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-# Hybrid Online Social Networks
+# HOSN - Hybrid Online Social Network
+An Android app as a proof of concept builds on top of Twitter and enables users to control their data.
-This repository is used for Carsten Porth's master thesis with the title "Hybrid Online Social Networks".
+## Synopsis
+The core idea of HOSNs is to combine a commercial online social network (COSN) and a privacy-preserving online social network (PPOSN). 
+That combination enables to utilize both the market penetration of COSNs and the anonymity of PPOSNs. 
+The COSN serves as base network and provides the user base as well as the connectivity between these users. 
+The PPOSN is established above, providing the users with means of communication beyond the knowledge of the provider of the COSN.
+Simply put, the objective of HOSN is providing the users of COSNs with additional means of privacy control by establishing a PPOSN on top of the COSN.
-Carsten Porth (<>)
+### References
+[1] [RTG Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users - Privacy Protection via Hybrid Social Networks](
-Aidmar Wainakh (<>), Jörg Daubert (<>)
+## Authors
+- __Aidmar Wainakh__ - _guidance and suggestions during development_
+- __Jörg Daubert__ - _guidance and suggestions during development_
+- __Carsten Porth__ - _development of first prototype within his Master Thesis_
+## Contact
+Aidmar Wainakh (<>)

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-## Editors:
-# WinEdt
-# Texpad
-# Kile
-# KBibTeX
-# auto folder when using emacs and auctex
-# expex forward references with \gathertags
-# standalone packages

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-\subtitle{Carsten Porth,, 1804629}
-\section*{Meta data}
-\begin{tabular}{l l}
-	\textbf{Name:} & Carsten Porth \\
-	\textbf{Student number:} & 1804629 \\
-	\textbf{Department:} & Computer Science - Prüfungsordnung 2015 \\
-	\textbf{Allocation Date:} & xx.xx.2018 \\
-	\textbf{Supervisor:} & Jörg Daubert \\
-	\textbf{Second Supervisor:} &  Aidmar Wainakh \\
-	\textbf{Category for Digilib:} & S \\
-The work will be done as part of the project "Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users". The ongoing penetration of computers in everyday life is used by a large part of the population for their own benefit. Emerging disadvantages, such as the increasing transparency and monitorability of a user with simultaneous lack of transparency of the entire network, are accepted. The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to reverse these trends and adapt privacy to personal interests. Economic interests on the one hand and social interests on the other should be reconciled.
-With Web 2.0, the use and perception of the Internet changed. Instead of just consuming content as before, web applications were created that allowed users to place content on the Internet themselves. The big social media networks such as Facebook (2 billion monthly active users\footnote{\url{}}) or Twitter (330 million monthly active users\footnote{\url{}}) have become particularly popular.
-With the evolution of the mobile phone to the smartphone, a range of functions preciously known only by computers has been made accessible mobile. The ability to install any application and to use the device for a variety of purposes opened up new possibilities. The development of the hardware and new sensors make it possible to comprehensively capture the environment. This technology is not only used in smartphones, more and more tracking devices and smart watches are conquering the market. For the user, these changes initially bring advantages. What happens to the collected data and what may be unconsciously shared with servers all over the world and possibly further processed there is in most cases opaque.
-Especially in social networks, a lot of data is collected by the respective app. If the user wants to use a certain network, he usually has no choice but to divulge the data. However, recent and older data scandals have shown that the users should be careful about what data they reveal. Often there are no opportunities to determine this yourself.
-% related work (Twitterize, Diaspora, Man.., Akas...)
-% There have been aproaches in the past to tackle these issues. Several social networks have been developed and most of them have already failed or ...
-%In this thesis, the goal is to develop a client app for an online social network which runs on Android. Using this client app, the user should be able to use the social network with it's whole functionality commonly but additional has the possibility to exchange data with other users using the same app via a P2P network closed for the provider. Regarding the P2P network, nothing new should be created, an existing P2P network should be used for storing the private user data. Main requirement for the online social network is the offering of an API for almost all functionalities to make development easy. For this reason, Twitter is perfectly qualified to be used in the thesis.
-This raises the question of how the user's data can be better protected and at the same time the network with its full functionality can be used, so the user does not have to make any compromises. Data exchange between users would have to take place via another channel. In such a hybrid solution, another network would be set up between the users and the data stored decentrally.
-This work will examine what such a solution might look like and what difficulties need to be overcome. Which requirements apply to the social network, which to the network between users and which to the client application? How can authenticity be guaranteed in the private network? The results of the research are to be implemented in a prototype and thus the quality of the solutions are validated.
-\section{Related Work/Background}
-The criticism on how personal data is handled by the large online social networks like Twitter and Facebook is not new. Therefore, there have been some attempts to build networks that focus on privacy. Safebook, for example, remained purely academic and Open-Book tried to collect 100,000 € via kickstarter and received only 45,000 €. Unfortunately, these attempts were unsuccessful and did not reach critical mass to exist permanently. And although criticism continues and scandals have become public again and again, the majority of users remained loyal to large networks. As a consequence of this circumstance, the protection of personal data with further use of the corresponding networks with all their functions is an interesting topic. One way to better protect privacy is to use a hybrid client app. This hybrid app allows the user to use the network with all its features in a conventional way. But beyond that, it allows the user to share data with other users who are not saved on the servers of the network operator. For this a peer 2 peer network is used and the data is stored decentrally.
-\subsection{Hybrid Online Social Network App}
-The idea behind a hybrid online social network app is that the user can continue to use the network without compromise, with all his contacts and full functionality. Furthermore, it is still possible for other users to communicate in a conventional manner with the users of the app. However, in addition to the data exchange via the server of the provider, there is also the possibility of exchanging data via a peer 2 peer network. The data exchange in this way should be displayed in the app automatically in the right places. In this case users must use the app.
-To implement such an app, some requirements must be met:
-    \item First, the social network used must provide interfaces that allow it to legally retrieve data. It is common that such APIs can be used via REST interfaces.
-    \item A peer 2 peer network is needed to connect the users among each other and exchange data between them. Communication with the network via an interface needs to be implemented.
-    \item Personal data needs to be protected. Therefore it's important to ensure the data is encrypted and can only be read by authorized people.
-In March 2018, it was revealed that the data of 87 million Facebook users was harvested by another company running an app on Facebook. The British company Cambridge Analytica had collected data via an app on Facebook and processed it for their own use. Both companies suffered immense damage after it became known. Facebook suffered a major damage to its image, Cambridge Analytica had to file for bankruptcy and ceased operations.
-Improving privacy and protecting the personal data of Facebook users would be of particular interest against this background. However, the strong limitations of the Facebook API (Graph API) do not allow it to develop your own Facebook client. For example, it is not possible to query a user’s news stream or to like a post.
-With apps like \textit{Friendly for Facebook} or \textit{Metal} there are alternative Facebook clients in the Google Play Store. Since the official Facebook API may not have been used due to the restrictions, two approaches are conceivable:
-	\item A WebView is used to display the website offered for mobile devices (\url{}). Thus, the app only serves as a wrapper around the mobile website. However, the different design indicates that the pages are modified by the Android app. This is technically possible by injecting JavaScript code into the page. Disadvantage is that changes on the mobile website lead to the injected JavaScript code suddenly no longer having the desired effect.
-	\item The apps crawl the Facebook website and extract the content. The display of the data can therefore be freely designed. The disadvantage of this method is its dependence on the HTML structure of the Facebook web pages. Even small changes to the website could prevent the content from being extracted. Furthermore, requests to the Facebook servers would have to pass through the security precautions on Facebook, for example the presence of any tokens.
-Due to the limitations of the Facebook Graph API and the unstable and inconsistent workarounds, the idea of using Facebook as social network for a hybrid app was neglected for this project.
-Besides Facebook, also Twitter was in press in April 2018 because of selling user data to Cambridge Analytica. Indeed, it was only containing data which was publicly posted on Twitter, but nevertheless the data left the social network on way which was not intended by the user.
-In difference to Facebook, Twitter offers an API for developers covering nearly the whole functionality of Twitter. Therefore, it is easily possible to develop own Twitter clients. Unfortunately, over the years Twitter also made restrictions to the API and it is likely that this process will continue. But right now, these restrictions are not affecting the goals of the thesis. So all in all, Twitter is a good candidate to develop a hybrid client for.
-Main goal for this thesis is to develop a concept for a hybrid client app for an online social network. To this, requirements for the social network and the peer 2 peer network and their interfaces need to be investigated. The results should be validated with a prototype. Regarding the prototype, Twitter should be used as social network and due to the limited time the following functionality should be implemented:
-	\item Fetch the users home feed containing tweets from the Twitter server and related tweets from the P2P network.
-	\item Display user profiles and user feeds again containing both types of tweets.
-	\item Write tweets in text form and \textbf{decide on which network they are stored}. Same for liking and retweeting.
-	\item Search public Twitter for users and tweets for a given keyword.
-	\item Configuration of the key pair for encryption and decryption.
-As a result, the following Twitter functionalities are not implemented in the context of this thesis:
-	\item The notification system
-	\item The direct message system
-	\item Changing settings
-	\item Update the user's profile
-	\item Writing tweets containing any multimedia attachment like videos and pictures
-The tweets exchanged via the peer 2 peer network are serialized into a JSON or XML format and then exchanged among the clients via the P2P network.
-The following schedule should only give a rough outline. Where appropriate, individual phases may also overlap and change slightly over time. In addition, regular meetings are scheduled with the supervisors to discuss progress and possible problems.
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-	\begin{tabular}{|l|l|p{11cm}|}
-		\hline
-		\textbf{Week} & \textbf{Task}              & \textbf{Description}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \\ \hline
-		1             & Start                      & Get familiar with the task and the goals. Check related projects and get a feeling for what was tried before and where are possible problems.                                                                                                                                                                                      \\ \hline
-		2             & OSN analysis               & Analysis of several OSN for their suitability for this thesis. Check their public APIs for the usage in this project. Focus on Facebook and Twitter.                                                                                                                                                                               \\ \hline
-		3             & P2P network analysis       & Get familiar with peer 2 peer networks and how they are used nowadays. Understand the theory and check how they can be used to build a hybrid OSN.                                                                                                                                                                                 \\ \hline
-		4             & P2P network setup test     & Test how to build up a  own P2P network, identifiy obstacles and find helpful libraries/services.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  \\ \hline
-		5             & Existing P2P networks      & Check if existing P2P networks can be used to realize the goals. Compare these networks and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Again, check for useful libraries.                                                                                                                                                            \\ \hline
-		6             & Check out Dapps            & Decentralized application (Dapp) using Ethereum blockchain and IPFS to store data should be investigated for the suitability for this project.                                                                                                                                                                                     \\ \hline
-		7             & Android Apps               & Compare different possibilities on how to build an Android app. Taking the prior research results on P2P networks and OSN into account and find the best way to easily build an app. Possible candidates are classic Android app development using Java and usage of web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScrip) with Ionic framework. \\ \hline
-		8             & Start development          & Start with the development of the HybridOSN app. First step: Login with Twitter account                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            \\ \hline
-		9             & Connect to the Twitter API & Send requests to the Twitter API containing the auth tokens and display the results (home feed, user profile)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      \\ \hline
-		10            & Implement basic actions    & Implement the actions a user can perform (tweeting; liking; follow, block and mute users)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          \\ \hline
-		11            & Research security          & Research how the user's data can be exchanged via the P2P network and stays private.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \\ \hline
-		12            & Connect to P2P network     & Establish connection to the P2P network and store data there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      \\ \hline
-		13            & Interact with P2P network  & Read and write data to the P2P network. Establish a format to store information which is easy to extend.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           \\ \hline
-		14            & Implement security         & Implement mechanisms to ensure that data is only readable by authorized users.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     \\ \hline
-		15            & Testing                    & Write tests to validate the correct and error-free functionality of the app.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \\ \hline
-		16            & Release prototype          & A fully functional prototype should be finished. In a two week test phase, bugs and problems should be identified. Furthermore, the usability of the app should me monitored in an everyday life context.                                                                                                                          \\ \hline
-		18            & End of testing phase       & Collect feedback concerning the testing phase of the app from the users. Use the feedback to improve the app.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      \\ \hline
-		19            & Writing                    & Writing of the thesis.
-		\\ \hline
-		24            & Final presentation         & Finale presentation of the results and the HybridOSN app.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          \\ \hline
-	\end{tabular}

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-# Texpad
-# Kile
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-# expex forward references with \gathertags
-# standalone packages

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-\Title{Hybrid Online Social Networks}
-\Author{Carsten Porth}
-\Copyright{Copyright \copyright\ 2019 Carsten Porth}
-\Keywords{Hybrid App\sep Online Social Network\sep Peer 2 Peer\sep OOP\sep Twitter}
-\Subject{Despite numerous scandals about data protection in established social networks (Facebook, Google+), the platforms still enjoy great popularity. Alternative social networks, which have focused on protecting the data of their users, lack attractiveness, so they regularly fail. If users remain loyal to social networks despite poor data protection, ways must be found to protect their data. A hybrid approach enables the natural use of the platform and uses another communication channel to exchange sensitive data. The goal of this thesis was to work out a concept for a hybrid social network and to validate it with a prototype. Within the scope of the concept, the interests of the stakeholders were identified, and requirements for the hybrid solution were defined. For the implementation, concrete solution strategies for architecture and client were mentioned. The prototype was created as an Android app for Twitter. For secure data exchange, the IPFS protocol for decentralized data storage in combination with the distributed GUN database was used. The result shows that the concept is implementable and that the defined goals lead to a high-quality solution. The Hybrid Online Social Network prototype meets the previously defined requirements almost entirely. For Likes and Tweets, the user can decide if the official Twitter network or the private network should be used for data exchange with other users. The solution is user-friendly and requires minimal configuration effort.}

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-	\acro{ACL}{Access Control List}
-	\acro{AES}{Advanced Encryption Standard}
-	\acro{API}{Application Programming Interface}
-	\acro{APK}{Android Package}
-	\acro{AWS}{Amazon Web Services}
-	\acro{CBC}{Cipher Block Chaining Mode }
-	\acro{CPU}{Central Processing Unit}
-	\acro{CSS}{Cascading Style Sheets}
-	\acro{dApp}{Decentralized Application}
-	\acro{DB}{Database}
-	\acro{DHT}{Distributed Hash Table}
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-	\acro{dWeb}{Decentralized Web}
-	\acro{ETH}{Ether}
-	\acro{EVM}{Ethereum Virtual Machine}
-	\acro{GCM}{Galois/Counter Mode}
-	\acro{GUI}{Graphical User Interface}
-	\acro{HTML}{Hypertext Markup Language}
-	\acro{HTTP}{Hypertext Transfer Protocol}
-	\acro{IP}{Internet Protocol}
-	\acro{IPFS}{InterPlanetary File System}
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-	\acro{JSON-LD}{JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data}
-	\acro{NAT}{Traversal Using Relays around NAT}
-	\acro{NFC}{Near Field Communication}
-	\acro{OSN}{Online Social Network}
-	\acro{P2P}{Peer-to-Peer}
-	\acro{PWA}{Progressive Web App}
-	\acro{SDK}{Software Development Kit}
-	\acro{SSL}{Secure Sockets Layer}
-	\acro{STUN}{Session Traversal Utilities for NAT}
-	\acro{TCP}{Transmission Control Protocol}
-	\acro{TURN}{Traversal Using Relays around NAT}
-	\acro{TTL}{Time to Live}
-	\acro{URL}{Uniform Resource Locator}
-	\acro{W3C}{World Wide Web Consortium}
-	\acro{WebRTC}{Web Real-Time Communication}
-	\acro{XML}{Extensible Markup Language}
-	\acro{XMPP}{Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol}

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-% Encoding: UTF-8
-  author       = {Daubert, Jörg and Bock, Leon and Kikirasy, Panayotis and Mühlhauser, Max and Fischer, Mathias},
-  title        = {{Twitterize: Anonymous micro-blogging}},
-  booktitle    = {2014 IEEE/ACS 11th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA)},
-  year         = {2014},
-  pages        = {817--823},
-  organization = {IEEE},
-  author    = {Daubert, J{\"o}rg and Fischer, Mathias and Schiffner, Stefan and M{\"u}hlh{\"a}user, Max},
-  title     = {{Distributed and Anonymous Publish-Subscribe}},
-  booktitle = {Network and System Security},
-  year      = {2013},
-  editor    = {Lopez, Javier and Huang, Xinyi and Sandhu, Ravi},
-  pages     = {685--691},
-  address   = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
-  publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
-  abstract  = {Publish-subscribe is a scheme for distributing information based on interests. While security mechanisms have been added to publish-subscribe, privacy, in particular anonymous communication is hardly considered. We summarize security and privacy requirements for such systems, including an adversary model for privacy. We introduce a construction for publish-subscribe overlays that fulfills the requirements. Contrary to previous approaches, it does neither presume an online trusted third party, nor expensive cryptographic operations performed by brokers. Further, we informally discuss how our requirements are met.},
-  isbn      = {978-3-642-38631-2},
-  author       = {Luo, Wanying and Xie, Qi and Hengartner, Urs},
-  title        = {{Facecloak: An architecture for user privacy on social networking sites}},
-  booktitle    = {{Computational Science and Engineering, 2009. CSE'09. International Conference on}},
-  year         = {2009},
-  volume       = {3},
-  pages        = {26--33},
-  organization = {IEEE},
-  author       = {Maxwell Salzberg},
-  title        = {{Kickstarter Pitch}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
-  month        = apr,
-  year         = {2010},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  title        = {{Magic Signatures - diaspora* federation protocol}},
-  howpublished = {\url{\_federation/federation/magicsig.html}},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  title        = {diaspora* federation protocol},
-  howpublished = {\url{\_federation/index.html}},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  title        = {{FAQ for users - diaspora* project wiki}},
-  howpublished = {\url{\_for\_users}},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  title        = {{FAQ for developers - diaspora* project wiki}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  author       = {Maxwell Salzberg},
-  title        = {{We Made It!}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
-  month        = may,
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-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  title        = {{Eine neue Ära beginnt: diaspora plant mit Y Combinator den großen Neustart}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
-  month        = may,
-  year         = {2012},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  author       = {Daniel Grippi, Maxwell Salzberg},
-  title        = {{Announcement: Diaspora* Will Now Be A Community Project}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
-  month        = aug,
-  year         = {2012},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  author    = {K. {Graffi} and C. {Gross} and D. {Stingl} and D. {Hartung} and A. {Kovacevic} and R. {Steinmetz}},
-  title     = {LifeSocial.KOM: A secure and P2P-based solution for online social networks},
-  booktitle = {2011 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC)},
-  year      = {2011},
-  pages     = {554-558},
-  month     = {Jan},
-  doi       = {10.1109/CCNC.2011.5766541},
-  issn      = {2331-9852},
-  keywords  = {authorisation;computer network security;Internet;peer-to-peer computing;quality of service;social networking (online);LifeSocial.KOM;P2P-based solution;Internet;social links;secure online social networks;secure communication;access-controlled storage;monitored quality of service;system providers;crucial operational costs;testbed evaluation;p2p paradigm;Peer to peer computing;Social network services;Monitoring;Cryptography;Bandwidth;Distributed databases;Measurement},
-  author       = {Graffi, Kalman and Podrajanski, Sergey and Mukherjee, Patrick and Kovacevic, Aleksandra and Steinmetz, Ralf},
-  title        = {A distributed platform for multimedia communities},
-  booktitle    = {2008 Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia},
-  year         = {2008},
-  pages        = {208--213},
-  organization = {IEEE},
-  author       = {Graffi, Kalman and Mukherjee, Patrick and Menges, Burkhard and Hartung, Daniel and Kovacevic, Aleksandra and Steinmetz, Ralf},
-  title        = {Practical security in p2p-based social networks},
-  booktitle    = {2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks},
-  year         = {2009},
-  pages        = {269--272},
-  organization = {IEEE},
-  author       = {Ben Smith},
-  title        = {{Project Strobe: Protecting your data, improving our third-party APIs, and sunsetting consumer Google+}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
-  month        = oct,
-  year         = {2018},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  author       = {Chuck Rossi},
-  title        = {{Rapid release at massive scale - Facebook Code}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
-  month        = aug,
-  year         = {2017},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
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-  title        = {{Selected DHT algorithms: Chord and Pastry}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
-  month        = oct,
-  year         = {2014},
-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
-  url          = {},
-  author    = {Stoica, Ion and Morris, Robert and Liben-Nowell, David and Karger, David R and Kaashoek, M Frans and Dabek, Frank and Balakrishnan, Hari},
-  title     = {Chord: a scalable peer-to-peer lookup protocol for internet applications},
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-  year      = {2003},
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-  title     = {A scalable content-addressable network},
-  publisher = {ACM},
-  year      = {2001},
-  author    = {Ratnasamy, Sylvia and Francis, Paul and Handley, Mark and Karp, Richard and Shenker, Scott},
-  volume    = {31},
-  number    = {4},
-  author       = {Rowstron, Antony and Druschel, Peter},
-  title        = {Pastry: Scalable, decentralized object location, and routing for large-scale peer-to-peer systems},
-  booktitle    = {IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing},
-  year         = {2001},
-  pages        = {329--350},
-  organization = {Springer},
-  author    = {Zhao, Ben Y and Huang, Ling and Stribling, Jeremy and Rhea, Sean C and Joseph, Anthony D and Kubiatowicz, John D},
-  title     = {Tapestry: A resilient global-scale overlay for service deployment},
-  journal   = {IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications},
-  year      = {2004},
-  volume    = {22},
-  number    = {1},
-  pages     = {41--53},
-  publisher = {IEEE},
-  author       = {Maymounkov, Petar and Mazieres, David},
-  title        = {Kademlia: A peer-to-peer information system based on the xor metric},
-  booktitle    = {International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems},
-  year         = {2002},
-  pages        = {53--65},
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-  author       = {Webber, Christopher Lemmer and Tallon, Jessica and Shepherd, Erin and Guy, Amy and Prodromou, Evan},
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-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
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-  title        = {{30 Years On, What’s Next \#ForTheWeb?}},
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-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
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-  title     = {{Decentralized applications: harnessing Bitcoin's blockchain technology}},
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-  year      = {2016},
-  author    = {Raval, Siraj},
-  isbn      = {978-1-4919-2452-5},
-  author       = {Johnston, David and Yilmaz, Sam Onat and Kandah, Jeremy and Bentenitis, Nikos and Hashemi, Farzad and Gross, Ron and Wilkinson, Shawn and Mason, Steven},
-  title        = {{The General Theory of Decentralized Applications, Dapps}},
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-  year         = {2015},
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-  title        = {Monitoring and management of structured peer-to-peer systems},
-  booktitle    = {2009 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing},
-  year         = {2009},
-  pages        = {311--320},
-  organization = {IEEE},
-  title        = {{Kalman Graffi | LinkedIn}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
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-  author       = {James M Snell, Evan Prodromou},
-  title        = {{Activity Streams 2.0 - W3C Recommendation}},
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-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
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-  title        = {{Q4 2018 Earnings Report}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
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-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
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-  title        = {{Facebook Q4 2018 Results}},
-  howpublished = {\url{}},
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-  title        = {{An Update on Our Plans to Restrict Data Access on Facebook}},
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-  title        = {{Suspending Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group From Facebook}},
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-  title        = {{Unveiling AKASHA}},
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-  note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
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-  title     = {Computer Networks},
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-@Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}

