import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { NavController, ToastController, LoadingController, AlertController } from "ionic-angular"; import { Storage } from "@ionic/storage"; import { CryptoProvider } from "../../providers/crypto/crypto"; import { SocialSharing } from "@ionic-native/social-sharing"; @Component({ selector: "page-settings", templateUrl: "settings.html" }) export class SettingsPage { keywords: string; privateKey: string; publicKey: string; constructor( public navCtrl: NavController, public toastCtrl: ToastController, private cryptoUtils: CryptoProvider, private storage: Storage, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController, private sharing: SocialSharing, private alertCtrl: AlertController ) { this.loadValuesFromStorage(); } async loadValuesFromStorage() { this.privateKey = await"privateKey"); this.publicKey = await"publicKey"); this.keywords = await"keywords"); } generateKeys() { if (this.publicKey.length || this.privateKey.length) { const alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: "Are you sure?", subTitle: "You already have keys entered. Do you want to overwrite them?", buttons: [ { text: "No", role: "cancel" }, { text: "Yes", handler: () => { this.startKeyGeneration(); } } ] }); alert.present(); } else { this.startKeyGeneration(); } } private async startKeyGeneration() { const keys = await this.cryptoUtils.generateRsaKeys(); this.publicKey = await this.cryptoUtils.extractPublicKey(keys); this.privateKey = await this.cryptoUtils.extractPrivateKey(keys); } save() {"publicKey", this.publicKey);"privateKey", this.privateKey);"keywords", this.keywords); this.showToast("Successfully saved!"); } async publishPublicKey() { if (this.publicKey.length) { const loading = this.loadingCtrl.create(); loading.present(); await this.cryptoUtils.publishPublicKey(this.publicKey); loading.dismiss(); this.showToast("Public key has been published!"); } } exportPrivateKey() { if (this.privateKey.length) { this.sharing .share(this.privateKey, null, null, null) .then(() => console.log("Private key was exported")) .catch(() => this.showToast( "Sorry! Something went wrong trying to export the private key :(" ) ); } else { this.showToast("There is nothing to share."); } } private showToast(message: string) { const toast = this.toastCtrl.create({ message: message, position: "bottom", duration: 3000 }); toast.present(); } }