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OLIR: Off-Line Interactor Recognition

Off-Line Interactor Recognition is used to read-out whether an off-line sensor was triggered or not.

Such sensors are passive 3D-printed objects that detect one-time interactions, such as accelerating or flipping, but neither require active electronics nor power at the time of the interaction. They memorize a pre-defined interaction via an embedded structure filled with a conductive medium (e.g., a liquid). Whether a sensor was exposed to the interaction can be read-out via a capacitive touchscreen and OLIR. To create an off-line sensor, please see OLIP.

More information on off-line sensors can be found here.

OLIR Screenshot

Installing OLIR

See Releases

Compiling and Building OLIP


Run ./gradlew assemble

./gradlew assemble


Plug in your Android device and run ./gradlew installDebug


In case of any questions, please contact us via mail or create an issue.