# OLIP Off-Line Interactor Printing ## Compiling and Building OLIP This project was build with the IntelliJ Idea IDE. For compiling and building we recommend to use it. ### Compiling To compile the project, clone or download the zip file from the git repository and open the project folder from IntelliJ Idea. The main class is located under `/olip/src/ui/Main.java`. ### Building To set up the executable jar artifact, go to Project Structure or push `Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S`. Go to Artifacts and push the green plus symbol. There choose `Jar -> From modules with dependencies...`. Leave the field for Main Class blank as it produces errors. Make sure the Jar files from libraries settings is set to `extract to the target JAR`. Click OK on both windows. To build the executable jar artifact, go to `Build -> Build Artifacts... -> OLIP.jar -> Build`. After building the jar, it will be located under `/olip/out/artifacts/OLIP_jar/OLIP.jar`