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Carsten Porth 5 years ago

+ 7 - 0

@@ -454,4 +454,11 @@
   note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
   note         = {Online, accessed 21.03.2019},
+  author  = {Benet, Juan},
+  title   = {Ipfs-content addressed, versioned, p2p file system},
+  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.3561},
+  year    = {2014},
 @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}
 @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}

+ 11 - 3

@@ -39,11 +39,19 @@ As mentioned in the previous section, setting up your own \ac{P2P} network invol
 In the following, various \ac{P2P} networks are considered and examined for their usability for a potential deployment to extend an \ac{OSN}.
 In the following, various \ac{P2P} networks are considered and examined for their usability for a potential deployment to extend an \ac{OSN}.
-\subsubsection*{Filesharing \ac{P2P} Networks}
+\subsubsection{Filesharing \ac{P2P} Networks}
+\ac{IPFS}\footnote{} is a distributed file system that brings together the ideas of other successful \ac{P2P} systems (DHTs, BitTorrent, Self-Certified Filesystems (SFS) and Git) \cite{benet2014ipfs}. The original idea for IPFS came from Juan Benet in 2014. Protocol Labs, founded by Benet, now manages the open source project.
+The goal of \ac{IPFS} is to connect all computing devices to the same file system. The basis for this is a \ac{P2P} network where the data is distributed and stored. Instead of a location-oriented approach as used in \ac{HTTP}, \ac{IPFS} uses a content-oriented protocol. A cryptographic hash function generates a hash (content identifier) for each file, which can be used to find the file on the \ac{P2P} network using a \ac{DHT}. Unnecessary redundancies are avoided in this way, as the content is only stored once and purposefully replicated. However, deleting data is impossible in IPFS. Only if all peers who have stored copies of the file leave, the file can no longer be recovered. Decentralization allows a file to be retrieved from several peers in parallel, thus making the download faster. Besides,
+Due to its characteristics, \ac{IPFS} is an ideal complement to the blockchain and the development of \acp{dApp}. Large amounts of data can be stored out of \ac{IPFS}, and the address hash can be written into the blockchain. This principle is used for example by AKASHA and Peepeth.
+\ac{IPFS} clients are available for Max OS X, Linux and Windows. Besides, there are client implementations in JavaScript and Go to include in other applications.