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-Trotz zahlreicher Skandale um den Datenschutz in etablierten sozialen Netzwerken (Facebook, Google+), erfreuen sich die Plattformen noch immer großer Beliebtheit. Alternativen sozialen Netzwerken, die den Fokus auf den Schutz der Daten ihrer Benutzer gelegt haben, fehlt es an Attraktivität, sodass sie regelmäßig scheitern. Wenn die Nutzer den sozialen Netzwerken trotz mangelhaftem Datenschutz treu bleiben, müssen Wege gefunden werden, wie ihre Daten dennoch geschützt werden können. Ein hybrider Ansatz ermöglicht die gewohnte Nutzung der Plattform und verwendet einen weiteren Kommunikationsweg zum Austausch schützenswerter Daten.
-Das Ziel dieser Thesis war die Ausarbeitung eines Konzepts für ein hybrides \acf{OSN} sowie die Validierung durch einen Prototyp. Im Rahmen des Konzepts wurden die Interessen der Stakeholder aufgezeigt und Anforderungen an die hybride Lösung definiert. Für die Umsetzung wurden konkrete Lösungsstrategien für Architektur und Client benannt. Der Prototyp wurde als Android App für Twitter erstellt. Für einen sicheren Datenaustausch wurde das IPFS-Protokoll zur dezentralen Speicherung von Daten in Kombination mit der verteilte Datenbank GUN eingesetzt.
-Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass das Konzept umsetzbar ist und die definierten Ziele zu einer qualitativ hochwertigen Lösung führen. Der Hybrid \ac{OSN} Prototyp erfüllt die zuvor definierten Anforderungen nahezu vollständig. Für Likes und Tweets kann der Nutzer selbst entscheiden, ob über das offizielle Twitter Netzwerk oder das private Netzwerk die Daten mit anderen Nutzern geteilt werden sollen. Die Lösung ist nutzerfreundlich und bedarf nur minimalem Konfigurationsaufwand.

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Despite numerous scandals about data protection in established social networks (Facebook, Google+), the platforms still enjoy great popularity. Alternative social networks, which have focused on protecting the data of their users, lack attractiveness, so they regularly fail. If users remain loyal to social networks notwithstanding poor data protection, ways must be found to protect their data. A hybrid approach enables the natural use of the platform and uses another communication channel to exchange sensitive data.
-The goal of this thesis was to work out a concept for a hybrid \acf{OSN} and to validate it with a prototype. Within the scope of the concept, the interests of the stakeholders were identified, and requirements for the hybrid solution were defined. For the implementation, concrete solution strategies for architecture and client were mentioned. The prototype was created as an Android app for Twitter. For secure data exchange, the IPFS protocol for decentralized data storage in combination with the distributed GUN database was used.
-The result shows that the concept is implementable and that the defined goals lead to a high-quality solution. The Hybrid \ac{OSN} prototype meets the previously defined requirements almost entirely. For Likes and Tweets, the user can decide if the official Twitter network or the private network should be used for data exchange with other users. The solution is user-friendly and requires minimal configuration effort.

+ 0 - 23

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-The World Wide Web celebrated its 30th birthday in March 2019. From the beginning in 1989 up to now, the Internet has evolved and has changed the lives of many people forever. Thanks to digitalization, analog processes such as banking and shopping can now be handled conveniently online. Moreover, the ongoing technology improvements catalyze the digitalization and make it possible to be online almost anywhere. The Internet is also not stopping at the digitalization of social life. Social networks like MySpace and Facebook became popular at the beginning of the 2000s, enabling networking with other users and sharing personal content. Social networks are still very popular today. Facebook, the largest \acf{OSN}, has 2.3 billion active users per month, connecting almost a third of the world's population \cite{facebook2019reportq4}. With the use of such social platforms, the user makes himself transparent for the service provider of the \ac{OSN}. Personal data are a valuable asset whose protection is of particular importance. By using the platform and sharing this information, the user puts trust in the service provider. Trust that his data will be handled responsibly, stored securely, and not made available to third parties. However, the past has revealed that this is not always the case. Several incidents became public showing the lack of protection and the misuse of personal data on \acp{OSN}.
-Numerous scandals about data protection in \acp{OSN} have proven that user data are not sufficiently protected. In March 2018 it became known that the data of 87 million Facebook users were made available to the company Cambridge Analytica \cite{facebook2018cambridge-analytica}. During a security investigation in March 2019, Facebook found that the passwords of several hundred million users were stored unencrypted in plain text \cite{facebook2019passwords}. After an analysis by Google revealed a severe bug in the \ac{API} that allowed the personal data of 52.5 million users to be retrieved, they decided to close their platform Google+ \cite{google-plus2018shutdown}.
-However, although these circumstances are well known, users remain mostly loyal to their \ac{OSN}. As a result of the Cambridge Analytica incident, the number of daily Facebook users dropped only briefly in Europe but is in the meantime back on the previous level \cite{facebook2019reportq4}. Alternative \acp{OSN}, which focus on protecting their users' data, regularly fail to get a sufficiently large user base or establish a business model to ensure their operation. For example, the decentralized \ac{OSN} diaspora* has less than 700\,000 users after nine years and the \ac{OSN} OpenBook\footnote{} needed a second Kickstarter crowdfunding\footnote{} round after the first one failed \cite{openbookXXXXkickstarter}.
-The binding to the respective \ac{OSN} is so strong that switching to another, more secure \ac{OSN} does not seem to be an option. To improve the protection of users' data on existing platforms, other ways need to be examined. The Doctoral College \enquote{Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users} works on \enquote{Privacy and Trust in Social Networks (Research Area B)} and researches on the topic of increased privacy protection. Especially the subarea B.2 \enquote{Privacy Protection via Hybrid Social Networks} is about hybrid solutions which propose to add privacy-preserving approaches to established \acp{OSN}. The secure data exchange should be carried out via a \acf{P2P} overlay network. Since data play a prominent role in the business model of \acp{OSN}, it is necessary to provide anonymized data from the private network to keep the model running. As part of these researches, this work is motivated to provide a detailed concept for a hybrid solution to protect the user's data and verify the idea with a prototype. \cite{rtgXXXXarea-b,rtgXXXXarea-b2}
-The goal of this work is to define the requirements for a hybrid solution and to prove its feasibility in the form of a prototype. Within the scope of the concept for a hybrid solution, the requirements for the \ac{OSN}, the hybrid client app and the network for secure data exchange have to be defined as well as potential problems and limitations. Based on these requirements, the elaboration of solution strategies for the implementation is possible. 
-For the prototype, an Android application that exchanges private data with other users via a \ac{P2P} network is created. The previously defined requirements should be fulfilled in the best possible way. Both the selection of the \ac{OSN} and the technologies used need to be carefully evaluated.
-With the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app for Twitter, we present a solution that allows private data to be shared securely with other users of the same app without complicated configuration. Thus, everyone can protect their privacy and still use Twitter as before.
-The remainder of this thesis is structured as follows. In Chapter \ref{ch:background}, a comprehensive overview of different network and system architectures is given for a better understanding of this work. In particular, the basics of software system architectures and their characteristics are described, as well as \ac{P2P} networks and \acp{dApp}.  Chapter \ref{ch:related-work} is about relevant work on privacy protection and projects in the context of this thesis. In Chapter \ref{ch:concept}, the general concept of a hybrid \ac{OSN} is discussed, and requirements to the solution are defined. Furthermore, several solution strategies are carried out. Chapter \ref{ch:proof-of-concept} describes our implementation of the concept in the form of an Android app for the hybrid use of Twitter. The design decisions and architecture are considered as well.  Chapter \ref{ch:evaluation} evaluates the Hybrid \ac{OSN} prototype with the previously defined requirements. Besides, the limitations and threats are discussed. Finally, Chapter \ref{ch:conclusions} summarizes this work and gives an outlook for future work.

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-This chapter provides explanations and background information on relevant technologies for a better understanding of this work. This includes the characteristics of different software system architectures and their separation into centralized, decentralized and distributed structures. The basic concepts of \ac{P2P} networks are also described. Furthermore, the main concepts of \acp{dApp} and their special features are explained.
-\section{Software System Architecture}
-\section{Peer-to-Peer Networks}
-\section{Web 3.0 - Decentralized Applications (dApps)}

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-The term Web 1.0 refers to the beginnings of the Internet, which consisted of simple static web pages. The central idea was to present or consume content. The characteristic of Web 2.0 is the user's participation in the creation process. Thus, a series of platforms (blogs, social networks) was launched on which users can provide content and connect to each other. Typically, Web 2.0 platforms have a centralized structure, which entails the problems mentioned in the previous chapter. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web in March 2019, the initiator Tim Berners-Lee summed up that the Internet was misused - partly due to the system design \cite{berners-lee2019web30}.
-With the next version 3.0 of the web, more transparency, security, and fairness should be created. However, while there is broad agreement on what is meant by terms Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, there is no uniform definition of Web 3.0 that has prevailed to date. There are many ideas, but no final solution yet. An interpretation of what Web 3.0 is, is all about decentralization, hence it is also called the \acf{dWeb}. In this context, Web 3.0 is considered an umbrella term for a group of emerging technologies such as blockchain, crypto currencies, and distributed systems which are interconnected to create novel applications, so-called \acf{dApp}. Although decentralized applications have existed for a long time (e.g., BitTorrent), these applications do not meet the criteria of a \ac{dApp}.
-\subsection{Characteristics of a \ac{dApp}}
-As with client-server applications, a \ac{dApp} is divided into front and back end. The main difference is that the back end is not represented by a centralized server and thus a single point of failure, but by code that is executed in a decentralized \ac{P2P} network. In the back end so-called smart contracts are used to perform logical operations, and instead of a database, a blockchain is used. The front end can be created either as an app or website, but it is necessary that calls can be executed from the front end to the back end.
-Johnston et al. and Siraj Raval name the following four criteria for a \ac{dApp} \cite{johnston2015dapp,raval2016decentralized}:
-	\item \textbf{Open Source}: Trust and transparency are created by the disclosure of the source code. This also enables improvement through contributions from other developers.
-	\item \textbf{Blockchain based}: The data of the application are stored cryptographically in a public, decentralized blockchain. The immutability of the blockchain can be used in conjunction with smart contracts to build consensus and trust.
-	\item \textbf{Cryptographic token}: Certain actions in the network can only be performed by paying with a token. This token can either be purchased or given to the user in exchange for data, storage space or similar. Especially as a reward for positive actions, users should be rewarded with tokens. However, no entity should have control over the majority of the tokens.
-	\item \textbf{Token generation}: The application must generate tokens according to a standard cryptographic algorithm (e.g., Proof of Work and Proof of Stake Algorithm) or distribute them among the users at the beginning of its operation.
-In addition to the criteria of a \ac{dApp}, Johnston et al. also describe a classification system for \acp{dApp} considering if they have their own blockchain or they use another \ac{dApp}'s blockchain \cite{johnston2015dapp}:
-	\item \textbf{Type 1}: Use their own blockchain (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS).
-	\item \textbf{Type 2}: Protocols, to use another blockchain of type 1 with own tokens (e.g., Omni Protocol).
-	\item \textbf{Type 3}: Protocols with own tokens, which in turn use protocols of a \ac{dApp} of type 2.
-Over 1900 dApps use the Ethereum platform \cite{dappsXXXXstats} and in terms of market capitalization, 94 of the top 100 tokens base on Ethereum \cite{dappsXXXXtokens}. Ethereum is a public, decentralized blockchain and at the same time a system for the execution of smart contracts. The associated token is called \ac{ETH} and is required to execute the smart contracts on the \ac{EVM}. Since the storage of large amounts of data in the blockchain is expensive, the data are often stored elsewhere, and only one reference is written into the blockchain. \ac{IPFS} has become the preferred decentralized storage location. Examples of \acp{dApp} that use the Ethereum - \ac{IPFS} combination are the social networks Peepeth and AKASHA, which are introduced in the following chapter.
-Among the disadvantages of \acp{dApp} are the costs associated with actions and the handling of tokens. The tokens are stored in a wallet, and this wallet has to be accessible by the \ac{dApp}. Therefore, a special web browser or an extra browser add-on is required. Before the first usage, the user has to obtain the token somehow. The acquisition is usually complex and therefore represents a barrier for some users to use the application. Because of this, unfortunately, only experienced users can fulfill the prerequisites to use a \ac{dApp}.
-The advantages of a \ac{dApp} include not only reliability but also the avoidance of censorship and manipulation by design. Furthermore, there are no dependencies towards a service provider. However, the creation of a \ac{dApp} is complex and it is difficult to install updates and bugfixes. Currently, there are still very few \acp{dApp}, so interactions between different \acp{dApp} are not able to create synergy effects.

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-The distinctive feature of \ac{P2P} systems is that each participant has the role of both a server and a client. The participants are therefore equal and provide each other with services, what is reflected in the naming. \ac{P2P} networks are usually characterized as overlay networks over the Internet. Concerning the structure of the overlay network, a distinction is made between structured and unstructured networks. The \ac{P2P} principle became well-known in 1999 with the file-sharing application Napster. The software connected its users and allowed accessing (mainly copyrighted) songs among the participants without having to offer them from a central server. Popular applications of \ac{P2P} networks are file sharing (e.g., BitTorrent), instant messaging (e.g., Skype) and blockchain technology (e.g., Bitcoin).
-Their independence particularly characterizes \ac{P2P} networks: there are no control points and not necessarily a fixed infrastructure which leads to minimal operating costs. Besides, \ac{P2P} networks are self-organized and self-scaling, as each additional user contributes its resources. However, there are also some challenges in \ac{P2P} networks that need to be solved for successful operation. These include finding peers in the network (peer discovery) and finding resources (resource discovery). Especially in file sharing networks, solutions have to be found how to motivate users to upload data and not only use the download one-sidedly. The replication of data and the associated availability must also be taken into account in solutions. Another critical issue is the Internet connection of individual participants, which may not be powerful or permanent. \cite{tanenbaum2007distributed,Tanenbaum:2010:CN:1942194,kurose2005computer}
-\subsection{Unstructured \ac{P2P} Networks}
-In unstructured \ac{P2P} networks there are no specifications for the overlay network, so the peers are only loosely connected. Due to the loose structures, the failure of one peer has no significant influence on the function of the rest of the network. Another advantage of the unstructured topology is the lower vulnerability.
-While such loose structures are easy to create, the performance of the entire network suffers. A multicast request is sent to all connected peers, who forward the request again and flood the entire network. If a peer can respond to the request, it responds by the same route that the request used to reach it. Each request has a validity time (\ac{TTL}) before it is discarded. Popular files with wide distribution can thus be found quickly. However, rare files are difficult to find because the \ac{TTL} may has expired before the request could be completed. A flooding search is not efficient and provides a large amount of signaling traffic. An example of this approach is Gnutella.
-To address the problem of inefficient and complicated searching for resources, central points are created to answer the search requests. Network implementations using this structure are Napster, FastTrack, and BitTorrent. Figure \ref{fig:unstructured-p2p} shows a comparison of the search process in the respective networks.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth]{unstructured-p2p-networks}
-	\caption{File retrieval process in unstructured \ac{P2P} systems exemplary shown for Napster, Gnutella v0.4, FastTrack/Gnutella v0.6 and BitTorrent \cite{moltchanov2014p2p-networks}}
-	\label{fig:unstructured-p2p}
-\subsection{Structured \ac{P2P} Networks}
-In structured networks, compliance with the structure is strictly controlled. By defining a particular structure, for example a circle or a tree, search processes in the overlay network can be designed efficiently and deterministically. Routing algorithms determine how a node is arranged in the overlay network. The performance of the entire network depends directly on the arrangement of the nodes and how quick changes (joining and leaving nodes) are detected.
-Usually, the routing algorithms are based on a \ac{DHT}. Hash tables are data structures in which key-value pairs are stored, whereby the key must be unique. The corresponding value can then be queried via the key. The keys are ids, which are generated with a hash function (e.g., SHA-1). For the addresses of the nodes and the files, ids are created equally, so that they lie in the same address space. For finding a file, it is searched at the node with the same or the next larger id. If it is not available there, it does not exist on the network.
-For joining a network, either one or more peers must be known as the entry point, or this information must be obtained from a bootstrap server. When entering a structured network, the joining node is assigned a unique id and thus positions itself in the structure. The routing tables of the nodes affected by the structural change must then be updated. When leaving a network, this happens either planned, and all affected nodes are informed to update their routing tables, or unexpected. Therefore, nodes must always check the correctness of their routing tables.
-Known routing algorithms that use \acp{DHT} include Chrod\cite{stoica2003chord}, CAN\cite{ratnasamy2001scalable}, Pastry\cite{rowstron2001pastry}, Tapestry\cite{zhao2004tapestry} and Kademlia\cite{maymounkov2002kademlia}. Among other things, they differ in their distinct structure and the hash functions used.

