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Carsten Porth 5 years ago

+ 9 - 0

@@ -509,4 +509,13 @@
   note         = {Online, accessed 22.03.2019},
   note         = {Online, accessed 22.03.2019},
+  author       = {Adam Tornes},
+  title        = {{Introducing Twitter premium APIs}},
+  howpublished = {\url{\_us/topics/tools/2017/introducing-twitter-premium-apis.html}},
+  month        = nov,
+  year         = {2017},
+  note         = {Online, accessed 22.03.2019},
 @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}
 @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}

+ 2 - 2

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Finally, Twitter was chosen for the prototype. With 321 million active users per
 Twitter offers several \acp{API} for developers that serve different purposes. The current \acp{API} are \cite{twitterXXXXdev-getting-started}:
 Twitter offers several \acp{API} for developers that serve different purposes. The current \acp{API} are \cite{twitterXXXXdev-getting-started}:
 	\item \textbf{Standard \ac{API}}: the free and public \ac{API} offering basic query functionality and foundational access to Twitter data.
 	\item \textbf{Standard \ac{API}}: the free and public \ac{API} offering basic query functionality and foundational access to Twitter data.
-	\item \textbf{Premium \ac{API}}: introduced in November 2017 to close the gap between Standard and Entrprise \ac{API}. Improvements over the Standard \ac{API}: \enquote{more Tweets per request, higher rate limits, a counts endpoint that returns time-series counts of Tweets, more complex queries and metadata enrichments, such as expanded URLs and improved profile geo information}\footnote{\_us/topics/tools/2017/introducing-twitter-premium-apis.html}. Prices to use this \ac{API} start at 149\$/month.
+	\item \textbf{Premium \ac{API}}: introduced in November 2017 to close the gap between Standard and Entrprise \ac{API}. Improvements over the Standard \ac{API}: \enquote{more Tweets per request, higher rate limits, a counts endpoint that returns time-series counts of Tweets, more complex queries and metadata enrichments, such as expanded URLs and improved profile geo information}\cite{twitter2017premium-api}. Prices to use this \ac{API} start at 149\$/month.
 	\item \textbf{Enterprise \ac{API}}: tailored packages with annual contracts for those who depend on Twitter data.
 	\item \textbf{Enterprise \ac{API}}: tailored packages with annual contracts for those who depend on Twitter data.
 	\item \textbf{Ads \ac{API}}: this \ac{API} is only of interest for creating and managing ad campaigns.
 	\item \textbf{Ads \ac{API}}: this \ac{API} is only of interest for creating and managing ad campaigns.
 	%\item \textbf{Twitter for websites}: this is more a suite of tools than an \ac{API}. It's free to use and enables people to embed tweets and tweet buttons on their website.
 	%\item \textbf{Twitter for websites}: this is more a suite of tools than an \ac{API}. It's free to use and enables people to embed tweets and tweet buttons on their website.
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ Twitter offers several \acp{API} for developers that serve different purposes. T
 In the case of the hybrid client, the standard \ac{API} can be used. In this process, the registration of a \enquote{Twitter App} is necessary to receive a consumer key and access token. These two authentication tokens are required to log in users via the hybrid app and successfully communicate with the \ac{API}.
 In the case of the hybrid client, the standard \ac{API} can be used. In this process, the registration of a \enquote{Twitter App} is necessary to receive a consumer key and access token. These two authentication tokens are required to log in users via the hybrid app and successfully communicate with the \ac{API}.
-Twitter offers almost the entire range of functions via the \ac{API}. The missing functionality (e.g., the targeted retrieval of replies to a tweet) is not so critical for building a client app. A significant limitation is a restriction on the number of requests. Twitter argues that this restriction is necessary to avoid the exposure of the system to too much load. It also aims to prevent bots from abusing Twitter. The exact limits can be found on a help page\footnote{}. In the app stores of Google and Apple, there are a number of alternative Twitter clients (Twitterific\footnote{}, Talon for Twitter\footnote{\_l}, Fenix 2 for Twitter\footnote{}), which are also subject to these restrictions in terms of functionality and requests.
+Twitter offers almost the entire range of functions via the \ac{API}. The missing functionality (e.g., the targeted retrieval of replies to a tweet) is not so critical for building a client app. A significant limitation is a restriction on the number of requests. Twitter argues that this restriction is necessary to avoid the exposure of the system to too much load. It also aims to prevent bots from abusing Twitter. The exact limits can be found on a help page\footnote{}. In the app stores of Google and Apple, there are a number of alternative Twitter clients (Twitterific\footnote{}, Talon for Twitter\footnote{\_l}, Fenix 2 for Twitter\footnote{}), which are also subject to these restrictions in terms of functionality and requests. Their success indicates that the restrictions do not affect the common usage seriously.
 The \ac{API} can be accessed using \ac{HTTP} requests. The data exchanged are in \ac{JSON} format. Furthermore, there are also various libraries (e.g., Twit\footnote{}), some even are developed directly by Twitter (see Twitter Kit for Android\footnote{} or iOS\footnote{}) and simplify the use of the \ac{API}.
 The \ac{API} can be accessed using \ac{HTTP} requests. The data exchanged are in \ac{JSON} format. Furthermore, there are also various libraries (e.g., Twit\footnote{}), some even are developed directly by Twitter (see Twitter Kit for Android\footnote{} or iOS\footnote{}) and simplify the use of the \ac{API}.