import { Injectable } from "@angular/core"; import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http"; import { Storage } from "@ionic/storage"; import Twit from "twit"; import { PgpKeyServerProvider } from "../../providers/pgp-key-server/pgp-key-server"; @Injectable() export class TwitterApiProvider { client: Twit; constructor(public http: HttpClient, private storage: Storage, private openpgp: PgpKeyServerProvider,) { this.initApi(); } /** * initialize Twitter API provider */ public async initApi() { const access_token_key = await"accessTokenKey"); const access_token_secret = await"accessTokenSecret"); if (access_token_key && access_token_secret) { this.client = new Twit({ consumer_key: "ewAyFOepelB1Dgczl7LReD3pN", consumer_secret: "xblu59EZCTrNnW5waDvPjkpaiothQBjDCaJlLaxuezfIdol9Ot", access_token: access_token_key, access_token_secret: access_token_secret, timeout_ms: 60 * 1000 // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests. }); await this.openpgp.clearStoredKeys(); } else { console.error( "Access Token Key and Secret not set. Creating Twit-client not possible." );"This error can be ignored if no user is logged in."); } } /** * fetch home feed in batches of 20 tweets starting at maxId * @param maxId tweet id */ public async fetchHomeFeed(maxId ? ) { const res = await this.client.get("statuses/home_timeline", { count: 15, include_entities: true, tweet_mode: "extended", max_id: maxId }) return; } /** * fetch user object to given id * @param userId user id */ public async fetchUser(userId) { const res = await this.client.get("users/show", { user_id: userId }); // console.log("User is:",; return; } /** * lookup user for screenname */ public async fetchUserFromScreenName(screenName) { const res = await this.client.get("users/lookup", { screen_name: screenName }); return; } /** * fetch user feed in batches of 20 tweets starting at maxId * @param userId user id * @param maxId max tweet id */ public async fetchUserTimeline(userId, maxId ? ) { try { const res = await this.client.get("statuses/user_timeline", { user_id: userId, max_id: maxId, include_entities: true, tweet_mode: "extended", count: 20 }); return; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return []; } } /** * Follow user * @param userId user id */ public async createFriendship(userId) { return await"friendships/create", { user_id: userId }); } /** * Unfollow user * @param userId user id */ public async destroyFriendship(userId) { return await"friendships/destroy", { user_id: userId }); } /** * Mute user * @param userId user id */ public async muteUser(userId) { return await"mutes/users/create", { user_id: userId }); } /** * Unmute user * @param userId user id */ public async unmuteUser(userId) { return await"mutes/users/destroy", { user_id: userId }); } /** * Block user * @param userId user id */ public async blockUser(userId) { return await"blocks/create", { user_id: userId }); } /** * Unblock user * @param userId user id */ public async unblockUser(userId) { return await"blocks/destroy", { user_id: userId }); } /** * Post tweet * @param status tweet message * @param retweet tweet object to retweet * @param replyToStatusId tweet id to reply to */ public async tweet(status, retweet ? , replyToStatusId ? ) { if (status.length === 0 && retweet) { // Simple retweet return await"statuses/retweet", { id: }); } else if (!retweet) { // Simple tweet return await"statuses/update", { status: status, in_reply_to_status_id: replyToStatusId }); } else if (status.length > 0 && retweet) { // Quoted tweet const url = "" + + "/status/" +; return await"statuses/update", { status: status, attachment_url: url }); } else { return; } } /** * Fetch friends for user id * @param userId user id */ public async fetchFriends(userId) { let friends = []; let cursor = -1; while (cursor != 0) { const res = await this.client.get("friends/list", { user_id: userId, count: 200, include_user_entities: false, cursor: cursor }); cursor =["next_cursor"]; friends = friends.concat(["users"]); console.log("friends are:",friends); } return friends; } /** * Like tweet * @param tweetId tweet id */ public async likeTweet(tweetId) { return await"favorites/create", { id: tweetId }); } /** * Remove like from tweet * @param tweetId tweet id */ public async unlikeTweet(tweetId) { return await"favorites/destroy", { id: tweetId }); } /** * Retrieve a single tweet * @param tweetId tweet id */ public async fetchTweet(tweetId) { return await this.client.get("statuses/show", { id: tweetId, tweet_mode: "extended" }); } /** * Search Twitter for recent tweets * Since the results are loaded in batches of 20 tweets, max tweet id is a reference for the next batch * @param keyword keyword * @param maxId max tweet id */ public async searchRecentTweets(keyword: string, maxId ? : string) { const res = await this.client.get("search/tweets", { q: keyword, result_type: "recent", count: 20, include_entities: true, tweet_mode: "extended", max_id: maxId }); return; } /** * Search Twitter for popular tweets * Since the results are loaded in batches of 20 tweets, max tweet id is a reference for the next batch * @param keyword keyword * @param maxId max tweet id */ public async searchPopularTweets(keyword: string, maxId ? : string) { const res = await this.client.get("search/tweets", { q: keyword, result_type: "popular", count: 20, include_entities: true, tweet_mode: "extended", max_id: maxId }); return; } /** * Search Twitter for users * Since the API returns users paginated, a page has to be provided * @param keyword keyword * @param page page number */ public async searchUsers(keyword: string, page ? : number) { const res = await this.client.get("users/search", { q: keyword, count: 10, include_entities: true, page: page }); return; } /** * Updates the profile description * @param description profile description */ public async updateProfileDescription(description: string) { const res = await"account/update_profile", { description: description }); return; } }