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-The software system architecture describes the relationships and properties of individual software components. It is a model that describes a software on a high-level design. The structure of an architecture can be represented mathematically as a graph, with the nodes representing the individual software components and the edges their relationships to each other. Although the individual components can be executed on the same computer, they are usually interconnected via networks. In general, a distinction is made between centralized, decentralized and distributed architectures as shown in Figure \ref{fig:software-system-architecture}. In the following, the characteristics and peculiarities of the different architectures are described in detail. \cite{Tanenbaum:2010:CN:1942194, kurose2005computer}
-	\centering
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{architecture-centralized}
-		\caption{Centralized}
-		\label{fig:architecture-centralized}	
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{architecture-decentralized}
-		\caption{Decentralized}
-		\label{fig:architecture-decentralized}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{architecture-distributed}
-		\caption{Distributed}
-		\label{fig:architecture-distributed}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\caption{Schematic representation of various software system architectures. In centralized applications (a), all clients (blue) are in connection with a central server (red), while in decentralized applications (b) several servers provide for improved stability. In distributed applications (c), all nodes have the same role with the same tasks, hence they are called peers (green).}
-	\label{fig:software-system-architecture}
-\subsection{Centralized Applications}
-In a centralized application (see Figure \ref{fig:architecture-centralized}), the software essentially runs on a central node with a static address with which all other nodes communicate. This central node is called a server and the nodes connected to it are called clients. The clients use the services of the server. Typically, web applications are designed as centralized applications. The clients are usually (mobile) apps or browsers that act as the interface to the user. Examples are social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
-The advantages of a centralized architecture include that new clients can easily join the system simply by connecting to the server. Also, the maintenance of the software is easy to perform, since only the server node needs to be updated. These structures are also advantageous for the speed and the associated user experience since servers are generally reachable via fast connections, have sufficient resources and do not need to use complicated routes across several nodes. Due to the special role of the server, the authentication of a client in the system is easy to perform. Only the server has to check whether the client performs the actions to which it is authorized and can intervene if necessary. If a client is offline, this has no negative impact on the architecture because the software essentially runs on the server. Clients only need to have low resources.
-The biggest disadvantage with this architecture is that failure or the blockade of the server leads to a collapses of the entire system. So, the server is the single point of failure of the whole system. Due to the design, the server has all the data. This makes him not only a popular target for hackers but also brings the clients into total dependency on the server. With regard to web platforms like Facebook, having access to all the data can be used to provide an improved user experience by adapting the software to the user's needs. But it can also be used for targeted advertising or sensible data can even get sold to third parties. Furthermore, the server decides which data to send to the client, which brings with it the danger of censorship. As the number of clients increases, the server must scale to have sufficient resources.
-\subsection{Decentralized Applications}
-What are the advantages and disadvantages of centralized applications, is mostly reversed in decentralized systems. Unlike centralized applications, decentralized applications do not have a single point of failure (see Figure \ref{fig:architecture-decentralized}). However, there is no node in the system that has all the data which makes accessing information sometimes hard. There are any number of nodes that perform the tasks of a server and by exchanging with other servers in total form a complete system.
-Another advantage is that each server only handles the number of users covered by its resources. New servers contribute additional resources to the overall system. Distributed applications cannot be disabled easily because a new server can be started at any time that does not fall under a lock. Because the data are not centrally available, they cannot be processed, so that user data are better protected. Also, there is no longer a prominent attack target. Hence, hacking a single server loses lucrativeness.
-The drawbacks include the difficulty of finding data because they are spread across multiple servers. Search functionalities are thus hard to implement. If a server is taken offline, the data are no longer available, even if the system itself remains functional. To tackle this issue, data needs to be replicated. Since there is no longer a central point that is managed by an operator, rolling out updates is difficult. This raises the challenge that server nodes of different versions of the same application can still work together.
-Examples of decentralized applications are the social networks diaspora* and Mastodon. In these networks, each user can operate a server on his own. Unlike Facebook, the decision on the existence of the service is therefore not in the control of the operator, but the user.
-\subsection{Distributed Applications}
-A feature of distributed applications is the computation across all nodes (see Figure \ref{fig:architecture-distributed}). At the same time, a single task is executed in parallel on several nodes of a system, and the entire system delivers the result in total. The boundaries between decentralized and distributed networks are blurred. A decentralized network consisting only of servers corresponds quasi to a distributed network. In distributed applications, there is no hierarchy with servers or clients. Each node is equal to the other nodes with everyone performing the same tasks. For this reason, a node in this architecture is called a peer. The structure is then referred to as \acf{P2P}. With such structures, there are no scaling problems, since each node contributes the required resources itself. BitTorrent is an application that belongs to this architecture type. It solves the problem of downloading large files efficiently. When downloading a file, it is offered by several nodes so that different pieces can be loaded in parallel from various sources in difference to \ac{HTTP} where only one source provides the file. Each peer not only downloads files but also provides files to other users. In order to avoid that nodes solely download (so-called Leechers) but also contribute, they are penalized with slow download speeds. This principle is known as \textit{tit for tat}.
-Table \ref{tab:comparison-architectures} compares the main features of the different architectures as described before.
-	\centering
-	\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X|c|c|c|}
-		\cline{2-4}
-		& \multicolumn{1}{l|}{Centralized Systems} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{Decentralized Systems} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{Distributed Systems} \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{Scalability}                                                  &                                          & +                                          & ++                                       \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{Maintenance}                                                  & ++                                       & +                                          &                                          \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}System Stability\end{tabular}}  &                                          & +                                          & ++                                       \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{Performance}                                                  & ++                                       & +                                          &                                          \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Data Availability\end{tabular}} & ++                                       & +                                          &                                          \\ \hline
-	\end{tabularx}
-	\caption{Comparison of different software system architectures on scalability, maintenance, system stability, performance, and data availability. The pluses indicate how positive something is relative to the other systems.}
-	\label{tab:comparison-architectures}

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-\chapter{Related Work}
-This chapter gives a comprehensive overview of different projects trying to protect the users' personal data in \acp{OSN}. Hereby, six different approaches are presented. First, extensions are considered which increase the security of established social networks. Then, alternative social networks will be presented that have placed the protection of personal data at the center. Furthermore, two next-generation social networks will be considered, which take advantage of the blockchain technology and belong to the group of dApps. Finally, the ActivityPub protocol is presented, which maps the communication in decentralized platforms. The chapter concludes with a summary of the related work.
-% For each project, write about
-% - how is data stored
-% - how is communication realized
-% - how is data accessed (authorization)
-% Extensions for better privacy
-\section{Privacy through Extensions}
-Existing connections to other people and already created content can bind users to platforms. This so-called lock-in effect prevents users from switching to another platform. If switching to another platform is not an option, how can the use of the platforms be made more secure and user data better protected? In the following, two approaches (Twitterize and FaceCloak) are presented, which try to increase the privacy and anonymity on Facebook and Twitter.
-% Privacy-protecting Social Networks
-\section{Privacy-protecting Social Networks}
-In the business models of the large, popular \acp{OSN}, user data plays an essential role. The data are evaluated and used to make a profit, for example through personalized advertising. Anonymity and the protection of privacy are not among the overriding objectives. 
-In the following, two social networks, diaspora* and LifeSocial.KOM are presented, which have placed the protection of data at the center.
-% dApps
-\section{\acp{dApp} - The Next Generation Social Networks}
-As mentioned in Chapter \ref{sec:dapps}, \acp{dApp} use emerging technologies, like the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, to build decentralized applications. With Peepeth and AKASHA, two \ac{dApp} \acp{OSN} are presented in this chapter. They both use Ethereum as blockchain and \ac{IPFS} to store data.
-% Protocols
-This part is about protocols that describe communication in decentralized applications. With the rise of the decentralized \ac{OSN} Mastodon, the ActivityPub protocol became popular which is introduced in the following.
-% Summary

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-ActivityPub is a protocol published by the \ac{W3C} in January 2018 as an official standard \cite{w3c2018activity-pub}. The protocol regulates communication within an open, decentralized social network. There are two levels: client to server (Social \ac{API}) and server to server (Federation Protocol). The two protocols are designed in such a way that they can be used independently of each other. If one of them is implemented, it is easy to implement the other. The Activity Streams \cite{w3c2017activity-streams} data format is used to describe activities in \ac{JSON-LD} format. This data format is also an official \ac{W3C} standard with the aim to record meta data of an action in a human-friendly but machine-processable syntax.
-The principle behind ActivityPub is similar to that of e-mail. Servers can be uniquely identified via the domain. Within a server, each mailbox is accessible via a unique name. Thus, users can communicate with each other via different servers by having their messages forwarded to their mailbox.
-\subsubsection{Client to Server (Social \ac{API})}
-Users are called actors in ActivityPub and are represented by an associated account on the server. Since there can be several servers, it is important to emphasize that an account is bound to one server and user names must always be unique only within a server. Each actor has an inbox and an outbox on the server on which he is registered with his account. These are the two endpoints with which the client application communicates via \ac{HTTP} requests. More is not necessary, because the server ensures that all messages and information for the user end up in his inbox and that the messages in his outbox are forwarded to the desired recipients (see\,\ref{sec:federation-protocol}). For ensuring that only authorized clients store content in an outbox, the sender must sign the posts.
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{activitypub-communication}
-	\caption{Concept of the Social \ac{API} protocol: The actor fetches messages with an \ac{HTTP} GET request to his inbox and posts messages using an \ac{HTTP} POST request. The inbox is filled by \ac{HTTP} POST requests from other actors. \cite{w3c2018activity-pub}}
-	\label{fig:activitypub-communication}
-The outbox of an actor holds all his published posts. When accessing the an actor's outbox without authorization, the server delivers all public posts of the actor. If access with authorization occurs, the explicitly shared content is also transmitted. The corresponding actors can only access their own inbox. On access, the messages are downloaded from the server. New messages get in the inbox per \ac{HTTP} POST request from another server.
-Each actor has some so-called collections. Objects (depends on the collection, e.g., accounts, posts) can be removed or added to the collections. The collections are used to store information related to an actor. These are the collections each actor has:
-	\item \textbf{Followers Collection}: List of actors who have posted the actor a follow-activity and follow him. Can be used as addressee when sharing a post.
-	\item \textbf{Following Collection}: List of actors followed by an actor and whose content he is interested in
-	\item \textbf{Liked Collection}: List of all objects the actor has liked
-The following interactions are defined between the client and the server, but some of them are optional to implement: Create, Update, Delete, Follow, Add (add an object to a collection), Remove (remove an object from a collection), Like, Block, Undo. To address the activities, \textit{to}, \textit{bto}, \textit{cc}, \textit{bcc} provide the same possibilities as they are known from e-mail. The server then has to ensure that the activity also reaches the addressed actors.
-\subsubsection{Server to Server (Federation Protocol)}
-This protocol defines the exchange of activities between actors of different servers. The network between the servers with all actors is called a social graph. The interactions defined in the Social \ac{API} must be implemented by the server so that they reach the addressed actors. The starting point is always the outbox of an actor. A new activity is created using an \ac{HTTP} POST request to the outbox. If, for example, the follower collection of the actor is selected as the addressee, the server has to ensure that every actor in the follower collection receives the activity in its inbox. The recipients and their addresses can be found by following the links in the activities. It is also up to the server to ensure that there is no duplication of content.
-\subsubsection{Application Examples}
-The most popular application example is the social network Mastodon\footnote{}. Mastodon is a decentralized network based on free and open source software. Everyone is invited to host their own platform. With currently 2 million users it is the most significant implementation of the ActivityPub Protocol \cite{mastodonXXXXstats}. The Federation Protocol is used for communication between the individual servers. The Social \ac{API} is not used, instead Mastodon offers its own \ac{API}\footnote{} for communication with the client.
-Networking with other users is not limited to mastodon instances. Each service that has implemented the ActivityPub Protocol allows its actors to network with actors of entirely different applications because the communication is standardized. So it is possible without problems to follow an actor of the video platform PeerTube\footnote{} as Mastodon actor and be notified when he uploads a new video there.
-In addition to cross-platform networking, another advantage is caused by decentralization and independence. No matter what happens to Mastodon, the network can still exist and, thanks to the open protocols and open source software, it can be developed and used without restrictions. If Facebook would go offline, all contacts would be lost, and the platform would never be accessible again.

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-In early 2015, Mihai Alisie (co-founder of Ethereum) had the idea for AKASHA. AKASHA is a social network that differs from other known social networks mainly in its decentralization and use of the blockchain. The absence of a central server meant that censorship was ruled out by design. This is realized by the two technologies Ethereum and the \acf{IPFS}. Electron, React, Redux, and NodeJS complete the technology stack so that the primary programming language is JavaScript \cite{akasha2016unveiling}. In addition to Mihai Alisie, ten other employees work at AKASHA. Furthermore, the founders of Ethereum (Vitalik Buterin) and \ac{IPFS} (Juan Benet) advise the project \cite{akasha2016advisors}.
-Alisie sees AKASHA as \enquote{the missing puzzle piece that will enable us to tackle two of the most critical challenges we face today as a modern information-based society: freedom of expression and creative perpetuity}\cite{akasha2016unveiling}. The central goal is therefore to prevent censorship and to obtain information over a long period.
-AKASHA offers the typical functionalities known from other social networks. These include creating a profile and connect with other profiles. Posting content and commenting on other entries. Furthermore, there is a message system and the possibility to tip other users. Instead of a central server, AKASHA uses the Ethereum testnet Rinkeby and \ac{IPFS} to store data, so AKASHA can be called a \ac{dApp}. The messaging system is implemented via Whisper. \ac{ETH} is required to execute all actions in order to write to the blockchain, but this can be easily requested in the test network.
-After a proof of concept had validated the idea, the technology stack mentioned above was defined, and development began at the beginning of 2016. The first goal was to create a client based on Electron for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. In January 2017, the first functional alpha version was completed and tested with a closed circle of users. Over time, additional functions were added, bugs fixed, and performance optimized. In November 2017, a web version of AKASHA\footnote{} was introduced. This was a big step towards a better user experience since the web client does not need to download the Ethereum Rinkeby blockchain which took around 30\,minutes on the first run. But, the web version only works in browsers running MetaMask and \ac{IPFS} Companion extensions. The public beta phase started in February 2018 with the primary goal to see how the application behaves under heavy load. \cite{akasha2016unveiling,akasha2017horizons}
-With the announcement of the web version, the team behind AKASHA also introduced their own AETH token. This token has the unique feature that it can take different states. By locking AETH, the user receives \textit{Mana} which regenerates every day as long as the AETH remains locked. Performing interactions, for example liking, commenting or publishing posts, consumes \textit{Mana} and \ac{ETH}, but not AETH. When \textit{Mana} is used to vote for something, the content's author receives the same amount as \textit{Essence} which can be converted into new AETH tokens. The third state is called \textit{Karma} and functions as a all time score of received \textit{Essence} even though it has been used to mint AETH. \textit{Karma} is necessary to unlock new features inside AKASHA. \cite{akasha2017horizons}
-%With the announcement of the web version, the team behind AKASHA also released plans for their AETH token. This token should have the unique feature that it can take different states. The state transition from one state to the other is only possible as shown in Figure \ref{fig:akasha-aeth-transitions}. The developers describe the states as follows:
-%	\item \textbf{AETH} is a transferable, ERC 20 compatible token, living on the Rinkeby test network
-%	\item \textbf{Mana} is non-transferable and is obtained by locking AETH for X time at Y ratio (Manafied AETH). The Mana amount regenerates every day for as long as AETH remains locked, in a \enquote{Manafied} state.
-%	\item \textbf{Essence} is non-transferable and is obtained through positive contributions. It can be burned to mint new AETH into existence. When people use their Mana to vote on artifacts, the authors can collect the burned Mana as Essence.
-%	\item \textbf{Karma} is not a state, but rather a score tracking user contributions. For every unit of Essence collected, the user receives also Karma. Karma is used for defining milestones, thresholds and unlocking functionality within the \ac{dApp}.
-%	\centering
-%	\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{aeth-flow}
-%	\caption{AETH flow}
-%	\label{fig:akasha-aeth-transitions}
-After a long period of silence, the entire project was converted in January 2019, almost three years after the start. The domain changed from to, and the focus shifted from a social network to an umbrella organization that unites several projects. In the AKASHA blog, Alisie writes about metamorphosis and compares the change from a caterpillar to a butterfly \cite{akasha2019metamorphosis}. The alpha and beta phases are said to have corresponded to the caterpillar phase, the second half of 2018 to the chrysalis stage, and now the butterfly is supposed to unfold with all its beauty. However, it is left open how the new orientation will look like and how the social network will continue. On the website, there is a software section as well as a hardware section. But, there is no content available yet.
-The public launch of the social network in version 1.0 was planned for the fourth quarter of 2018. With this launch, the change from the Rinkeby test network to the Ethereum main network should also be completed \cite{akasha2017horizons}. It is currently unknown when the public launch will take place.

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-Inspired by a lecture on surveillance in centralized social networks by Eben Moglen on 5$^{th}$ February 2010, the four mathematics students from New York University Grippi, Salzberg, Sofaer and Zhitomirskiy had the idea for diaspora* \cite{diaspora2010kickstarter-pitch}. Diaspora* is a decentralized social network with the following special features:
-	\item \textbf{Decentralization}: Everyone can start their server with the diaspora* software and be part of the network. Alternatively, there are public servers accepting registrations from everyone, so there is no need to set up an own instance of diaspora* to participate in the network.
-	\item \textbf{Privacy}: By running a server, the data remains with the user. Furthermore, it is possible to determine which users can see content.
-	\item \textbf{Open Source}: The source code is disclosed and hosted on GitHub\footnote{}. The transparency created in this way ensures trust in diaspora*.
-For funding the development of diaspora*, \$ 10\,000 should be crowdfunded on Kickstarter\footnote{}. The project was very well received so that after 14 days the target was reached \cite{diaspora2010wemadeit} and in the end, a total of \$ 200\,641 was donated. In November 2010, the first alpha version of diaspora* was released. One year later there was a prominent feature update. In May 2012 it was announced that the diaspora* development should be continued within the Y Combinator start-up program\cite{diaspora2012y-combinator}. Due to the commercial influence, there were fears that diaspora* could lose its independence. In August 2012, the developers announced that diaspora* is henceforth a community project \cite{diaspora2012community-announcement}.
-The diaspora* back end is written in Ruby, the front end to the user is a website. A server running diaspora* is called pod. Each pod has its own domain, so users of a pod have a username similar to an e-mail address (for example, Diaspora* has the typical functionalities of a social network (hashtags, @ mentions, likes, comments, private messages). What marked a peculiarity at the time of diaspora*'s appearance are so-called aspects. Aspects are groupings of contacts that can be specified as a target audience when posting content. Only the contacts associated with the aspect can see the post.
-For staying in contact with friends on other platforms like social networks (Facebook, Twitter) or blogs (Tumblr, Wordpress), the initial idea was to connect these platforms. Data exchange should work both ways. Posts published on diaspora* should also appear on other platforms at the same time. Also, posts from the other networks should be viewed in diaspora*. Diaspora* should play the role of a social media hub. Unfortunately, the \acp{API} of some platforms have become increasingly limited as instances of misuse of the interfaces have become public.
-The data of the users are stored unencrypted on a pod so that someone having access to the database can see them \cite{diasporaXXXXfaq-users}. In order to protect his own data in the best possible way, the operation of a separate diaspora* instance is necessary. The communication between the pods is encrypted with \ac{SSL} protocol \cite{diasporaXXXXfaq-users}. Furthermore, the exchanged messages are first signed (Salmon Magic Signatures), then symmetrically encrypted with \ac{AES}-256-\ac{CBC} \cite{diasporaXXXXmagic-signatures}. The \ac{AES} key is encrypted with the public key of the recipient and sent together with the encrypted message.
-Diaspora* does not use the ActivityPub protocol (see Chapter \ref{sec:activitypub}), but its own diaspora* federation protocol\cite{diasporaXXXXprotocol}. Other platforms such as Friendica\footnote{}, Hubzilla\footnote{} or Socialhome\footnote{} can also communicate via the diaspora* federation protocol. There is no official \ac{API}, which makes app development difficult. Diaspora* points out that the website is also usable on mobile devices, so there is no need for a native application \cite{diasporaXXXXfaq-users}.
-According to the statistics of on 24$ ^{th} $ February 2019, 679\,723 users were registered on a total of 251 pods. Over the last 12 months, 19\,591 new users have joined the network. In January 2019, only 30\,042 (4.4\,\%) users were active. However, the numbers are incomplete, as some pods do not share information and there may be more than the 251 listed pods. \cite{diasporaXXXXstats}

