demonstrator.html 3.3 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <!--
  4. CertainTrust Demonstrator in JavaScript
  5. Demonstrates some capabilities of the CertainTrust SDK
  6. using a Java applet that interactively calculates
  7. AND and OR of two CertainTrust data objects and
  8. visually displays both the input objects and the output.
  9. @author Florian Volk <>
  10. -->
  11. <head>
  12. <meta charset="utf-8" />
  13. <title>CertainTrust Demonstrator in JavaScript</title>
  14. <style type="text/css">
  15. h1, p, td:nth-child(2n) { text-align: center; }
  16. table { margin: 50px 0; }
  17. </style>
  18. <!-- include these two scripts and the CSS to enable both CertainTrust and the HTI -->
  19. <script type="text/javascript" src="CertainTrust.js"></script>
  20. <script type="text/javascript" src="certainTrustHTI.js"></script>
  21. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="certainTrustHTI.css"/>
  22. </head>
  23. <body>
  24. <h1>Demonstrator for CertainTrust</h1>
  25. <p>CertainTrust provides a means for the evaluation of propositional logic terms under uncertainty.</p>
  26. <table>
  27. <!-- Demonstrator for CertainTrust.AND -->
  28. <tr>
  29. <td id="and-operand1"></td>
  30. <td>AND</td>
  31. <td id="and-operand2"></td>
  32. <td>=</td>
  33. <td id="and-result"></td>
  34. </tr>
  35. <!-- Demonstrator for CertainTrust.OR -->
  36. <tr>
  37. <td id="or-operand1"></td>
  38. <td>OR</td>
  39. <td id="or-operand2"></td>
  40. <td>=</td>
  41. <td id="or-result"></td>
  42. </tr>
  43. </table>
  44. <script type="text/javascript">
  45. // create an Array to hold the CertainTrust objects
  46. var CT_objects = [];
  47. var N = 10;
  48. var CT_names = ['and-operand1', 'and-operand2', 'and-result',
  49. 'or-operand1', 'or-operand2', 'or-result'];
  50. // ANDObserver is used for the AND calculation
  51. var ANDObserver = {
  52. update: function() {
  53. // calculate the CertainTrust.AND for both values
  54. var CT_result = CT_objects['and-operand1'].AND(CT_objects['and-operand2']);
  55. // update the HTI which displays the result
  56. CT_objects['and-result'].setF(CT_result.getF());
  57. CT_objects['and-result'].setTC(CT_result.getT(), CT_result.getC());
  58. }
  59. };
  60. // ORObserver is used for the OR calculation
  61. var ORObserver = {
  62. update: function() {
  63. // calculate the CertainTrust.OR for both values
  64. var CT_result = CT_objects['or-operand1'].OR(CT_objects['or-operand2']);
  65. // update the HTI which displays the result
  66. CT_objects['or-result'].setF(CT_result.getF());
  67. CT_objects['or-result'].setTC(CT_result.getT(), CT_result.getC());
  68. }
  69. };
  70. // create the CertainTrust objects and the associated HTIs
  71. for (var i = 0, element; element = CT_names[i]; ++i) {
  72. var CT_object = new CertainTrust(N);
  73. // the result HTIs should be read-only
  74. var isResultHTI = (-1 !== element.indexOf('-result'));
  75. var HTI = new CertainTrustHTI(CT_object, {domParent: element, readonly: isResultHTI});
  76. // register our observers for the calculation
  77. if (!isResultHTI) {
  78. var isOR = (0 === element.indexOf('or-'));
  79. CT_object.addObserver((isOR) ? ORObserver : ANDObserver);
  80. }
  81. // store the created objects for easy access in the Arrays
  82. CT_objects[element] = CT_object;
  83. }
  84. // trigger initial update to the result HTIs
  85. ANDObserver.update();
  86. ORObserver.update();
  87. </script>
  88. <p>
  89. <img src="logo_tudarmstadt.png" alt="Technische Universität Darmstadt" width="176" height="73" />
  90. <img src="logo_softwarecluster.png" alt="Software-Cluster" width="212" height="73" />
  91. </p>
  92. </body>
  93. </html>