소스 검색

link abbreviations

Carsten Porth 5 년 전
3개의 변경된 파일4개의 추가작업 그리고 4개의 파일을 삭제
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@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ In early 2015, Mihai Alisie (co-founder of Ethereum) had the idea for AKASHA. AK
 Alisie sees AKASHA as \enquote{the missing puzzle piece that will enable us to tackle two of the most critical challenges we face today as a modern information-based society: freedom of expression and creative perpetuity}\cite{akasha2016unveiling}. The central goal is therefore to prevent censorship and to obtain information over a long period.
-AKASHA offers the typical functionalities known from other social networks. These include creating a profile and connect with other profiles. Posting content and commenting on other entries. Furthermore, there is a message system and the possibility to tip other users. Instead of a central server, AKASHA uses the Ethereum testnet Rinkeby and \ac{IPFS} to store data, so AKASHA can be called a \ac{dApp}. The messaging system is implemented via Whisper. ETH is required to execute all actions in order to write to the blockchain, but this can be easily requested in the test network.
+AKASHA offers the typical functionalities known from other social networks. These include creating a profile and connect with other profiles. Posting content and commenting on other entries. Furthermore, there is a message system and the possibility to tip other users. Instead of a central server, AKASHA uses the Ethereum testnet Rinkeby and \ac{IPFS} to store data, so AKASHA can be called a \ac{dApp}. The messaging system is implemented via Whisper. \ac{ETH} is required to execute all actions in order to write to the blockchain, but this can be easily requested in the test network.
 After a proof of concept had validated the idea, the technology stack mentioned above was defined, and development began at the beginning of 2016. The first goal was to develop a client based on Electron for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. In January 2017, the first functional alpha version was completed and tested with a closed circle of users. Over time, additional functions were added, bugs fixed, and performance optimized. In November 2017, a web version of AKASHA\footnote{https://beta.akasha.world/} was introduced. This was a big step towards a better user experience since the web client does not need to download the Ethereum Rinkeby blockchain which took around 30\,minutes on the first run. But, the web version only works in browsers running MetaMask and \ac{IPFS} Companion extensions. The public beta phase started in February 2018 with the primary goal to see how the application behaves under heavy load.
-With the announcement of the web version, the team behind AKASHA also introduced their own AETH token. This token has the unique feature that it can take different states. By locking AETH, the user receives \textit{Mana} which regenerates every day as long as the AETH remains locked. Performing interactions, for example liking, commenting or publishing posts, consumes \textit{Mana} and ETH, but not AETH. When \textit{Mana} is used to vote for something, the content's author receives the same amount as \textit{Essence} which can be converted into new AETH tokens. The third state is called \textit{Karma} and functions as a all time score of received \textit{Essence} even though it has been used to mint AETH. \textit{Karma} is necessary to unlock new features inside AKASHA. \cite{akasha2017horizons}
+With the announcement of the web version, the team behind AKASHA also introduced their own AETH token. This token has the unique feature that it can take different states. By locking AETH, the user receives \textit{Mana} which regenerates every day as long as the AETH remains locked. Performing interactions, for example liking, commenting or publishing posts, consumes \textit{Mana} and \ac{ETH}, but not AETH. When \textit{Mana} is used to vote for something, the content's author receives the same amount as \textit{Essence} which can be converted into new AETH tokens. The third state is called \textit{Karma} and functions as a all time score of received \textit{Essence} even though it has been used to mint AETH. \textit{Karma} is necessary to unlock new features inside AKASHA. \cite{akasha2017horizons}
 %With the announcement of the web version, the team behind AKASHA also released plans for their AETH token. This token should have the unique feature that it can take different states. The state transition from one state to the other is only possible as shown in Figure \ref{fig:akasha-aeth-transitions}. The developers describe the states as follows:

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@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Furthermore, good content from other users can be rewarded with a tip. 10\% of t
 On 29th January 2019, Peepeth had 4055 users who posted a total of 66262 Peeps. For an account, future users have to apply first and receive a sign-up link by email to join the platform after some time. On invitation of an active user, new users can join directly without waiting time. Users can verify themselves with their existing Github and Twitter accounts. In the future, it will be possible to use further platforms for the verification of an account. In order to verify an account, the user must post a \enquote{special message}, which also contains his Ethereum address. The link to this post must then be handed over to a smart contract, which confirms the ownership of the account.
-Peepeth communicated the next milestones to increase the user experience as part of the crowdfunding campaign. The first milestone has already been reached. The fact that the possession of a cryptocurrency requirement for the use and procurement of such a currency is difficult was to be eliminated. Peepeth bears the costs for its users. The next steps are the use without special software requirements (renouncement of particular browsers or MetaMask) and the development of an iOS app. However, only 140.56 ETH could be collected from the required 1000 ETH. It is unclear to what extent the desired goals will now be achieved.
+Peepeth communicated the next milestones to increase the user experience as part of the crowdfunding campaign. The first milestone has already been reached. The fact that the possession of a cryptocurrency requirement for the use and procurement of such a currency is difficult was to be eliminated. Peepeth bears the costs for its users. The next steps are the use without special software requirements (renouncement of particular browsers or MetaMask) and the development of an iOS app. However, only 140.56 \ac{ETH} could be collected from the required 1000 \ac{ETH}. It is unclear to what extent the desired goals will now be achieved.

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@@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ The design of the Twitterize architecture meets the privacy requirements. The ot
 The avoidance of overheads was also successful, although the timeline is updated in the background every minute. \ac{CPU} usage and power consumption were only slightly above the values of the original Twitter app. For the storage of the additional data, only a little space is necessary, since each hashtag occupies only 48 bytes. Assuming that in the Twitter Social Graph two arbitrary users are connected via 4.71 following users in between, an average delivery time of 142 seconds was calculated for a message.
-Restrictions arise on the one hand due to limits on the use of the Twitter API and on the other hand because the application must always be online to get the best user experience.
+Restrictions arise on the one hand due to limits on the use of the Twitter \ac{API} and on the other hand because the application must always be online to get the best user experience.