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-Researchers Luo, Xiu, and Hengartner of the University of Waterloo in Ontario propose an architecture to protect personal information on social networking platforms \cite{luo2009facecloak}. Protection is achieved by transmitting fake data to the social network server and storing the real data encrypted on a third party server. Authorized users can then replace the fake data with the correct data when they visit the site containing protected data. The prerequisite is that all users use a specific browser extension that communicates with the third party server and replaces content. In concrete terms, this was implemented for Facebook and both a server and an extension for the Firefox browser were created and successfully tested.
-\subsubsection{Design Principles}
-FaceCloak's design is based on the following four principles:
-	\item \textbf{Preservation of normal browsing experience}: In order to provide the best possible user experience, the solution should function largely automatically and require only a minimum of interaction.
-	\item \textbf{No server-side changes}: The mechanism for protecting personal data should not require any server-side changes.
-	\item \textbf{Self-containment and minimal user configuration}: Regardless of the technical abilities of a user, the configuration effort (e.g. the installation of a certain software) should be limited to a minimum and be feasible by everyone.
-	\item \textbf{Incremental deployment}: Compatibility between users with and without using the special extension should always be ensured and should never prevent users from no longer being able to contact each other.
-\subsubsection{FaceCloak Architecture}
-After validating several available solutions for personal data protection, the researchers decided that a client-side architecture was the best solution for automatic protection. Figure \ref{fig:facecloak-architecture} shows this architecture schematically.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{facecloak-architecture}
-	\caption{Schematic representation of the Setup Phase (1), Encryption Phase (2) and Decryption Phase (3) and the data flow taking place between the entities in FaceCloak's architecture. \cite{luo2009facecloak}}
-	\label{fig:facecloak-architecture}
-During the setup phase, the browser extension is installed, and the encryption keys are generated. Afterwards, the keys for decryption are shared with the trusted contacts. In phase two, when data worthy of protection is stored, it is transmitted in encrypted form to a third party server and stored there. Only fake data are transmitted to the social network server. In phase three, whenever an authorized contact calls up a profile page and fake data are transmitted by the social network, the extension takes care of the replacement with the real data.
-In addition to adhering to the above design principles, the proposed architecture makes the following contributions:
-	\item The functionality of the service and the interface is not limited by the use of FaceCloak.
-	\item The user decides which information should be protected and which not.
-	\item The architecture can be applied to any social network.
-\subsubsection{FaceCloak for Facebook}
-To protect the privacy of Facebook users, Luo, Xiu, and Hengartner have created a Firefox browser extension according to the previously described architecture, as well as a server application for storing encrypted real data \cite{facecloakXXXXdownload}. The extension uses \ac{AES} and a key length of 128 bits to encrypt the data. The indices for the encrypted data are calculated using SHA-1. The authors propose an e-mail for the key exchange. For this purpose, the browser extension automatically generates e-mail texts and recipient lists and forwards them to the standard e-mail client. The recipients then have to store the received keys in the extension manually.
-In order to protect data with FaceCloak, the prefix @@ must be added to the information in a text field. For other form elements such as dropdowns, radio buttons or checkboxes, the extension creates additional options that also start with @@. When submitting the form, the extension intervenes and replaces the data marked with @@ with fake data. The data to be protected are encrypted with the stored keys and transferred as a key-value pair to the third party server where it is stored. FaceCloak can protect all profile information, but only for name, birthday, and gender algorithms for the meaningful creation of fake data are implemented. In addition to profile information, the extension can also protect Facebook Wall and Facebook Notes data. The contents of arbitrary Wikipedia articles are transmitted as fake data to avoid attracting attention with random and unusual character strings.
-When loading a profile page that contains protected data, the extension with asynchronous \ac{HTTP} requests retrieves the information from the third party server, decrypts it, and replaces the fake data. A large part of the replacement can thus be performed during the load process so that the user does not see the fake data. However, since Facebook also loads content asynchronously, some replacements can only be performed with a time delay and the fake data are shortly visible.
-The keys have to be transferred to all devices and stored in the extension to use the same account. It is not possible to use multiple accounts with the same Firefox profile, as all data are stored in the extension and these are always bound to exactly one Facebook account.
-The latest version 0.6 from August 2010 cannot be installed in the current Firefox (version 65). Furthermore, it is unknown if the server is still running. Therefore it is not possible to check if the extension still works. Due to the numerous updates and sometimes severe changes that Facebook has experienced in the last eight years, it is doubtful  that the extension will still function today. At that time, however, it was successfully applied and proved that the proposed architecture worked.

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-Kalman Graffi and his team researched a \ac{P2P} based social network in the Multimedia Communications Lab at Technische Universität Darmstadt. From the service provider's point of view, the aim was to save operating costs, and from the user's point of view to ensure secure communication. Concerning the scope of functions, the \ac{P2P} \ac{OSN} should not be inferior to the famous, centralized \ac{OSN}s.
-First, research on basic topics was necessary before creating the \ac{P2P} \ac{OSN} LifeSocial. In the following, the framework and its data structure \cite{graffi2008distributed}, the implementation of the security requirements \cite{graffi2009security} and the monitoring of the network \cite{graffi2009monitoring} are presented. Finally, the presentation of the LifeSocial prototype \cite{graffi2011lifesocial} follows.
-\subsubsection{Platform and Architecture}
-Initially, Graffi et al. designed a framework for \ac{P2P}-based multimedia online communities. The framework uses a multi-layer architecture where the respective layers communicate only with their direct subordinate and superordinate layers (see Figure \ref{fig:lifesocial-architecture}). To create a structured \ac{P2P} network, FreePastry\footnote{} was used, which implements Pastry \cite{rowstron2001pastry}. The PAST extension is used for the storage and replication of data objects. For PAST, additional functionality for deleting entries in the \ac{DHT} by overwriting them with empty objects has been added.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{lifesocial-framework}
-	\caption{Layered architecture as used in the framework for \ac{P2P} based social networks by Graffi et al. \cite{graffi2008distributed}}
-	\label{fig:lifesocial-architecture}
-The task of the Storage Dispatcher is to perform the store, get and delete operations. If a peer is unreachable, the storage dispatcher will determine this and start a new storage job. The Message Dispatcher provides a service for higher layers to exchange information from plugin to plugin. It is used to send and receive messages.
-The Information Cache works like a local \ac{DHT}. For all requested object ids there is an entry consisting of timestamp and state (in cache, requested or not available). Thus, higher layers get a fast response and are not blocked by waiting for the data. Missing data objects are requested periodically by the Information Cache until they are retrieved.
-The layers introduced so far provide the basis for the plugin layer. Plugins are small building blocks that contribute a specific functionality and have an interface for interaction with the user. A distinction is made between mandatory and optional plugins. Mandatory plugins must be available on every peer while the user freely chooses optional plugins. Plugins can be dynamically loaded into the system at runtime and represent a simple extension option for the \ac{OSN}'s functionality. The User Interface as the top layer represents the entirety of all plugin interfaces of the \ac{OSN}.
-The framework is implemented in Java, and the OSGi framework was chosen to load plugins at runtime.
-\subsubsection{Data Structure}
-In order to store the data effectively, Graffi introduced the Distributed Linked List data type, which meets the complex requirements of a \ac{P2P} \ac{OSN} and is storable in a \ac{DHT}. Each storage object has a unique id for identification that consists of a plugin id and other plugin-specific information (see Figure \ref{fig:lifesocial-data-structure}). For example, the id of a data object about user Alice photo albums is obtained as a hash from \texttt{photoplugin:albumsof+user:alice}. The data object also contains pointers to other objects (photo album to individual images) or data (metadata or binary data).
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{lifesocial-data-structure}
-	\caption{An example for the use of the data type Distributed Linked List. The user albums object on the left points to several album data objects which again point to the image objects. Each object has a unique id and a body to store data. \cite{graffi2008distributed}}
-	\label{fig:lifesocial-data-structure}
-When registering, a new user enters a user name and password. The password is used to generate a key pair for asymmetric encryption. The public key serves as user id and node id at the same time. All data are encrypted for secure and authenticated communication. A new symmetric key is generated for each data object (so-called \texttt{SharedItem}) and used to encrypt the data. The symmetric key is then encrypted asymmetrically with the recipient's public keys and added to the shared item to an \ac{ACL}. Users who are not in the \ac{ACL} cannot decrypt the symmetric keys and therefore have no access to the data. Finally, the shared item is signed by the author. Signed \texttt{SharedItems} are called \texttt{CryptedItems}.
-LifeSocial is based on the previously described framework. The software runs under Windows, Linux, and MacOS.  For mobile devices, there is no client app. Figure \ref{fig:lifesocial-screenshots} shows two screenshots of the LifeSocial \ac{GUI}. The code of LifeSocial is not publicly accessible (closed source).
-	\centering
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.49\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{lifesocial-screenshot-01}	
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.49\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{lifesocial-screenshot-02}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\caption{Screenshots of the LifeSocial GUI showing multiple plugins for profile, friends, message system and photos \cite{graffi2011lifesocial}}
-	\label{fig:lifesocial-screenshots}
-All functionalities (login, profile, friends, groups, and more) are designed as plugins to load them dynamically. Besides the usual social media functionalities, there are also plugins for file exchange, games (Tic Tac Toe) or a whiteboard. A separate store is planned, where users can download additional plugins.
-Graffi moved to the University of Paderborn in 2011 and has been a professor at the University of Düsseldorf since 2012 \cite{graffiXXXXlinkedin}. LifeSocial has since been renamed to LibreSocial and has been looking for participants for an alpha test on their website\footnote{} since 2016. The screenshots on the LibreSocial website show a completely overhauled user interface with a web front end. Since the project website was not changed since May 2016 and there were no further publications, the current status is unclear.

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-Bevan Barton created Peepeth and launched the platform in March 2018. Peepeth\footnote{} is a microblogging platform that is very similar to Twitter in functionality and design. There are also other parallels to Twitter: Instead of a blue bird in the logo, Peepeth uses a penguin and instead of \textit{tweeting} users \textit{peep}. The maximum post length is limited to 280 characters, which has no technical cause but was taken over from Twitter. The main difference to Twitter is the decentralization.
-From Peepeth's point of view, social media is broken. The major problem is, that \ac{OSN} service providers control the online identities of users, sell their data, and violate their privacy. The news feeds are manipulated to drive the user to a higher level of interaction at any price. Besides, the platforms are teeming with trolls, bullying and flame wars. Barton wants to counter these grievances. Therefore there is no advertising on Peepeth and no use of the user data for any purpose. 
-The website is the front end of a \ac{dApp}, which uses the Eteherum blockchain and \ac{IPFS}. This front end can theoretically be exchanged arbitrarily, and Peepeth's data can be read and written because of the open blockchain protocol. No Ethereum test network is used, but the main network. The execution of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain is associated with costs. Peepeth pays the fee for its users. The necessary capital was collected via a crowdfunding campaign. However, when accounts distribute spam, Peepeth no longer carries the price for writing to the blockchain. The resulting charge should make spamming unattractive and reduce it to a minimum. Although Peepeth covers the costs, the user has to sign the transactions. Therefore, Peepeth requires a \ac{dApp} browser (e.g., Opera) or a browser that has been extended by a wallet (e.g., using MetaMask browser extension). \cite{peepeth2018free,peepeth2018free2,peepeth2018free3}
-In order to keep transaction fees low, the actions executed on Peepeth are collected on the server hosting the front end and written to the blockchain in batches every hour. Several actions are bundled in one file and transaction. The actual contents are written as \ac{JSON} file to \ac{IPFS} and only the reference hash is stored on the blockchain. \cite{peepeth2018free2}
-While the smart contracts are open source, the front end is closed source. So it is impossible to understand what is happening on the server hosting the front end Image files are not only stored in \ac{IPFS} but also mirrored at \acf{AWS} to provide a better user experience. The client does not communicate directly with \ac{IPFS}, but the server behind the front end communicates with the two back end technologies \ac{IPFS} and Ethereum blockchain, as shown in Figure \ref{fig:peepeth-architecture}.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{peepeth-architecture}
-	\caption{System architecture of Peepeth. The front end website communicates with a back end server and loads images from \ac{AWS}. The back end is connected to the Ethereum blockchain and \ac{IPFS}.}
-	\label{fig:peepeth-architecture}
-The data written to the Ethereum blockchain cannot be deleted or modified. For Barton, this immutability is an advantage since everyone is forced to be aware of his actions and the self-confidence for his actions is sharpened \cite{peepethXXXXabout}. Furthermore, this fact of immutability is the main argument for freedom of expression and against censorship. However, not all messages are presented in the Peepeth front end. If they violate Peepeth's terms of use, a filter will sort them out. Peepeth calls this procedure \enquote{moderation} and argues that this is by no means to be understood as censorship, but much more \enquote{on cultivating mindful engagement and positive contribution} \cite{peepethXXXXmoderation}.
-In addition to writing short messages, it is possible to like posts. However, there is only one like per day available, a so-called \textit{Ensō}. \enquote{Ensō (Japanese for \enquote{circle}) is a circle that is hand-drawn in one uninhibited brushstroke. It represents creativity, freedom of expression, and unity} \cite{peepethXXXXabout}. The resulting rarity should express the particular appreciation of a contribution. Furthermore, good content from other users can be rewarded with a tip. 10\,\% of the tip are taken to finance Peepeth. \cite{peepethXXXXabout}
-On 29$ ^{th} $ January 2019, Peepeth had 4\,055 users who posted a total of 66\,262 Peeps \cite{peepehtXXXXstats}. To get access, potential users have to apply first and receive a sign-up link by email to join the platform after some time. Upon the invitation of an active user, new users can join directly without waiting time. Users can verify themselves with their existing Github and Twitter accounts. In the future, it will be possible to use further platforms for the verification of an account. To verify an account, the user must post a \enquote{special message}, which also contains his Ethereum address. The link to this post must then be handed over to a smart contract, which confirms the ownership of the account.
-The next milestone of Peepeth is to increase the user experience as it was communicated in the crowdfunding campaign. The first milestone has already been reached, which was the coverage of the users' fees for writing to the blockchain. Therefore, the complexity was massively decreased since no user has to buy \ac{ETH} first. The next steps are the use without special software requirements (renouncement of particular browsers or MetaMask) and the development of an iOS app. However, only 177 bakers donated 140.56 \ac{ETH} from the required 1\,000 \ac{ETH}. It is unclear to what extent the desired goals will now be achieved. \cite{peepethXXXXcrowdfunding}

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-The relevant work was divided into four groups. Twitterize and FaceCloak are among the extensions that make the use of existing \acp{OSN} more secure. Twitterize forms an overlay network for hashtags on Twitter that allows secure and anonymous communication. The browser extension Facecloak protects privacy by transmitting fake data to the Facebook servers, which are recognized when displayed and replaced by the real data. The decentralized social networks diaspora* and LifeSocial promise the protection of data through their decentralized design. The LifeSocial application creates a \ac{P2P} network among the participants, so no additional servers are necessary. Each user provides resources so that the network scales automatically. The diaspora* application runs on servers and is accessible via a web front end. Each user can operate his own diaspora* instance and thus manage his data. Emerging technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies are used to create \acp{dApp}. In this chapter two social network \acp{dApp} AKASHA and Peepeth were introduced. Both use the Ethereum blockchain and the IPFS protocol to store data. Finally, the ActivityPub protocol was presented, which defines communication in decentralized social networks.

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-With Twitterize, Daubert et al. present an approach on how a particular overlay network can protect data and anonymously exchanged within a social network \cite{daubert2014twitterize}. The proposal refers to micro-blogging social networks like Twitter. As proof of concept, they created an Android app.
-\subsubsection{Design Principles}
-Daubert et al. stated various demands on the proposed solution. Concerning the protection of privacy in general:
-	\item \textbf{Confidentiality}: Messages exchanged between sender and receiver should be transmitted secretly.
-	\item \textbf{Anonymity}: A individual user should not be identifiable within a set of users (anonymity set).
-Also, concerning the design of the implementation:
-	\item \textbf{Understandable privacy}: The user should decide for himself which level of privacy protection he chooses for his messages. The system should reasonably communicate this.
-	\item \textbf{Simple group management}: Group memberships should be managed quickly and easily.
-	\item \textbf{Low overhead}: The client should have the full functionality of the original client and have as little overhead as possible for the extended functionality.
-The basic idea behind Twitterize is the encrypted, anonymous exchange of messages within a group via an overlay network. There is a group-specific hashtag for this. The messages are forwarded in the underlay network by users until they reach the recipient.
-In order to establish communication within a group, the three following phases have to be passed through one after the other: 
-	\item Generation and exchange of the keys of a hashtag
-	\item Flooding and subscription to build an overlay network
-	\item Exchange of messages
-First, a user has to define the hashtag and generate a key for symmetric encryption. This key is used later to encrypt the messages as well as the hashtag itself. From the encrypted hashtag, only a hash value is used (so-called pseudonym) so that the actual hashtag stays private. In order to join the group, other users need the key and knowledge of the name of the hashtag. However, the key exchange should not be carried out via the social network. An exchange via e-mail, \ac{NFC} or QR codes is conceivable.
-In second phase, the overlay network is constructed. Here, the private flooding mechanism is used \cite{daubert2013distributed-anonymous-pubsub}. A publisher creates an advertisement tweet consisting of a pseudonym and the first element of a hash chain and posts it in the underlay network. This tweet appears in the timelines of his followers. Then, each follower distributes the advertisement tweet on his timeline and thus reaches his followers. However, this tweet differs from the original tweet by extending the hash chain. It generates a hash of the previous hash chain and thus receives the next element of the chain. According to this principle, the entire network is flooded, and as a result, each user saves a triplet consisting of the pseudonym, the hash chain and the user previous to him in the chain in a database table.
-If the advertisement tweet reaches a user, who is aware of the hashtag and the associated key, the user (so-called subscriber) responds with a subscription tweet. This subscription message is addressed to the user from whom the advertisement tweet was received and contains the user name (@user) and the pseudonym. The user thus addressed in turn posts a message consisting of the user name of the user from whom he received the advertisement tweet and the pseudonym. This happens until the subscription message reaches the original publisher. In this process, the pseudonym and the sending user are stored in another routing table. In this way, the overlay network is formed. Since each user only has a local view of the message flow, no conclusions about the sender and recipient are possible.
-In the third phase, users can exchange messages using the previously shared hashtag. The messages are encrypted with the key belonging to the hashtag and then posted together with the hashtag to the timeline. By posting the message again, forwarders ensure that the message is forwarded to the recipient. The exact procedure is shown schematically in Figure \ref{fig:twitterize-information-flow}.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{twitterize-information-flow}
-	\caption{Information flow of a notification in Twitterize. The notification is created, encrypted and posted to the publisher's timeline. The notification is then picked up by a forwarder who follows the publisher. Next, the status update is being processed and finally posted on the forwarder's timeline. Lastly, the subscriber who follows the forwarder receives the notification. \cite{daubert2014twitterize}}
-	\label{fig:twitterize-information-flow}
-\subsubsection{Proof of Concept}
-As proof of concept, Daubert et al. implemented Twitterize as an app for Android. The app was programmed in Java, the code remained closed source, and the app is not available from the Google Play Store. The representation of the data in the app takes place on different timelines. In addition to the standard home and user timelines, each hashtag gets its timeline which is accessible via a tab.
-For encryption 128bit keys with \ac{AES} \ac{CBC} is used. The app provides support for the key exchange between the users via \ac{NFC} or QR codes. Since data structures, such as \ac{JSON}, are too verbose, the tweets are encoded using the Base64 algorithm. To distinguish between message types, rarely used UTF-8 symbols are utilized to give the messages a rough structure. The formation of the overlay network and the exchange of messages then works as described above.
-The design of the Twitterize architecture meets the privacy requirements. The other requirements for implementation were also achieved during the creation of the app. With the exchange of keys via \ac{NFC} or QR codes an easy way for key management was found and implemented. Just a few seconds of physical proximity are enough to form a group.
-The avoidance of overheads was also successful, although the timeline is updated in the background every minute. \ac{CPU} usage and power consumption were slightly above the values of the original Twitter app. For the storage of the additional data, only a little space is necessary, since each hashtag occupies just 48 bytes. Assuming that in the Twitter Social Graph two arbitrary users are connected via 4.71 following users in between, an average delivery time of 142 seconds was calculated for a message.
-Restrictions arise due to limits on the use of the Twitter \ac{API} and because the application must always be online to get the best user experience.

