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Restructuring related work chapter

Carsten Porth vor 5 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 16 neuen und 16 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 16 16

+ 16 - 16

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \chapter{Related Work}
-This chapter gives a comprehensive overview about different projects trying to protect the users' personal data in online social networks. Seven different approaches are presented and their relevance for this work discussed. While some projects are extensions for established online social networks, others are completely new social networks. For each project, the way data is stored and accessed and how communication is realized are investigated. The chapter concludes with a summary of the related work.
+This chapter gives a comprehensive overview about different projects trying to protect the users' personal data in online social networks. Hereby, six different approaches are presented. First, extensions are considered that make the use of established social networks more secure. Then, alternative social networks will be presented that have placed the protection of personal data at the center. Thereafter two next generation social networks will be considered, which take advantage of the blockchain technology and belong to the group of dApps. Finally, the ActivityPub protocol is presented, which maps the communication in decentralized platforms. The chapter concludes with a summary of the related work.
 % For each project, write about
@@ -10,25 +10,12 @@ This chapter gives a comprehensive overview about different projects trying to p
 % - how is data accessed (authorization)
-% Extensions for better privacy
-\section{P2P Social Networks}
 % Extensions for better privacy
 \section{Privacy through Extensions}
+Existing connections to other people and already created content can bind users to platforms. This so-called lock-in effect prevents users from switching to another platform. In the following, Twitterize and FaceCloak are two approaches that make the use of Twitter and Facebook safer by protecting data.
@@ -38,10 +25,23 @@ This chapter gives a comprehensive overview about different projects trying to p
+% Privacy-protecting Social Networks
+\section{Privacy-protecting Social Networks}
 % dApps
+\section{dApps - The Next Generation Social Networks}