { const loading = this.loadingCtrl.create(); loading.present(); if (this.tweet.value.p2p) { loading.setContent("Validate keys..."); if ( (await this.cryptoUtils.isPrivateKeySet()) && (await this.cryptoUtils.isPublicKeyPublished()) ) { loading.setContent("Publish private tweet..."); await this.tweetPrivate(); } else { loading.dismiss(); const alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: "Oooops...", message: "Please verify that you have set a private and public key in the settings and that your latest public key was published." }); alert.present(); return; } } else { loading.setContent("Publish on Twitter..."); await this.twitter.tweet( this.tweet.value["text"], this.retweet, this.replyToStatusId ); } loading.dismiss(); this.navCtrl.pop(); } private async tweetPrivate() { const tweet = await this.buildPrivateTweet(); const privateKey = await"privateKey"); const encryptedTweet = this.cryptoUtils.encrypt( JSON.stringify(tweet), privateKey ); const res = await this.ipfs.storeTweet(encryptedTweet); this.gun.storeLastTweetHashForUser( tweet.user_id, res["Hash"], tweet.created_at ); this.gun.publishHashtags(tweet.entities.hashtags); } private async buildPrivateTweet() { const status = this.tweet.value["text"].trim(); const entities = await this.getEntities(status); return { full_text: status, user_id: await"userId"), created_at:, private_tweet: true, in_reply_to_status_id: this.replyToStatusId, quoted_status_id: this.retweetId, display_text_range: [0, status.length], entities: entities }; } private async getEntities(status: string) { return { hashtags: twittertext.extractHashtagsWithIndices(status), urls: twittertext.extractUrlsWithIndices(status), user_mentions: await this.getMentions(status) }; } private async getMentions(status: string) { // extract mentions const entities = twittertext.extractMentionsWithIndices(status); // add user_id const entitiesWithPromises = mention => { try { const user = await this.twitter.fetchUserFromScreenName( mention.screenName ); mention["id_str"] = user[0]["id_str"]; mention["screen_name"] = mention.screenName; delete mention.screenName; } catch (err) { console.error( "There is no user signed up to twitter with username: " + mention.screenName ); } return mention; }); // filter for valid users and return return (await Promise.all(entitiesWithPromises)).filter(el => el.hasOwnProperty("id_str") ); } }