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-\chapter{Concept of a Hybrid Online Social Network}
-\section{Requirements to the Hybrid \ac{OSN}}
-\section{Quality Goals}
-\section{Solution Strategy - Architecture}
-\section{Solution Strategy - Client}

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-The reason for the inadequate protection of personal data lies in the centralized system structure used by all leading social platforms (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). With this structure, the data are stored centrally and mostly unencrypted. The service provider therefore inevitably has access to this data. It is not transparent to users, which data the service provider record during the use and what happens to the data.
-On the one hand, the user data are evaluated to improve the user experience (suggestions for content matching the user’s preferences using recommender systems), but on the other hand also to make a profit. With personalized advertisement and, in the worst case, by selling the data, revenues are generated. Furthermore, the protection of data against access by third parties via official interfaces (harvesting) or unauthorized hacking cannot be ruled out (e.g., Facebook's incident with Cambridge Analytica in March 2018 \cite{facebook2018cambridge-analytica}). Last but not least, due to applicable law, it may be necessary for data to be transferred to secret services or government agencies (e.g., Facebook had more than 100\,000 requests from governments between January and July 2018 \cite{facebookXXXXtake-down}).
-The criticism of the protection of privacy on the Internet, especially in social networks, is not new. Already in 2010, the founders of diaspora* discovered that no social network sufficiently protects the privacy of users \cite{diaspora2010kickstarter-pitch}. Although the problems and dangers of centralized \acp{OSN} are known for a long time and new scandals regularly become known to the public, the users remain mostly loyal to the respective social networks. As a result of the Cambridge Analytica incident, Facebook lost only a few users in Europe but is in the meantime back on the previous level \cite{facebook2019reportq4}. Alternative social networks, which focus on privacy protection (e.g., Vero\footnote{}, Ello\footnote{}), lack attractiveness regarding their design, complexity, and functionality. As a consequence, they do not get enough users and often fail after a short time. The connection to the respective social network is so strong that the barrier for switching to another, more secure social network is not overcome. The amount of content already created, the social network built up, and a large number of contacts using the same platform all create this so-called lock-in effect.
-If switching to another platform is not an option, it is necessary to look for better ways to protect privacy on existing platforms. The Researcher Training Group (RTG) \enquote{Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users}\footnote{\_and\_trust/index.en.jsp} in area B \enquote{Privacy and Trust in Social Networks} conducts research in this field. Subarea B.2 focuses especially on the protection of privacy in hybrid social networks. A hybrid solution allows the users of centralized \ac{OSN} to use the platform as usual. Though, additional procedures for the protection of privacy are integrated so that users gain control over their data. The hybrid approach uses the idea of a private \ac{P2P} network that allows users to communicate securely. The business models of service providers often have data from their users as a central element. Therefore, a solution must be found to provide anonymous data from the private network so that the business models can continue to function. \cite{rtgXXXXarea-b, rtgXXXXarea-b2}
-In the following, a concept for a hybrid \ac{OSN} will be worked out that takes into account the interests of the different stakeholders. Besides, functionality requirements and potential limitations are listed. Finally, a solution strategy and a possible architecture are presented.

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-The following quality objectives (Table \ref{tab:quality-goals}) have been defined to ensure that the quality of implementation is as high as possible. By adhering to the quality goals, errors and problems should be avoided, the application should remain maintainable, and new developers should be enabled to get started quickly.
-	\centering
-	\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|}
-		\hline
-		\textbf{Quality Goal} & \textbf{Motivation}                                                                                                                                                                   \\ \hline
-		Analyzability         & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}- Module, class and method names in English\\ - Detailed documentation of the public interfaces\\ - Compliance with the Clean Code principles\end{tabular} \\ \hline
-		Changeability         & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}- Common programming language\\ - Program modules against interfaces to keep them interchangeable\end{tabular}                                             \\ \hline
-		Testability           & - The architecture should allow easy testing of all building blocks                                                                                                                   \\ \hline
-		Transparency          & - The application should be Open Source                                                                                                                                               \\ \hline
-	\end{tabularx}
-	\caption{The quality goals are the relevant requirements and the driving forces that software architects and developers should consider.}
-	\label{tab:quality-goals}

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-The solution should meet specific functional and non-functional requirements so that users are willing to use another client.
-\textbf{Functional requirements}:
-	\item \textbf{Standard functionality}: With the hybrid solution, all standard functionalities of the \ac{OSN} should be unrestrictedly usable. Otherwise, the user would be forced to continue using the original client. The parallel use of two clients for the same \ac{OSN} is not user-friendly and would be an argument against the use of the restricted hybrid client.
-	\item \textbf{Client-side solution}: Since there is no control over the \ac{OSN}'s servers and software, changes can only be implemented on the client side. The alternative Facebook client app \enquote{Friendly for Facebook} for example changes the design on the client side and removes advertisements.
-	\item \textbf{Data sovereignty}: The user can actively decide whether his data are stored on the \ac{OSN}'s servers or exchanged with other users via a private, secure channel. This implies that any functionality and the associated data exchange can also be carried out in a private, secure way. The user thus gains sovereignty over his data and can decide for himself whether to entrust it to the \ac{OSN}.
-	\item \textbf{Authorized data access}: Especially the service provider of the \ac{OSN} should not have access to the private data of a user and should under no circumstances be able to relate them to him. As in the \ac{OSN}, the author himself should be able to determine with which users he shares his private data and grants them access.
-	\item \textbf{Encryption}: Private data are a sensitive commodity and should, therefore, be protected in the best possible way. In particular, encrypted transmission and encrypted data storage are necessary to protect it from unauthorized access by third parties. It should be ensured that the encryption guarantees sufficient protection and is difficult for attackers to crack.
-	\item \textbf{Flexible data format}: The future development of the \ac{OSN} is not foreseeable, and it is not able to take an influence on it. The data format for information exchange in the private network must therefore be able to react flexibly to possible changes. If, for example, dislikes can be assigned in addition to likes in the future or a new post type for videos is added, it should be possible to implement this quickly in the data structure of the hybrid solution.
-	\item \textbf{Platform independence}: The hybrid solution should be platform-independent. Most \acp{OSN} have clients and web front ends to be accessed on all platforms. For a hybrid solution to be accepted and become a permanent alternative, it must work on the same platforms. Otherwise the user has to use the official clients again. A solution working on the computer at home that is not working on the smartphone restricts the user and avoids the adoption of the hybrid solution.
-	\item \textbf{Anonymized data for the service provider}: A particular requirement is the provision of anonymized data from the private network for the service provider. In order to guarantee the operation of the platform, service providers must earn money. The hybrid solution should accept this circumstance and support it by the provision of anonymized data since data usually plays a central role in the business model. The service provider should be able to retrieve the anonymized data via a defined interface.
-\textbf{Non-functional requirements}:
-	\item \textbf{Minimal additional effort}: Installation, configuration, and operation should be as simple as possible. Increased complexity is an additional barrier to the acceptance of the solution. All users of the \ac{OSN}, especially technically inexperienced users, should be able to use the hybrid solution. For the success of the hybrid solution, wide distribution is essential, so no user groups should be excluded.
-	\item \textbf{Minimal side effects}: There should be no limitations for regular users who do not use the hybrid solution. Cryptic messages, disturbing content and other disturbing elements should be avoided. Annoying messages could lead to the user being blocked by other users or cutting off contact with them.
-	\item \textbf{Free service}: Since the use of all significant \acp{OSN} is free of charge the user also expects the free use of a hybrid solution. Costs would have a deterrent effect in this use case and prevent the user from accepting the solution.
-	\item \textbf{Compliance with policies}: By registering, the user agrees to the terms of service/use. It is important not to violate these conditions; otherwise, the user would have to bear the consequences. The severity of the consequences depends on the respective terms of use and the type of violation. For the hybrid solution, it is therefore essential to adhere to the \ac{OSN} terms of use as well. Otherwise, legal use is not possible.\\
-	The Twitter Terms and Conditions allow the crawling of content within the rules set in the robots.txt file \cite{twitterXXXXtos}. Facebook completely prohibits the use of automated methods, thus excluding the possibility of crawling \cite{facebookXXXXtos}. Compliance with the guidelines therefore also directly restricts the possibilities of technical implementation. 
-	\item \textbf{Good user experience}: The user should be offered the best possible user experience to increase the acceptance for the solution. A bad user experience causes frustration and will in the long run not lead to success of the hybrid solution. Good user experience includes:
-	\begin{itemize}
-		\item Short loading times, so waiting times are kept to a minimum. Hence, finding and loading data hast to be quickly.
-		\item The user interface of the hybrid solution should be simple and understandable and have a modern and appealing design.
-		\item When integrating into the \ac{OSN} user interface, the existing layout should not be broken, and additional control elements should be inserted in the same design.
-		\item Privacy should be protected by design. The opposite is known as dark design pattern \enquote{Privacy Zuckering} (named after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg), when controlling the privacy is purposely made difficult \cite{facebookXXXXzuckering}.
-	\end{itemize}

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-When designing the hybrid \ac{OSN}, there are some limitations that need to be considered, for which appropriate solutions have to be found. These restrictions include:
-	\item \textbf{\ac{API} of the \ac{OSN}}: Ideally the \ac{OSN} offers a public \ac{API} with full functionality. An \ac{API} consists of multiple endpoints that can be used to retrieve, add, or modify specific data. Since the user's data should be protected as best as possible, access via the \ac{API} is usually restricted. The restriction may be due to a limited number of requests per time interval or a limited range of offered functions.
-	\item \textbf{Crawling the \ac{OSN} web pages}: If there is no official \ac{API} or if it is sharply restricted, the contents can theoretically also be extracted by crawling. However, this brings with it several challenges. Modern web pages load many contents asynchronously so that the initial \ac{HTML} does not yet contain these contents. Furthermore, there are sophisticated mechanisms that notice crawling and lock out crawlers. Likewise, it may be difficult to add data to the \ac{OSN}. For security reasons, in most cases, special tokens are sent along with each request to detect and prevent abuse and fake requests.
-	\item \textbf{Creation, operation and licensing costs}: Costs for the creation, operation and licensing of third-party software may be incurred. At best, conscious decisions lead to the avoidance of expenses.
-	\item \textbf{Operating system or runtime environment}: Nowadays \acp{OSN} can be used on almost all devices; independent of their operating system. In order to achieve the same user experience, the hybrid \ac{OSN} should be usable on the same variety of operating systems. Any restrictions imposed by the operating system (user and application rights, connectivity) must be taken into account during creation.
-	\item \textbf{Resources}: The mostly mobile devices (Twittter is used by more than 80\% of users on mobile \cite{google2017twitter-mobile}) running the hybrid \ac{OSN} may have limited resources (storage space, processing power, Internet connection/data volume, battery). When making design decisions, it is important to plan as resource-conserving as possible and to find scalable solutions. Overall, the overhead for the hybrid extension should be as low as possible compared to the original application.
-	\item \textbf{Availability of data}: The data that are exchanged securely and not via the \ac{OSN}'s servers must always be available. Whether a user is offline or how old the data are, should have no effect its availability.
-While the restrictions on the hybrid client itself can be actively influenced and resolved, the restrictions on the \ac{OSN} cannot be controlled. If the \ac{OSN} does not provide any interfaces and the hurdle of data exchange with the servers is insurmountable, this can completely prevent the creation of a hybrid client.

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-Various models can be used to implement a secure data exchange between the users of an \ac{OSN} via additional network. The solution strategies shown below differ primarily in the question of where data are stored and how it can be found.
-	\centering
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{solution-architecture-a}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:solution-architecture-a}	
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{solution-architecture-b}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:solution-architecture-b}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{solution-architecture-c}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:solution-architecture-c}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\caption{Architectures for secure data exchange among users: (a) by the use of an additional server, (b) via a \ac{P2P} network connecting all users or (c) via a hybrid \ac{P2P} network with servers acting as super-peers.}
-	\label{fig:solution-architecture}
-One possibility is to use an extra infrastructure to store the data, as shown in Figure \ref{fig:solution-architecture-a}. An additional server stores and distributes the private data to be protected. Using a server has the advantage that the data are always available and there are no dependencies to other hybrid \ac{OSN} users. Furthermore, resources only have to be available centrally and not locally on the user's device. At the central location, the data can be indexed and explicitly queried. However, the operation and maintenance of one or more servers are problematic. In principle, the question for the service provider has to be clarified, because the reliability of the infrastructure is essential. FaceCloak (see Chapter \ref{sec:facecloak}) used an architecture based on this structure.
-Instead of operating a separate, additional server, it would also be possible to use a third-party, existing infrastructure. These include, for example, blockchains or \ac{P2P} file-sharing networks that could be used for data exchange. Since no influence can be exerted on existing infrastructure, its use entails further restrictions and potential risks.
-A decentralized solution strategy would create a network among users of the hybrid application (see Figure \ref{fig:solution-architecture-b}). No extra infrastructure would have to be operated. The users would then have a typical peer role. By using this model, it is difficult to keep data available and accessible even if the user is permanently or temporarily offline. The problem needs to be solved.
-Furthermore, the resources on the devices are limited, so that effective and economical solutions are needed. Another challenge is the addressing of peers. Since they typically do not have a static \ac{IP} address, solutions have to be found for accessibility. Since there is no central, global index, finding data is even more difficult.
-Adding servers to the \ac{P2P} network would create a hybrid solution (see Figure \ref{fig:solution-architecture-c}). In this model, the servers would take on the role of a super peer, permanently reachable at a fixed address, thus stabilizing the \ac{P2P} network. The problem of data availability could be limited by storing much of the data at super peers. The problem of addressing would also be solved by establishing connections to other peers via the known super peers. However, the problem would remain with the cost and maintenance of the servers.
-Table \ref{tab:solution-strategy-architecture-comparison} lists the advantages and disadvantages of the different strategies for the hybrid \ac{OSN} architecture.
-% Own infrastructure
-\newcommand{\advantageoi}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Availability of data
-			\item Finding the data
-			\item Resources only have to be available centrally
-			\item No dependencies among hybrid \ac{OSN} users
-		\end{itemize}
-		\hspace{1mm}
-\newcommand{\disadvantageoi}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Expenses
-			\item Who operates the infrastructure?
-			\item Compliance with legal requirements
-		\end{itemize}
-% Own network
-\newcommand{\advantageon}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Resources scale with increasing number of users
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\disadvantageon}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Availability of data
-			\item Finding the data
-			\item Addressing the peers
-			\item Local resources limited
-		\end{itemize}
-		\hspace{1mm}
-% Hybrid solution
-\newcommand{\advantagehn}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Availability of data
-			\item Peer discovery
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\disadvantagehn}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Expenses
-			\item Who operates the infrastructure?
-			\item Finding the data
-		\end{itemize}
-		\hspace{1mm}
-% External infrastructure
-\newcommand{\advantageei}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Ideally no costs
-			\item Resources are provided by the external infrastructure
-		\end{itemize} 
-\newcommand{\disadvantageei}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item No influence on future development
-			\item Dependence on infrastructure entails risks
-		\end{itemize}
-		\hspace{1mm}
-	\centering
-	\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X|l|l|}
-		\cline{2-3}
-		& \textbf{Advantages} & \textbf{Disadvantages} \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Own infrastructure\\ (centralized)\end{tabular}}}        & \advantageoi                    & \disadvantageoi                       \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}\ac{P2P} network\\ (decentralized)\end{tabular}}}        & \advantageon                    & \disadvantageon                       \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Hybrid \ac{P2P} network\\ (decentralized)\end{tabular}}} & \advantagehn                    & \disadvantagehn                       \\ \hline
-		\multicolumn{1}{|l|}{\textbf{External infrastructure}}                                                           & \advantageei                    & \disadvantageei                       \\ \hline
-	\end{tabularx}
-	\caption{Advantages and disadvantages of the different solution strategies for the hybrid \ac{OSN} architecture.}
-	\label{tab:solution-strategy-architecture-comparison}

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-Concerning the implementation of the hybrid approach, two possibilities are conceivable. On the one hand, the extension of the original \ac{OSN} client (app or web front end) as an add-on. On the other hand, the creation of an entirely new client.
-When an add-on extends the \ac{OSN}, there is no need to take care of the standard functionality of the \ac{OSN}. Therefore, the development can entirely focus on the add-on and the private extension. At crucial points, the add-on extends the interface by additional elements that enable secure data exchange. The service providers usually do not offer developers an interface to extend the \ac{OSN} with such own functionalities. With web front ends it is possible to manipulate the website content using browser add-ons. One example for doing so is FaceCloak. Since such browser extensions manipulate the \ac{DOM}, knowledge about the document structure is necessary for the successful function in order to make changes in the right places. The short release cycles of \acp{OSN} and the associated frequent changes to this \ac{DOM} structure make it difficult to keep up with the changes. When consuming the \ac{OSN} via the official apps on mobile devices, an extension or manipulation is not possible.
-The alternative to the extension approach described above is a new hybrid client app. The entire functional range of the \ac{OSN} must be implemented and kept up to date. As already mentioned with the restrictions (see Chapter \ref{sec:requirements}), the functions are usually not entirely provided via an \ac{API}, and the crawling of the content 
-confronts several challenges. By having complete control over the development of the client, the additional protected, secure communication can be added at the appropriate points. In the best-case scenario, at least one hybrid app is available for every operating system for which an official \ac{OSN} app exists.
-Both approaches can be combined by displaying the (mobile) web page of the \ac{OSN} in a WebView in a separate app and executing \ac{DOM} manipulations via injected JavaScript code. For example, there are some alternative clients for Facebook (e.g. \enquote{Friendly for Facebook}\footnote{} \footnote{}, \enquote{Metal Pro}\footnote{}) that use this approach.

+ 0 - 129

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-Everyone who is affected by a hybrid extension to an \ac{OSN} has interests which should be considered. These so-called stakeholders can be people, groups or organizations which have the same opinion and the same goals. In the case of an \ac{OSN}, there is a service provider who operates the platform. The users are split into those who care about their privacy and therefore want to use a hybrid solution and those who just want to use the \ac{OSN} as it is. The developers of the hybrid solution have interests as well, and lastly, the government is highly interested that law and order are respected.
-Even if the stakeholders are not necessarily directly involved in the development process of a hybrid solution, it is still essential to understand the views and interests of the various parties and take them into account. Table \ref{tab:steakholders} shows the interests and points of view of the parties involved directly and indirectly with the hybrid extension of the \ac{OSN}.
-% Interests
-\newcommand{\interestsSP}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Collect as much user data as possible
-			\item Binding users to the platform
-			\item Profit maximization 
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\interestsOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Unrestricted use of the \ac{OSN}
-			\item No disadvantages due to hybrid \ac{OSN} users 
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\interestsHOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Unrestricted use of the \ac{OSN}
-			\item Decision-making sovereignty over what happens with data 
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\interestsDevHOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Scalable, secure, fast data exchange solution
-			\item No costs for infrastructure and development 
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\interestsGov}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Compliance with laws
-			\item Supervision
-			\item Censorship 
-		\end{itemize}
-% Attitude towards hybrid OSN
-\newcommand{\attitudeSP}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Negative, as undesirable
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\attitudeOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Neutral
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\attitudeHOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Positive, as desired
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\attitudeDevHOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Positive
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\attitudeGov}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.3\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Depending on policy and legislation
-			\item At best, positive and supportive
-			\item In the worst case, negative and preventing
-		\end{itemize}
-%Influence on hybrid OSN
-\newcommand{\influenceSP}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item No direct influence on the hybrid solution
-			\item By identification of the hybrid \ac{OSN} users their exclusion
-			\item Blocking the hybrid \ac{OSN}
-			\item Great influence			
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\influenceOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item No influence
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\influenceHOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Feedback for improvement
-			\item Low influence 
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\influenceDevHOSN}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item Great influence, since decision-making sovereignty
-		\end{itemize}
-\newcommand{\influenceGov}{\begin{minipage} [t] {0.4\textwidth} 
-		\begin{itemize}
-			\item At best, promotion and financial support - great influence
-			\item In the worst case legal action - great influence
-			\item No other influence 
-		\end{itemize}
-	\begin{table}[h!]
-		\centering
-		\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}
-			\hline
-			\textbf{Steakholder}                                           & \textbf{Interests} & \textbf{Attitude towards hybrid \ac{OSN}} & \textbf{Influence on hybrid \ac{OSN}} \\ \hline
-			\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Service\\ Provider\end{tabular}     & \interestsSP       & \attitudeSP                          & \influenceSP                     \\ \hline
-			\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}OSN\\ User\end{tabular}             & \interestsOSN      & \attitudeOSN                         & \influenceOSN                    \\ \hline
-			\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Hybrid\\ OSN User\end{tabular}      & \interestsHOSN     & \attitudeHOSN                        & \influenceHOSN                   \\ \hline
-			\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Developer\\ hybrid OSN\end{tabular} & \interestsDevHOSN  & \attitudeDevHOSN                     & \influenceDevHOSN                \\ \hline
-			Governments                                                    & \interestsGov      & \attitudeGov                         & \influenceGov                    \\ \hline
-		\end{tabular}
-		\caption{The table shows the interests, attitudes towards and influence on the hybrid solution of several stakeholders.}
-		\label{tab:steakholders}
-	\end{table}

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-In this chapter, the concept for a hybrid \ac{OSN} was worked out. This includes an analysis of the interests of the stakeholders and their interests. In addition to the service provider and the users (divided into those who use a hybrid solution and conventional users), the stakeholders also include governments and the developers of the hybrid solution. There are some limitations to the implementation of the concept. These limitations have been stated and presented. Also, functional and non-functional requirements were defined and discussed. Finally, solution strategies for the architecture and the client application were mentioned and their advantages and disadvantages considered.

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-\chapter{Proof of Concept}
-\section{Selection of the \ac{OSN}}
-\section{Technology Decisions}
-\section{Presenting Hybrid \ac{OSN} for Twitter}
-\section{Providing Insights to the Service Provider}
-\section{Building Block View}
-\section{Runtime View}

+ 0 - 97

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-In this section, the context in which Hybrid \ac{OSN} is located is first considered, and then a breakdown into the individual components is carried out. Furthermore, the function of the respective blocks is described in more detail. Finally, the function of individual components in interaction is explained using the examples of displaying the home timeline and posting a new tweet.
-\subsection{Scope and Context}
-Figure \ref{fig:building-block-view} shows a black box view of which other systems Hybrid \ac{OSN} communicates with via interfaces. The systems are:
-	\item Twitter \ac{API}
-	\item GUN
-	\item \ac{IPFS} via Infura
-	\item User 
-Infura\footnote{} is a service that provides access to Ethereum and \ac{IPFS} via a simple interface. Communication with the \ac{API} happens using \ac{HTTP} requests. The connection of \ac{IPFS} in Hybrid \ac{OSN} can thus be carried out in a simple way. The use of an additional system entails an extra risk typically. However, there is a JavaScript client for \ac{IPFS}, which can be integrated into Hybrid \ac{OSN} and thus the dependency on Infura would be omitted. For the creation of the prototype, the decision was made to use Infura for reasons of simplicity. Infura can be used for \ac{IPFS} free of charge and without registration.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{building-block-view}
-	\caption{Black box view on Hybrid \ac{OSN} showing the scope and context of the application. The adjacent systems are the user of the app, the Twitter API, the \ac{P2P} database GUN, and \ac{IPFS} via the Infura gateway.}
-	\label{fig:building-block-view}
-\subsection{White Box View}
-The Ionic framework uses Angular in the core. Accordingly, the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app is in principle an Angular application. The essential building blocks are components, pages, and providers (see Figure \ref{fig:building-block-view-level1}). In the following, these components are described in detail and examples are given of where they are used in Hybrid \ac{OSN}.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{building-block-view-level1}
-	\caption{White box view on the basic building blocks and their connections. The user always faces and interacts with pages. These pages are built using components. Providers handle all data and communicate with the interfaces of other systems like GUN, the Twitter API, and Infura.}
-	\label{fig:building-block-view-level1}
-Data access is performed using providers (known as services in Angular). For the external services (Twitter \ac{API}, \ac{P2P} database, \ac{P2P} storage), there is one provider each to handle the communication. Besides, providers are used as helper classes providing specific functionality that is used several times. This functionality includes, for example, encryption and decryption and the compilation of aggregated timelines. Providers are injected into components using the constructor. Table \ref{tab:providers} lists all providers used in Hybrid \ac{OSN} and their functional descriptions.
-	\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|}
-		\hline
-		\textbf{Provider}      & \textbf{Purpose}                                                                                  \\ \hline
-		Auth                   & Manage and perform authentication against the Twitter \ac{API}. Responsible for login and logout. \\ \hline
-		Crypto                 & Provides methods for encryption, decryption, and key generation                                   \\ \hline
-		Feed                   & Aggregation of private (\ac{P2P}) and public (Twitter) tweets to compose a chronological timeline \\ \hline
-		\ac{P2P}-Database-Gun  & Interface for data exchange with GUN                                                              \\ \hline
-		\ac{P2P}-Storage-IPFS  & Interface for data exchange with \ac{IPFS} via Infura                                             \\ \hline
-		Twitter-API            & Interface to use the Twitter \ac{API} using the Twit package                                      \\ \hline
-	\end{tabularx}
-	\caption{Providers used in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app in alphabetical order with their purpose.}
-	\label{tab:providers}
-Components are the basic building blocks of a user interface. Figure \ref{fig:component-example} shows an example of the representation of a tweet in Hybrid \ac{OSN} using various components. A component consists of an \ac{HTML} template, \ac{CSS} styling, and JavaScript logic, whereby the logic is typically limited to a minimum. Components can be used as elements in other components or pages. A component receives the data it is supposed to visualize. Furthermore, components can process events or return them to parent components for handling.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{component-example}
-	\caption{Composition of the tweet component from three other components. Several tweet components are in turn combined to form a feed component.}
-	\label{fig:component-example}
-Pages are specialized components that are used as a holistic view. A page is made up of several other components. The data to be displayed are loaded using providers. To be able to navigate between the individual pages within the app, the model of a stack is used (implemented by the NavController). The currently visible page is at the top of the stack. When another page is called, it is pushed onto the stack. Pressing \enquote{Back} removes the top page from the stack and displays the page below it.
-Table \ref{tab:pages} lists all pages and their purpose. When the app is opened, it checks whether the user is already logged in. Depending on this, the user starts with the Login Page or the Home Page.
-	\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l|X|}
-		\hline
-		\textbf{Page}                 & \textbf{Purpose}                                                                                                                         \\ \hline
-		About                         & Information about the app, which can be accessed via the login page to get basic information about the app before logging in             \\ \hline
-		Home                          & Chronological view of the latest tweets from Twitter and the private network                                                             \\ \hline
-		Login                         & Authentication against Twitter to use the Twitter \ac{API}                                                                               \\ \hline
-		Profile                       & Presentation of a user profile consisting of the user data (profile picture, brief description, location, website) and the user timeline \\ \hline
-		Search                        & Container page for searching for tweets and users, where tweets are also divided into popular and recent (see Search-Results-Tweets-Tab) \\ \hline
-		Search-Results-Tweets-Popular & Search results of currently popular tweets for a given keyword                                                                           \\ \hline
-		Search-Results-Tweets-Recent  & Search results of recent tweets for a given keyword                                                                                      \\ \hline
-		Search-Results-Tweets-Tab     & Container page for the search results for tweets (recent and popular) in tabs                                                            \\ \hline
-		Search-Results-Users          & Search results of users for a given keyword                                                                                              \\ \hline
-		Settings                      & Configuration of keywords that trigger the private mode and settings regarding encryption                                                \\ \hline
-		Write-Tweet                   & Form for writing a tweet                                                                                                                 \\ \hline
-	\end{tabularx}
-	\caption{Pages used in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app in alphabetical order with their purpose.}
-	\label{tab:pages}
-\subsubsection{Local Storage}
-As the name suggests, this is a local storage that is accessible by the app. With Hybrid \ac{OSN}, this memory is used to store essential information for usage. These include the Twitter user id, the two tokens for accessing the Twitter \ac{API}, the keywords that trigger the private mode, and private and public keys for encryption. Log out completely deletes the local storage.

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-% Login
-When the user opens the app for the first time, the login page is displayed (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-login}). Clicking on the login button starts the process. The user is directed to the Twitter website, where he has to log in. Only once, the user has to grant the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app access to his Twitter account. This is the prerequisite to let the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app talk to the Twitter \ac{API} in the name of the user.
-	\centering
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/login}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-login}	
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/home}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-home}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/menu}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-menu}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\caption{Screenshots of the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app for the login page (a), the home feed (b) and the menu (c).}
-% Home + Menu
-After a successful login, the user is forwarded to his home feed (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-home}) which is also the starting point if the user is already logged in when opening the app. The home feed consists of the recent public and private tweets in chronological order of the accounts that the user follows. Tapping on the hamburger icon opens the menu (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-menu}) where the user can access his profile, the home page, settings and search at any time. The user can also log out via the menu.
-% Tweet Details
-A tweet consists of information about the author and the time of the writing, the message itself and actions. Tapping on the arrow in the top right can be used to perform user-specific actions, such as blocking, muting and following the user. These actions are presented in an extra menu at the bottom of the screen (see Figure \ref{fig:user-actions}). Below the tweet message, icons allow direct interaction with the tweet, including replying, retweeting and public and private liking (see Figure \ref{fig:tweet}).
-	\centering
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.5\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/tweet-actions}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:tweet}	
-	\end{subfigure}	
-	\hspace{0.1\textwidth}
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/user-actions}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:user-actions}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\caption{Screenshots of the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app for tweet and its actions (a) and the menu with user-specific actions (b)}
-	\centering
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/settings-1}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-settings-1}	
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/settings-2}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-settings-2}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[c]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/search-user}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-search}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\caption{Screenshots of the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app for the settings page to configure keywords (a) and the encryption keys (b), and the search page with results for users (c).}
-% Settings
-In the settings, keywords can be configured that are considered indicators of tweets that are particularly worthy of protection (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-settings-1}). When writing a new tweet, the user is warned accordingly if one of these words is part of the text. Also, private and public keys can be generated and stored on the settings page to encrypt and decrypt private tweets (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-settings-2}). The public key can be published by clicking on a respective button. For this purpose, the key is entered into the user's so-called public key history together with the start of validity, stored in \ac{IPFS} and the hash is posted in the user's profile. When logging out, all stored settings are automatically deleted.
-% Search
-With the search, tweets and users can be looked up for a specific keyword (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-search}). In the search results of the tweets, the most recent or the most popular tweets are shown, split into two tabs. However, private tweets are not included in this search.
-% Write Tweet
-The page for composing a new tweet is also used when replying to a tweet or retweeting a tweet. When replying and retweeting, the particular tweet is presented above the text field for the message (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-reply}). To keep an eye on the character limit when writing, the current number of characters is displayed below the text field. Next to it is an additional visualization of the progress in the form of a circle. A switch controls to which network the tweet is posted. By clicking on the \enquote{TWEET!}-button, the tweet is published. If the message contains one of the keywords defined in the settings, a yellow, pulsating warning triangle will appear next to the tweet button (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-alert}).
-	\centering
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/write-tweet-reply}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-reply}	
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/write-tweet-alert}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-alert}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.32\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{screenshots/profile}
-		\caption{}
-		\label{fig:screenshot-profile}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\caption{Screenshots of the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app for replying to a tweet (a), writing a tweet containing a keyword triggering the private mode (b) and a user profile (c).}
-% Profile
-The upper part of the profile page displays information about the user (profile picture, name, Twitter handle, description, website, location) and the lower part displays a feed of his tweets (see Figure \ref{fig:screenshot-profile}). Furthermore, a button for following or unfollowing the user is placed in the upper part of the profile.

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-The requirements mentioned in \ref{sec:requirements} also include the provision of anonymized data for the \ac{OSN} service provider. Since the business model of Twitter is based on personal data, and therefore the interests of Hybrid \ac{OSN} are contrary to those of Twitter, the fulfillment of this requirement is extremely complex.
-A prominent feature of Twitter is the analysis and promotion of trends (see Figure \ref{fig:twitter-trends}). The trends are identified through frequently used hashtags and presented in a ranking. Such data can also be collected and evaluated in the private network without having to establish a connection to the users.
-To collect this information, when a new tweet is posted to the private network, the contained hashtags are extracted and stored separately (see flowchart Figure \ref{fig:post-tweet-flow-chart}). Similar to the presentation of trends on Twitter, the trends in the private network are also aggregated on a daily basis and presented on a website (see Figure \ref{fig:hybrid-osn-trends}).
-	\centering
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.49\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{twitter-trends}
-		\caption{Twitter trends}
-		\label{fig:twitter-trends}	
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.49\textwidth}
-		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{hybrid-osn-trends}
-		\caption{Hybrid \ac{OSN} trends}
-		\label{fig:hybrid-osn-trends}
-	\end{subfigure}
-	\caption{Trending hashtags in Twitter and the private network side by side}
-Because GUN is JavaScript-based and therefore executable in the web browser, access to the data from a simple \ac{HTML} web page can be performed using JavaScript code. The raw data are loaded, aggregated and displayed.

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-After the concept of a hybrid \ac{OSN} was introduced in the previous Chapter \ref{ch:concept}, this chapter describes the implementation of the concept in a prototype. The prototype is an Android app for the hybrid use of Twitter. The app is named \textbf{Hybrid \ac{OSN}}. In the following, the objectives and decisions made for the selection of the \ac{OSN} and the technology are described. The architecture and its components, as well as individual processes, are then presented.

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-With the proof of concept, the basic feasibility of the idea of an extension of an established \ac{OSN} by a secure data exchange should be proven. Within the framework of this thesis, the task was to provide the proof of concept as a native Android app. Concerning the architecture, the focus from the beginning was on a \ac{P2P} solution. For this reason, a solution with additional servers was not pursued further in the creation process of the prototype. Furthermore, an interface should be available for the service provider of the \ac{OSN}, through which anonymized information can be obtained from the privately exchanged data.
-With the decision for a client app, the creation of an add-on, which was discussed in the previous chapter as a possible solution strategy, was thus fundamentally ruled out. Nevertheless, consideration always included how the architecture could be this open and flexible to enable all kinds of extensions and clients participating in the \ac{P2P} network.
-Since it is only a proof of concept, the mapping of the complete functionality of the \ac{OSN} was not the highest priority. However, again, this was taken into account by considerations and decisions, for example how data formats can be arranged so flexible that every function can be mapped.
-Also, the focus was on compliance with the quality goals and implementation of the functional and non-functional requirements as defined in the previous chapter. How well this has been achieved will be evaluated in the following chapter for evaluation and discussion.

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-To select a suitable \ac{OSN} for the creation of a hybrid client, three factors were considered:
-	\item the significance of the \ac{OSN},
-	\item the adequacy of data protection,
-	\item the \ac{API} functionality.
-Facebook was the obvious first choice due to the numerous negative headlines about data protection. With over 2.3 billion users per month (average Q4 2018), it is currently the most widely used social network in the world \cite{facebook2019reportq4}. In the recent past, it has often been criticized for its handling of its users' data. In particular, the scandal surrounding the data analysis company Cambridge Analytica, which had access to the data of up to 87 million users, hit Facebook hard \cite{facebook2018cambridge-analytica,facebook2018api-restriction}. As a result, CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to face the US Congress and the EU Parliament in question rounds and did not leave a good impression by avoiding many questions \cite{facebook2018us-congress,facebook2018eu-parliament}. As a result of this scandal, there were further restrictions to the Facebook \ac{API} \cite{facebook2018api-restriction}.
-However, the Facebook \ac{API} is not suitable for creating a new client. The functionalities provided by the \ac{API} offer the possibility to build an app that can be used within Facebook, for example for a game. So, it is not possible to give a \enquote{Like} for a post through this \ac{API}, which is part of the core functionality of a Facebook client. As discussed in Chapter \ref{ch:concept}, it is possible to access the data through crawling. However, the rapid changes to the page structure would make this an arduous undertaking. Facebook writes in a blog post that the code changes every few hours \cite{facebook2017release}. Therefore it is almost impossible to adjust the crawler fast enough and roll out the updated code.
-Even the mixed version of displaying and manipulating the mobile website in a WebView in a container app does not seem to be an option due to the short release cycles and frequent changes. Apps like \enquote{Friendly for Facebook} do not manage to keep up with the changes as reported in various user ratings on the Google Play Store. The false representations and bugs worsen the user experience and result in the frustration of the users.
-For this number of reasons, Facebook dropped out as an \ac{OSN} candidate for the prototype despite the particular interest. As a further candidate, the \ac{OSN} Google Plus was dropped, as Google announced in October 2018 that it would discontinue its \ac{OSN} \cite{google-plus2018shutdown}.
-Finally, Twitter was chosen for the prototype. With 321 million active users per month (average Q4 2018), it is one of the largest social networks \cite{twitter2019reportq4}. It is particularly well suited for the creation of a hybrid client for two reasons: first, it has a comprehensive \ac{API} that provides almost full functionality free of charge, and second, compared to Facebook, it offers only a few simple functions. These are the ideal prerequisites for the first proof of concept. Twitter offers several \acp{API} for developers that serve different purposes. The current \acp{API} are \cite{twitterXXXXdev-getting-started}:
-	\item \textbf{Standard \ac{API}}: the free and public \ac{API} offering basic query functionality and foundational access to Twitter data.
-	\item \textbf{Premium \ac{API}}: introduced in November 2017 to close the gap between Standard and Entrprise \ac{API}. Improvements over the Standard \ac{API}: \enquote{more Tweets per request, higher rate limits, a counts endpoint that returns time-series counts of Tweets, more complex queries and metadata enrichments, such as expanded \acp{URL} and improved profile geo information}\cite{twitter2017premium-api}. Prices to use this \ac{API} start at 149\$/month.
-	\item \textbf{Enterprise \ac{API}}: tailored packages with annual contracts for those who depend on Twitter data.
-	\item \textbf{Ads \ac{API}}: this \ac{API} is only of interest for creating and managing ad campaigns.
-	%\item \textbf{Twitter for websites}: this is more a suite of tools than an \ac{API}. It's free to use and enables people to embed tweets and tweet buttons on their website.
-In the case of the hybrid client, the standard \ac{API} can be used. In this process, the registration of a \enquote{Twitter App} is necessary to receive a consumer key and access token. These two authentication tokens are required to log in users via the hybrid app and successfully communicate with the \ac{API}.
-Twitter offers almost the entire range of functions via the \ac{API}. The missing functionality (e.g., the targeted retrieval of replies to a tweet) is not so critical for building a client app. A significant limitation is a restriction on the number of requests. Twitter argues that this restriction is necessary to avoid the exposure of the system to too much load. It also aims to prevent bots from abusing Twitter. The exact limits can be found on a help page\footnote{}. In the app stores of Google and Apple, there are a number of alternative Twitter clients (Twitterific\footnote{}, Talon for Twitter\footnote{\_l}, Fenix 2 for Twitter\footnote{}), which are also subject to these restrictions in terms of functionality and requests. Their success indicates that the restrictions do not affect the common usage seriously.
-The \ac{API} can be accessed using \ac{HTTP} requests. The data exchanged are in \ac{JSON} format. Furthermore, there are also various libraries (e.g., Twit\footnote{}), some even are offered directly by Twitter (see Twitter Kit for Android\footnote{} or iOS\footnote{}) and simplify the use of the \ac{API}.

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-This section describes particular processes and relationships between building blocks for two selected scenarios. The first is to write and post a tweet and the second is to display the home timeline. In addition to the description, the two scenarios are also documented by flowcharts.
-The goal is to make clear how the building blocks of the system perform their respective tasks and communicate with each other at runtime. The two scenarios were therefore deliberately selected because of their particular importance and require special documentation due to their complexity.
-\subsection{Post a Tweet}
-On the write-tweet page, new tweets can be written and posted using a form. In addition to the input field for the message text, there is also a status display that informs the user about the character limit, a switch that decides about the target network, and a button to send. The process of writing and publishing a tweet is shown in the flow chart in Figure \ref{fig:post-tweet-flow-chart}. Figure \ref{fig:post-tweet-building-block-view} shows the involved components in the block view.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{post-tweet-flow-chart}
-	\caption{Flow chart of the process for posting a new tweet either on the public Twitter network or on the private \ac{P2P} network}
-	\label{fig:post-tweet-flow-chart}
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{block-view-write-tweet}
-	\caption{Building block view of the interaction between the different modules when posting a new tweet}
-	\label{fig:post-tweet-building-block-view}
-After entering the message in the input field, determining the destination network, and pressing the \enquote{TWEET!} button, processing starts in the WriteTweetPage class. If the message is destined for Twitter, the Twitter \ac{API} provider sends an HTTP POST request with the data to the \texttt{statuses/update}\footnote{} interface. In this case, nothing more needs to be done, as the Twitter \ac{API} takes over the preparation of the data and extracts, for example, hashtags, mentions, and \acp{URL}.
-When publishing in the private network, the system first checks whether the public key has already been published. The Crypto provider performs this check using the Twitter \ac{API} provider (for further information about the handling of public keys see the section about security \ref{sec:security}). If the public key has not yet been published, the user receives a warning, and the posting process is aborted. Otherwise, the private tweet will be constructed. The entered text is converted into a simplified tweet object (see Twitter documentation for original tweet object\footnote{}) that contains the essential information.
-Beside the message (\texttt{full\_text}) the Twitter user id (\texttt{user\_id}) and the timestamp (\texttt{created\_at}) are set. In addition, there is a flag (\texttt{private\_tweet: true}) to distinguish the private tweet, which later influences the design. The \texttt{display\_text\_range} indicates the beginning and end of the relevant part in \texttt{full\_text}. For private tweets, this is always the entire text, for tweets from the Twitter \ac{API} an additional, not needed \ac{URL} may be appended, which is cut off by clipping. Furthermore, the tweet entities are extracted. The extraction includes \acp{URL}, hashtags and user mentions. An example of a private tweet is shown in Listing \ref{listing:private-tweet}.
-\lstinputlisting[label=listing:private-tweet, caption=Private Tweet in \ac{JSON} format]{listings/private-tweet.json}
-The crypto provider performs the encryption of the private tweet data. For asymmetrical encryption, the RSA algorithm is used. The \ac{P2P} storage provider sends the encrypted data via an \ac{HTTP} POST request to Infura for storage in \ac{IPFS}. The response contains the hash which addresses the data in \ac{IPFS}. This hash is stored in GUN together with the timestamp and the author's Twitter user id. For saving to GUN, the \ac{P2P} DB provider is used. Besides, the previously extracted hashtags with the timestamp are also stored in GUN with the same provider so that the data in the dashboard are accessible to the service provider without having to conclude individual users.
-\subsection{Load the Home Timeline}
-When opening the home page, the logged in user gets the latest tweets of the accounts he follows chronologically presented. The tweets are loaded in batches of 20 tweets from the Twitter \ac{API} and enriched with the private tweets for this period. If the user scrolls to the end of the feed, the reloading of the next batch is triggered and automatically inserted at the end. At the top of the feed, a \enquote{pull to refresh} action intents the feed reloading. The loading process is shown in Figure \ref{fig:home-timeline-flow-chart} as a flow chart and in Figure \ref{fig:home-timeline-building-block-view} as a building block view of the interacting components.
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{home-timeline-flow-chart}
-	\caption{Flow chart of the process for loading the home timeline for a user}
-	\label{fig:home-timeline-flow-chart}
-	\centering
-	\includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{block-view-home-page}
-	\caption{Building block view of the interaction between the different modules when loading the home timeline of a user}
-	\label{fig:home-timeline-building-block-view}
-The starting point is the home page, which is accessed by the user. Several components display the data obtained from the feed provider. Using the Twitter \ac{API} provider, the feed provider loads the latest 20 timeline tweets via the corresponding interface (\texttt{statuses/home\_timeline}\footnote{\_timeline.html}) via an \ac{HTTP} GET request.
-The next step is to load the private tweets that match the period marked by the current timestamp and timestamp of the 20th (the oldest) tweet. Furthermore, the ids of the accounts the user follows (so-called friends) are required. These must initially be requested from the Twitter \ac{API} (\texttt{friends/list}\footnote{}) via the Twitter Feed provider using an \ac{HTTP} GET request. The loaded user ids are cached in order to keep the number of requests to the Twitter \ac{API} to a minimum for later loading processes. For each user id, a lookup for private tweets in the given period is performed. The \ac{P2P} \ac{DB} provider queries GUN. If there are private tweets, the hashes for \ac{IPFS} are returned together with the \texttt{created\_at} timestamp. If no private tweets are available for the period, the feed provider returns the data of the public tweets to the home page. Otherwise, the private tweets are loaded and decrypted. First, the \ac{P2P} storage provider is used to load the data behind the hash addresses from \ac{IPFS} via Infura. For this purpose, the hash is transferred to Infura with an \ac{HTTP} GET request, and the data are received from \ac{IPFS} as the response. The author's public key, which can be obtained from the user's public key history, is needed for decryption. The public key history is loaded and decrypted via the crypto provider, which in turn uses the Twitter \ac{API} provider. Afterwards, the private tweet is decrypted.
-Finally, the private and public tweets are merged and sorted according to their \texttt{created\_at} timestamp in descending order. This data are returned to the home page. If the user triggers a reload by reaching the end of the feed or by \enquote{pull to refresh}, the previously described process starts again.

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-Usually, asymmetric or a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryption methods are used for secure message exchange. The advantage of asymmetric encryption methods is that messages can be encrypted with the known public key and then only the owner of the private key can decrypt them. It is not possible to determine the private key from the public key within a reasonable time. However, asymmetric encryption methods are more computationally intensive and therefore more time-consuming than symmetric encryption methods. For this reason, a combination of both methods can be used to exchange a symmetric key using asymmetric encryption. The asymmetric encryption ensures that only the two parties are aware of the symmetric key, which can then be used for symmetric encryption of the communication.
-Tweets are usually posted publicly on Twitter. Only those who explicitly set their profile to \enquote{private} can decide whom they allow as followers and thus recipients of their tweets. This type of publication and visibility should also apply to private networks. Since it is unclear who is the recipient of a private tweet, it is not possible to encrypt the message with the recipient's public keys.
-The following three requirements apply to encryption:
-	\item The author is verifiable. It is not possible to distribute tweets on behalf of another user on the \ac{P2P} network.
-	\item A private tweet should have the same visibility to other users as a standard tweet on Twitter.
-	\item The service provider (Twitter) must not be able to decrypt private tweets or associate them with a user.
-Concrete actions can be concluded to meet these requirements:
-	\item Private tweets must be signed or asymmetrically encrypted so that the author is identifiable.
-	\item Distribution of the public key for decryption must take place via the user's profile. The profile is the only place guaranteeing that only authorized users can access the key and that the public key belongs to a specific user without any doubt.
-	\item The Hybrid \ac{OSN} application must encrypt the public keys so that Twitter cannot read them and therefore cannot decrypt the private tweets.
-In the app settings, an asymmetric key pair can be stored or generated, which is used to encrypt the private tweets. The RSA-OAEP algorithm is used here. Furthermore, by clicking on a particular button, the public key is published. The new key together with the current timestamp is recorded in the public key history of the user and stored in \ac{IPFS}. Listing \ref{listing:public-key-history} shows an example for the public key history. In \ac{JSON} format, public key and validity start are stored in an array. The address at which the public key history can be retrieved is posted as a regular tweet in the user's timeline during publication. So that this tweet can be found quickly and easily; the id of this tweet is saved in the profile description of the user.
-\lstinputlisting[label=listing:public-key-history, caption=Public key history in \ac{JSON} format. The file is symmetrically encrypted before storing on \ac{IPFS}.]{listings/key-history.json}
-By saving this information on the user's profile, it is ensured that only users who can read the user's regular tweets have access to the user's public keys and hence to his private tweets. The history allows the changing of the key pair and still ensure that older private tweets are still decryptable.
-Since Twitter has access to all the data stored on its servers, it can also find the link to the public key history. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent Twitter from decrypting the private tweets of the user by retrieving the public key history. For this reason, the public key history is additionally encrypted symmetrically with the \ac{AES}-\ac{GCM} algorithm. The key is stored in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app and therefore unknown to Twitter.
-When writing a new, private tweet, the system checks whether the public key has been published before posting. Only if this is fulfilled, the private tweet will be encrypted with the private key and posted.

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-In this chapter, we introduced the Hybrid \ac{OSN} prototype for Twitter. First, the objectives were set, then, the selection of the \ac{OSN} was discussed. The comprehensive API and the comparatively simple functionality led to a decision for Twitter. Afterwards, we examined various technologies for their suitability. \ac{IPFS} was used to store the data and GUN as a \ac{P2P} database. Also, we present a dashboard showing popular hashtags in the private network. Finally, the architecture of the application was documented, and mechanisms were introduced to protect the private data.

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-In order to meet the requirements of the concept best, a detailed consideration of the technology to be used is necessary. These decisions include the application framework itself and libraries and protocols for data exchange in a \ac{P2P} network. Basically, there are two conceivable approaches for the \ac{P2P} network:
-	\item The creation and buildup of a separate \ac{P2P} network connecting the hybrid clients
-	\item The use of an existing \ac{P2P} network for own purpose
-\subsection{Creation of a \ac{P2P} Network}
-The advantage of having an extra \ac{P2P} network is that it is completely under control. Accordingly, it can be designed to fit exactly to the use case and require little or no compromise. However, setting up a \ac{P2P} network is a big challenge and some hurdles must be overcome. These challenges include peer discovery (how peers find each other), global data exchange over the Internet and data storage, and availability of the stored data. In addition, all these requirements must scale. It should work for \ac{P2P} networks with only a few peers and also for a few thousand or even more peers.
-In the following, we discuss two options to create the \ac{P2P} network:
-	\item The use of an established standard such as Wi-Fi Dircet and \ac{WebRTC}
-	\item The use of a library (e.g., Hive2Hive, Yjs) to create a dedicated \ac{P2P} network
-\subsubsection{Wi-Fi Direct}
-Wi-Fi Direct is a standard (IEEE 802.11) for data transmission between two WLAN terminals. There is no need for an access point between the two devices. However, the distance that may lie between the two peers is thus limited. Without obstacles, which contribute to the attenuation of the signal, a distance of up to 200\,m is possible \cite{wifiXXXXdistance}. However, the requirement for the \ac{P2P} network to expand Twitter is different. Users can be scattered around the world and may be online through the mobile network. There is no \ac{P2P} connection via Wi-Fi Dircet possible in this case.
-\ac{WebRTC} is an open standard\footnote{} that provides various communication protocols for real-time communication between two or more peers. Above all, \ac{WebRTC} is popular for its ability to easily perform video calls, as known from Skype, in the browser without a server. Additionally it allows file transfer between peers. In a separate \ac{P2P} network, data could be exchanged between the clients. However, the connection between the clients is complex, beside two peers also a \ac{STUN} server and optionally a \ac{TURN} server is involved. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the system scales.
-The JavaScript library Yjs\footnote{} describes itself as \enquote{a framework for offline-first \ac{P2P} shared editing on structured data-like text, richtext, \ac{JSON}, or \ac{XML}}\cite{yjsXXXXrepo}. The library takes care of solving synchronization conflicts when editing distributed files. By choosing a connector, you can set the protocol for the communication between the peers. There is the possibility to use \ac{WebRTC}, \ac{XMPP} or websockets, but with some connectors running a server is a prerequisite. Further extensions can be used to supplement a database and data types, but the focus here is on the joint editing of data by multiple peers. For all connectors, the authors of the library recommend using an own server. Yjs is released under the MIT license.
-Hive2Hive\footnote{} is a Java library for \enquote{secure, distributed, \ac{P2P}-based file synchronization and sharing}\cite{hive2hiveXXXXrepo}. There is no less promise than \enquote{a free and open-sourced, distributed and scalable solution that focuses on maximum security and privacy of both users and data}\cite{hive2hiveXXXXrepo}. In order to be able to use Hive2Hive globally via the Internet, it is necessary to operate at least one relay peer - five are recommended for sufficient data replication \cite{hive2hiveXXXXguide}. Since a permanent \ac{TCP} connection between peer and relay peer is maintained, the power consumption is quite high. Constant \ac{TCP} connection can be avoided by using Google Cloud Messaging. However, Google has already discontinued this service. Moreover, the development of Hive2Hive was stopped in March 2015 too, there is currently no solution to this problem. Hive2Hive is released under the MIT license.
-In 2014, Mark Nadal began working on a decentralized database called GUN. GUN\footnote{} is written in JavaScript and will be further developed by the community as an open source\footnote{} project. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, so free use is allowed. The \ac{P2P} database exists only within a browser and synchronizes itself with other peers over the Internet. It has offline support, so changes are automatically synchronized and merged as soon as a connection is established. The data are stored in a graph structure in the local storage of the browser. For connecting peers among each other, at least one relay server is required.
-The open source project OrbitDB\footnote{} is a serverless, distributed, \ac{P2P} database on top of \ac{IPFS}. The data are stored in \ac{IPFS} and \ac{IPFS} Pubsub is used to sync the database automatically with other peers. Various types of databases are provided like log, feed, key-value, and counter. There is a JavaScript library for usage in browsers and NodeJS which is currently in alpha stage. OrbitDB is released under the MIT license and therefore free to use in private and commercial projects.
-\subsection{Using an Existing \ac{P2P} Network}
-As mentioned in the previous section, setting up your own \ac{P2P} network involves a number of challenges. If you use an already existing \ac{P2P} network for your own purpose, these challenges can be elegantly avoided. For this purpose, however, a suitable \ac{P2P} network must be found whose properties and possible uses meet the requirements of the hybrid \ac{OSN} client. In the following, various \ac{P2P} networks are considered and examined for their usability for a potential deployment to extend an \ac{OSN}.
-In a blockchain, the private data of the users could be stored encrypted and shared with other users. The corresponding smart contracts would have to be designed for this purpose. Regardless of the blockchain, executing the smart contracts to store the data, however, consumes a token. The user has to get the tokens beforehand and deposit them in his wallet. To avoid this, a test network (e.g., Rinkeby at Ethereum) could be used. A test network would have the advantage that tokens could be made available to the user free of charge and that the execution of the smart contracts would thus also be free. However, test networks are used to test new software updates and usually do not offer the same security as the main network. They should only be used to test applications before releasing them to the main net. In order to protect against abuse, token requests are usually limited and take a while until they arrive in the user's wallet. Besides, it is often required to post specific content in a social network or to perform another task.
-A solution based on a blockchain increases complexity for the user. Since the hybrid solution was required to keep the complexity and additional effort as low as possible, such a solution using a blockchain was categorically excluded.
-\ac{IPFS}\footnote{} is a distributed file system that brings together the ideas of other successful \ac{P2P} systems (DHTs, BitTorrent, Self-Certified Filesystems (SFS) and Git) \cite{benet2014ipfs}. The original idea for \ac{IPFS} came from Juan Benet in 2014. Protocol Labs\footnote{}, founded by Benet, now manages the open source project \cite{benetXXXXlinkedin}.
-The goal of \ac{IPFS} is to connect all computing devices to the same file system. The basis for this is a \ac{P2P} network where the data are distributed and stored. Instead of a location-oriented approach as used in \ac{HTTP}, \ac{IPFS} uses a content-oriented protocol. A cryptographic hash function generates a hash (content identifier) for each file, which can be used to find the file on the \ac{P2P} network using a \ac{DHT}. Unnecessary redundancies are avoided in this way, as the content is only stored once and purposefully replicated. However, deleting data is impossible in \ac{IPFS}. Only if all peers who have stored copies of the file leave, the file can no longer be recovered. Decentralization allows a file to be retrieved from several peers in parallel, thus making the download faster. Besides,
-Due to its characteristics, \ac{IPFS} is an ideal complement to the blockchain and the creation of \acp{dApp}. Large amounts of data can be stored out of \ac{IPFS}, and the address hash can be written into the blockchain. This principle is used for example by AKASHA and Peepeth.
-\ac{IPFS} clients are available for Max OS X, Linux and Windows. Besides, there are client implementations in JavaScript and Go to include in other applications.
-First, the goal was to build a \ac{P2P} network among the users of the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app to use it for secure data exchange. Due to its limitation to local use, Wi-Fi Direct was excluded as a possibility. The need for \ac{STUN} and \ac{TURN} servers and the uncertainty regarding the scalability of the system led to the elimination of the \ac{WebRTC} standard as the basis for communication. While Yjs made a promising impression, the use case ultimately did not fit into a hybrid solution for \ac{OSN}. The Java library Hive2Hive dropped out because of the need for at least one, ideally five, relay servers. Furthermore, the library is discontinued since 2015 and therefore questionable to what extent it is compatible with the current Android \ac{SDK} version. Since the potential solutions for building an own \ac{P2P} network are limited or outdated, the idea of an exclusive \ac{P2P} Hybrid \ac{OSN} network was discarded.
-As a further solution strategy, the use of third-party services from Google Firebase\footnote{} and PubNub\footnote{}, which provide the functionality of a database, was considered. To a limited extent, the services offered can be used for free. From a particular size of the user base and correspondingly large load, costs for the service use would rise. In order to avoid these charges from the beginning, the idea of using these commercial third-party services was rejected.
-The \acp{dApp} AKASHA and Peepeth introduced in Chapter \ref{sec:related-dapps} use the Ethereum blockchain as a database and \ac{IPFS} for data storage. This technology combination meets the technical requirements of a hybrid solution. However, the use of a blockchain was excluded due to the usage costs and complicated configuration for the user (wallet, acquisition of tokens). Nevertheless, \ac{IPFS} is an excellent way to store data decentralized. Accordingly, only a replacement for the database functionality was needed. With OrbitDB and GUN, two technologies came into closer selection for use in Hybrid \ac{OSN}. Since OrbitDB offers database functionality based on \ac{IPFS}, it was initially preferred. However, when using Cordova (the basis of the used application framework Ionic), the JavaScript implementation of \ac{IPFS} and the OrbitDB library, an error occurs. This error has been known for some time but is still unsolved due to its high complexity and the comparatively small number of affected users. Therefore, the final choice was GUN to implement the database functionality of the hybrid solution. At the time of the decision for GUN, it was assumed that the relay server used for testing purposes in the official GUN tutorials could also be used as a relay server within Hybrid OSN. However, later it turned out that the use is very strongly restricted and the limit is already reached after three private tweets. For this reason, a separate relay server was set up as a workaround. GUN provides the necessary code as well as the one-click setup at Heroku\footnote{} on Github.
-\subsection{Application Framework}
-With the Android \ac{SDK} apps for Android can be written in Java, Kotlin, and C++. Tools of the Android \ac{SDK} compile code, data, and resource files to an executable \ac{APK}. This way, only device-specific applications for the Android operating system can be created. \cite{androidXXXXfundamentals}
-The open source framework Ionic\footnote{} is used to create hybrid apps and \acp{PWA}. A hybrid app combines the advantages of a native app with those of web applications. With \ac{HTML}, \ac{CSS}, and JavaScript, this framework can be used to design platform-independent applications (including Android and iOS). The core of Ionic is based on the JavaScript Framework Angular and Apache Cordova, which serves as a bridge to access sensors and functions of the device. Ionic can be used free of charge and is published under the MIT license, so private and commercial use is permitted.
-Comparing the standard way of programming an Android app to the use of Ionic, the platform independence and the JavaScript language are the two main advantages. With Ionic, the same code can be used to create apps for the majority of mobile operating systems. Additionally, as \ac{PWA} the app runs in every modern web browser. The previously defined requirements of a hybrid solution demanded this independence, thus Ionic is a good match. Regarding the programming language JavaScript, many projects in the field of \acp{dApp} and decentralization in general provide only libraries for JavaScript (e.g., GUN). Besides, JavaScript is the language to write add-ons for browsers. Even though Ionic cannot be used to create browser add-ons, the used JavaScript libraries are able to do so. Hence, the same technology could be used to deliver clients to all popular environments.
-With React Native\footnote{} and NativeScript\footnote{} there are comparable frameworks to Ionic. They also use JavaScript and are used to create hybrid apps for several environments. But the provided components to create the user interface are most promising with Ionic and the initial learning barrier is low compared to the other two. Because of these advantages, Ionic was finally chosen for programming the Hybrid \ac{OSN} client app.

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-This chapter is about the evaluation of the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app. It is discussed to which extent the previously defined requirements and quality goals were fulfilled and validated how realistic the requirements are in general. Afterwards, limitations are discussed, and a threat model mentions potential problems.
-%Furthermore, a comparison to other related work is carried out.
-\section{Fulfillment of Requirements and Achievement of Objectives}
-\section{Threat Model}

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-In Chapter \ref{sec:requirements}, several functional and non-functional requirements were defined. In addition, in Chapter \ref{sec:quality-goals} multiple quality goals were set to ensure a high quality of the code. In the following, for each requirement and goal, a critical discussion is given on the achievement in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app.
-\subsection{Functional Requirements}
-With regard to the functional requirements previously defined in Chapter \ref{sec:requirements}, their implementation in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app are discussed in the following.
-\subsubsection{Standard Functionality}
-As part of this work, a prototype with limited functionality was created. Accordingly, numerous functionalities, such as the direct messaging system, notifications, the posting of images, gifs, videos or surveys, and much more are not implemented. However, it was considered that the prototype implements all essential functionalities so that the basic use of Twitter is possible. These basic functions include displaying the home feed and user feeds (profiles), searching for users and managing the connection (follow, unfollow, mute, block), as well as liking tweets and posting new tweets (incl. reply, retweet).
-While the majority of the missing functions were deliberately omitted for time reasons, the restricted \ac{API} also sets limits. For this reason, this requirement must be evaluated as not fulfilled. But, due to the limitations of the \ac{API}, it could not have been fully met. While Twitter is an extremely grateful example due to its simple functionality and generous \ac{API}, the limitations of other \acp{OSN} are much more severe. A missing \ac{API} and crawling prohibited by terms of service would make data exchange between a client and the \ac{OSN} virtually impossible.
-\subsubsection{Client-side Solution}
-Since it is not possible to execute code on the Twitter's servers, no other solution than a client-side approach is possible. Accordingly, all functions are implemented on the client side, and the requirement is fulfilled.
-As described in Chapter \ref{sec:solution-strategy-architecture}, a solution architecture either contains or does not contain additional servers. In the objectives in Chapter \ref{sec:objective}, a solution without additional servers was preferred. Though, since GUN requires a relay server to establish the connection between the peers, this self-imposed goal could not be achieved.
-\subsubsection{Data Sovereignty}
-The user can decide for himself whether the data are shared with other users via the private network or the Twitter servers when posting or liking a tweet. Since other functionalities that require data from the user (e.g., information in the profile, direct messages) have not been implemented, at least the prototype fulfills the requirement partly.
-Nevertheless, data about user behavior can still be collected. The user is authenticated against the \ac{API} so that his requests can be unambiguously assigned. Using this usage data, Twitter can record which profiles are called up and what the user searches for. This data can also be used to conclude a user's preferences and interests. Hybrid \ac{OSN} offers no protection against this type of data collection.
-\subsubsection{Authorized Data Access and Encryption}
-Private data should be accessible only to those users for whom they are intended. But, they should not be accessible to the service provider. Twitter only distinguishes between public and private profiles. While with public profiles every other Twitter user has access to the profile and the tweets, with private profiles only authorized followers can view tweets. By distributing the public key to decrypt the data via the profile, the same user group is granted access to a user's private tweets, which can also see the official Twitter tweets. The additional symmetric encryption of the public key history by the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app ensures that Twitter cannot decrypt the public key history and thus also the private tweets. Therefore, the requirement can be evaluated as fulfilled.
-The implementation differs from the standard solution for this problem. Typically, data are encrypted with the recipient's public key to ensure that only the recipient can decrypt it with their private key. Though, in the case of Twitter and the public profiles, the recipient circle of a tweet is not known. Accordingly, it is not possible to explicitly encrypt data for a specific recipient.
-An alternative to the implementation in Hybrid \ac{OSN} would be to encrypt data with the symmetrical Hybrid \ac{OSN} key for public profiles and to encrypt data asymmetrically with the public keys of the recipient for private profiles. The advantage would be that users with a public profile would not have to generate keys and the configuration effort would be reduced. A simpler configuration would have a positive effect on the requirement for minimal configuration effort. The disadvantage would be that a user with a private profile and a large number of approved followers would have to calculate the encryption and upload the data for each. This would be in contrast to the requirement to conserve resources.
-\subsubsection{Flexible Data Format}
-The flexibility of GUN and the \ac{JSON} data format allow effective data storage. The established structures can also be easily adapted for future requirements. Due to the immutability of the data stored in \ac{IPFS}, it is not possible to retroactively change the data structure. Should this nevertheless be necessary, the changes would have to be implemented in the program logic. However, the requirement must be regarded as fulfilled.
-\subsubsection{Platform Independence}
-The requirement for a platform-independent solution contradicts the actual requirement to create an Android client. Nevertheless, the requirement was taken into account in the decisions made. The targeted selection of the Ionic framework laid the basis for platform independence. Even though Ionic was primarily used to create an Android application within the scope of this work, it should be possible to use the same code with some effort to create an app for iOS or a \ac{PWA}. Since Twitter can be used on almost all platforms up to the feature phone, the idealistic goal of creating a similar client variety is almost utopian. Taking all that into account, the requirement is therefore only partially fulfilled.
-\subsubsection{Anonymized Data for the Service Provider}
-Anonymous data from the private network should be shared with Twitter to prevent the service provider's business model from failing. Approximately 87\% (\$\,791 million) of Twitter's revenues in the fourth quarter 2018 were generated by advertisements \cite{twitter2019reportq4}. Thus, the central pillar of Twitter's business model is personalized advertising. Accordingly, data should be of particular interest for Twitter if it is related to a person. Only if Twitter gains knowledge about a user, this knowledge can be used to place targeted advertisements. However, it is precisely this connection between data and user that should be avoided by using Hybrid \ac{OSN}.
-As a result, the implementation of the requirement is almost impossible. Even though all data would be transferred to Twitter in an anonymous form for further processing, this data would be entirely worthless for Twitter's business model. In this context, it should be emphasized that the use of the \ac{API} does not result in any advertising being displayed to the user. Twitter therefore deliberately accepts that client applications that use the \ac{API} do not contribute to the generation of profits. Against this background, the implementation of this requirement is questionable although it is an essential aspect in the hybrid \ac{OSN} concept.
-In order to meet the request and at least to prove the feasibility of the anonymized data provision, the hashtags used were provided anonymously. Twitter could use this data to improve trend recognition and inform users about current, much-discussed topics. Thus, a full analysis of popular hashtags throughout the system enables precise statements.
-\subsection{Non-Functional Requirements}
-The following part is about the non-functional requirements as defined in Chapter \ref{sec:requirements}. It is discussed to which extent they are considered in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} prototype.
-\subsubsection{Minimal Additional Effort}
-The Hybrid \ac{OSN} app is available as \ac{APK} file and can be installed on an Android device. Since it is only a prototype so far, the app is not available from the Google Play Store. Theoretically, this is possible and would simplify the installation and updating of the app.
-The app works out of the box and does not require any particular configuration. For passive use, i.e., just consuming the content, the app works from the beginning. No additional registration is necessary; the Twitter login is sufficient. For the encryption of the private tweets, a key pair is required, which can be generated in the settings by clicking on a button. The configuration effort is therefore limited to a minimum. If the key pair is not yet stored, the user is notified before posting the private tweet and referred to the necessary configuration on the settings page.
-If the user uninstalls the app or logs out of his account, the configurations and thus also the public and private key are deleted. If the keys have not been saved elsewhere and cannot be restored, the next time the user uses Hybrid \ac{OSN} again, there are no restrictions on generating a new key pair. With the public key history, it is verified that old tweets are always decryptable.
-During the conception phase, this requirement was always given high priority. The implementation as a \ac{dApp} and the associated need for corresponding tokens and a wallet were especially rejected because of this requirement. The current implementation completely meets the requirement for minimal configuration effort.
-\subsubsection{Minimal Side Effects}
-In the context of the publication of the public key history, changes that are visible to other users become noticeable in two places. First, the \ac{IPFS} hash of the public key history is posted in a tweet. Second, a reference to this tweet is stored in the profile description of the user. While the tweet will show up in all followers' timelines, a change in the profile description has no direct influence on the user experience of other users. During regular use, the public key history is rarely extended by new entries. Thus the side effects are limited to a minimum, and the requirement is fulfilled accordingly.
-\subsubsection{Compliance with Policies}
-The Twitter Developer Terms and the Twitter Terms and Conditions were respected. For example, \ac{API} guidelines do not allow the redistribution of Twitter content. For this reason, when tweeting or quoting tweets over the private network, only their ids are stored, not the entire content. Hence, the requirement is fulfilled.
-\subsubsection{Good User Experience}
-A good user experience should be achieved by short loading times and understandable and appealing design. The loading times of the private data in Hybrid \ac{OSN} consist of two parts. First, objects of interest must be identified with GUN. Then, the data has to be loaded from \ac{IPFS}. In both cases, it has a significant influence on the loading time whether there are enough peers with the searched information in the network. Both systems are designed for short reaction times. However, the loading times cannot be given in figures, since no reliable result could be measured due to the non-reproducible circumstances concerning peer availability.
-There are no objective standards for an understandable and appealing design. The following examples are intended to show how these demands on the user interface were nevertheless met.
-	\item Icons extend items in the menu. The icons allow quick identification of the purpose of the page without having to read the title.
-	\item The structure of a tweet corresponds to the structure known from Twitter so that no acclimatization is necessary.
-	\item When writing a tweet,  a circle animation visualizes compliance with the character limit. The user is thus visually informed about how many characters have already been used and how many are still possible.
-	\item When sharing data, the private mode is indicated by a sunglasses icon, the public mode by the Twitter logo. This can be found when writing a new tweet as well as when likening tweets.
-	\item Private tweets are represented by a dark background so that the data source can be identified easily.
-	\item Loading processes are represented to the user by a loading animation. When posting a private tweet, the user is also informed about the current processing step.
-	\item When using sensitive keywords in tweets, the user is informed about this circumstance and recommended to post the tweet privately. On the settings page, the user can configure the keywords himself. 
-\subsection{Quality Goals}
-Quality goals, as defined in Chapter \ref{sec:quality-goals}, should motivate developers to write high-quality code that is easy to customize and maintain. Concerning the analyzability of Hybrid \ac{OSN}, all modules, classes, methods, and variables were titled with English names. The public methods of the provider classes were documented, and the Clean Code principles were adhered to. 
-With JavaScript, the application is written in a language that ranks on eighth place in the TIOBE Index, which measures the popularity of a programming language \cite{tiobe2019index}. At GitHub, JavaScript leads all statistics \cite{github2018programming-language-stats}. Most new repositories are created for JavaScript projects, and most contributions are written in JavaScript. Due to its popularity, many developers should be able to use the Hybrid \ac{OSN} codebase and find their way around quickly. The interfaces to GUN and \ac{IPFS} have been outsourced to individual providers so that they are interchangeable. Thus, the technology can be easily exchanged.
-Tests are used to check the proper functioning of the application. For time reasons, this quality goal was neglected for Hybrid \ac{OSN} and thus not achieved. But, in principle, the testing of ionic applications is possible.
-The source code should be managed as an open source project to increase confidence in the application. Although version management is used with Git and is also centrally managed on the Git server of the Telecooperation Lab group, the code is not freely accessible here. Thus Hybrid \ac{OSN} cannot be considered an open source application.

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-By using the Twitter \ac{API}, Hybrid \ac{OSN} is very strongly bound to Twitter. Restrictions to the \ac{API} would have a significant impact on the Hybrid \ac{OSN} client. In order to link content and actions to users and tweets, a referencing of the respective id is necessary. If these ids disappear from the system because tweets are deleted or users leave the platform, the private data can no longer be assigned and lose their significance.
-Private tweets are loaded into the user's timeline by active pulling. With the user ids of the friends' accounts, their private tweets are looked up. Since the data structure in GUN is optimized for searching by user ids, searching for a keyword or hashtag is not possible in an elegant way. To perform such a search, first, all hashes need to be extracted from GUN and downloaded form \ac{IPFS}. Second, all this data needs to be decrypted and searched locally for the given keyword. For a small amount of data, this is maybe practical. However, it does not scale and is, therefore, no permanent option.
-For the hybrid client to achieve the best possible result, a copy of all the functionalities of the original \ac{OSN} must be implemented decentrally. In particular, the problem of finding specific content has to be solved. GUN fulfills this requirement only partly since only user ids can be looked up. Besides, GUN needs a relay server to connect peers. This server represents an unwanted single point of failure.
-Since there is currently no pushing from the back end or periodically updating, push notifications are missing. The user always has to open the app and check for updates himself. If someone else, who is no friend of the user, mentions the user in a private tweet, there is no possibility he will ever notice.
-The data stored in \ac{IPFS} cannot be deleted and subsequently edited. Also in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app, the deletion of single private tweets is not implemented at the moment. The users of Peepeth strongly criticized this circumstance \cite{peepeth2018free}, hence this is also a limitation for the Hybrid \ac{OSN} users. While tweets cannot be edited afterward, they can be deleted so that there is a difference to the hybrid implementation.
-Data exchange via GUN only works if peers are online at the same time. As Hybrid \ac{OSN} is an application for a smartphone, a permanent connection is not guaranteed. Furthermore, the connection is not maintained in the background, but only when actively using the application. Especially in the initial phase with few users, this is a substantial limitation. Super peers could solve this problem, but this requires the installation of more servers.

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-In the threat model of Hybrid \ac{OSN} the potential threats for different sub-areas are shown, and the particular risk discussed. The worst would be if private data could be decrypted and assigned to a user or if identity abuse would be possible. However, other dangers such as identification by the service provider or manipulation of data must be analyzed.
-\subsection{Service Provider – Twitter}
-Hybrid \ac{OSN} users can be easily identified by the service provider Twitter, even if they only use the app passively to read private tweets of other users and do not write private tweets themselves. For using the Twitter \ac{API}, it is essential to register an app to get an app token. This app token is attached to all requests sent to the Twitter \ac{API}. When logging in on Hybrid \ac{OSN} for the first time, the user accepts to use the app to access Twitter.
-So far not implemented, but theoretically possible is that each user creates an app for the use of the \ac{API} on their own. The obtained app token could then be stored in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app, and the use of the application could be obscured. In this case, the identification possibility via the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app token is omitted, and the passive use would be possible without danger. However, the Twitter developer terms forbid the use of multiple applications for a single use case \cite{twitterXXXXdev-terms}. This restriction is primary for a single developer trying to bypass the request limits. It has to be further evaluated if this rule also applies to multiple developers with only one application each.
-Active use requires a public tweet and a reference in the profile description for the distribution of the public key history. Although the contents are inconspicuous, they are still sufficient for the identification of a Hybrid \ac{OSN} user.
-In Hybrid \ac{OSN}, GUN takes the role of a database shared by the peers. The dashboard also establishes a direct connection. The data are publicly accessible and editable. The stored data are a combination of hashtag and timestamp, which serve as information for the trends in the Hybrid \ac{OSN} dashboard. For every private tweet of a user, there is an entry consisting of Twitter user id, \ac{IPFS} address hash, and timestamp. Also, there are the private likes, for which there is a counter to the tweet id. For preventing the hashtag and private tweet timestamps from connecting, the time of the hashtag timestamp is set to 00:01. The trends in the dashboard are aggregated by the day, so the exact time is not essential.
-The greatest threat is that an attacker may modify or delete data. By deleting entries, private tweets would no longer be found and thus no longer displayed. Changing the \ac{IPFS} hash would mean that the data could not be found and would also not be displayed. Manipulation of the timestamp would result in private tweets being loaded at the wrong time interval when the feed is loaded and thus positioned at the wrong place. Furthermore, the timestamp in GUN is used to use the appropriate public key from the public key history for decryption. Under certain circumstances, the wrong key would be selected and the private tweet could not be decrypted.
-Creating entries for private tweets does not have a significant effect because the associated content stored in \ac{IPFS} must be encrypted with the private key, which is unknown to a third party. Adding wrong or modifying existing hashtag entries for trend detection is also possible and poses a significant risk as it allows manipulation of the trends. Ultimately, it is not possible to verify which hashtags were used and how often. The same applies to private likes. Since in this case the complete information is stored in GUN and can be changed, it is not possible to determine whether data has been manipulated.
-Since \ac{IPFS} is publicly accessible, anyone can add and retrieve data. Though, it is not possible to change or delete data. A hash of the content addresses the data stored in \ac{IPFS}. Since the content is entirely unknown (especially by encrypting the plaintext content), it is not possible to conclude the hash. A targeted search for private data in \ac{IPFS} is therefore impossible. The encrypted data also does not contain any clues that allow conclusions to be drawn about Hybrid \ac{OSN}. In combination with the publicly available information from GUN, all private tweet data could be found in \ac{IPFS}. But, because of the encryption of the content, the data are worthless.
-Due to the decentralization of the system, the availability of \ac{IPFS} is always guaranteed. However, only as long as there are peers who make the service possible. If a peer leaves the network, its data are also lost if not reproduced beforehand. Therefore, there is no guarantee for the permanent availability of data.
-\subsection{Encryption – Leakage of Keys}
-On the one hand, the public key history is symmetrically encrypted; on the other hand, the private tweets are asymmetrically encrypted. The keys for asymmetric encryption are generated independently by each user and are therefore individual. With symmetric encryption, just one key is used, which is stored in the source code of Hybrid \ac{OSN}. In this way, only the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app can decrypt the public key history of a user and therefore decrypt its private tweets.
-Disclosure of the source code would reveal the symmetric key. The service provider would then have all the necessary information and access to all data to read private tweets and assign them to users.
-\subsection{Authorized Access}
-A user's private tweets should be readable by all users who can also read the public tweets - except for the service provider Twitter. Therefore, a user posts the \ac{IPFS} hash that leads to the public key history on his timeline. There is a threat that authorized users may create a copy of the decrypted public key history and pass it on to third parties. Since the data in \ac{IPFS} is permanent and therefore not erasable, it can be decrypted at any time later with the appropriate public key.
-If a user decides to change his profile to \enquote{private} in the account settings, the profile will no longer be publicly accessible. Solely accepted followers should then be able to read public and private tweets. A non-approved user is still able to fetch the encrypted private tweets from \ac{IPFS}. However, since the link to the public key history is no longer accessible, the private tweets decryption is not possible. If non-approved users or third parties already have the link to or a backup of the public key history from the past, all private tweets of the past can still be decrypted. Whenever a profile is changed to \enquote{private} a new pair of keys should be generated to ensure that future private tweets are only readable to approved users. Otherwise the latest key is still valid and could be used to encrypt future private tweets.

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-In this chapter, we summarize the work that has been done in this thesis. Besides, we describe the main contributions for privacy protection in \acp{OSN} using a hybrid solution. Finally, we give an outlook on how the results of this thesis can be used for further analysis and research.
-This thesis first introduced the problems around privacy protection in centralized, well-established \acp{OSN}, and the motivation for this work. Afterwards, we provided the relevant background information of software system architectures in general, and in particular for \ac{P2P} networks as well as arising \acp{dApp}. Then, we presented other approaches trying to increase the user's privacy. These approaches are extensions for established social networks, decentralized \acp{OSN} including \ac{dApp} \acp{OSN}, and protocols for the communication in distributed networks. Based on the work of the \enquote{Research and Training Group} and their research on \enquote{Privacy Protection via Hybrid Social Networks}, we elaborated a concept for hybrid solutions and defined multiple requirements. Besides, we gave various solution strategies for the implementation of the concept regarding the architecture and the client itself. Then, we presented our prototype for Twitter. First, we compared \acp{OSN} and technology and examined their suitability for a proof of concept. Second, we described the architecture and implementation of the Android app. Finally, we discussed to what extent the hybrid \ac{OSN} prototype meets the previously defined requirements including our objectives, the functional and non-function requirements as well as the quality goals. We also analyzed limitations and provided a comprehensive threat model.
-In the work presented in this thesis, first, we took up the idea of a hybrid \ac{OSN} from the Research and Training Group. This idea about an extension for secure and private data exchange in established \acp{OSN} was examined and enriched with precise requirements. These demands involve functional and non-functional requirements, as well as quality goals to ensure a good code quality when implementing. Furthermore, we evaluated the opinions and needs of different stakeholders and discussed restrictions. Conclusive, we presented possible solution strategies.
-To prove the feasibility of the hybrid \ac{OSN} concept, we created a unique prototype for Twitter as an Android app. This proof of concept uses the technologies GUN and \ac{IPFS} to provide its users with the possibility of a secure data exchange while still using the default functionality of the \ac{OSN}. We worked out a solution to save data in a flexible, extensible \ac{JSON} format and protect it through the application of symmetrical and asymmetrical encryption algorithms. Further noticeable features include a user-friendly interface and the avoidance of side effects to other users caused by the use of Hybrid \ac{OSN}. Since the need for configuration was kept on an absolute minimum, everyone is capable of protecting its data by using this app. A dashboard showing the trends in the private network was made to provide the service provider with anonymized data.
-Finally, the evaluation of the prototype against the previously defined requirements demonstrated that the concept is feasible. However, it also became clear that not all requirements are completely fulfillable and the application of the concept to other \ac{OSN} may be very challenging.
-\section{Future Work}
-The contributions and the presented results of this thesis provide several possibilities for future work. First, the Hybrid \ac{OSN} prototype app can be further improved by adding more functionality, for example through implementing the direct message system.
-While GUN solves the problem of a distributed database, it has various limitations and was furthermore identified as a weak point in the threat model. In future work, either the usage of GUN could be improved, or a better solution for a distributed database could be found and implemented.
-Field studies of users using the Hybrid \ac{OSN} app could be performed as for future work to validate user acceptance of the solution. Through analysis of the user behavior, the app could be optimized to encourage usage of the hybrid ONS app. Additionally, it could improve the concept of hybrid solutions.
-Another topic for future work is the anonymized data sharing with the service provider. In-depth analysis of the service provider's demands and the available private date need to be carried out. It has to be evaluated which kind of anonymized data are worthy for the service provider.
-In this thesis, the developed concept was validated for Twitter. Therefore, it would be an exciting challenge to apply the concept to other \acp{OSN}, like Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. In this process, the stated requirements could be refined, and thus the overall concept improved.
-Regarding the implementation of hybrid solutions in general, future work could examine how a framework providing the basic functionality of distributed \ac{P2P} extensions may look like. Since they all need to store and retrieve data somehow, basic functions provided via a clean interface by a library could improve the creation of hybrid clients for all any platform.
















































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