Martin Herbers 6 лет назад
44 измененных файлов с 1992 добавлено и 85 удалено
  1. 382 0
  2. 3 0
  3. 174 0
  4. 205 0
  5. 171 0
  6. 167 0
  7. 217 0
  8. 145 0
  9. 132 0
  10. BIN
  11. BIN
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  14. BIN
  15. BIN
  16. BIN
  17. BIN
  18. BIN
  19. BIN
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  21. BIN
  22. BIN
  23. BIN
  24. BIN
  25. BIN
  26. BIN
  27. BIN
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  32. BIN
  33. BIN
  34. BIN
  35. BIN
  36. BIN
  37. 52 0
  38. 228 0
  39. 81 0
  40. 1 1
  41. BIN
  42. 26 54
  43. 8 21
  44. 0 9

+ 382 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
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+      </option>
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+  </component>

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Manifest-Version: 1.0
+Main-Class: ui.Main

+ 174 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+//This object changes its state if a specific acceleration is reached.
+//The necessary acceleration is dependend on the wall height.
+//Water will be filled into the bigger chamber and will swap over that wall into the smaller chamber where it can be detected.
+//Parting wall height
+wallHeight = 18;
+//Render conductive or non-conductive parts
+conductive = false;
+//Render the cross section or complete object
+crossSection = false;
+//Add a hole to fill the object after finishing printing
+fillLater = false;
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be on the touch screen
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be connected to the finger
+//The main block where everything else gets cut out
+module baseBlock() {
+    cube([40,20,30], center=true);
+//Adding 2 half-cylinder on the sides for easier recognition which object this is
+module recognitionAddition() {
+    difference (){
+        union() {
+            color("green")
+            translate([0,-10,5])
+            cylinder(r=3,h=40, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+            color("green")
+            translate([0,10,5])
+            cylinder(r=3,h=40, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+        }
+        baseBlock();
+        roofAddition();
+   }
+//The smaller chamber that contains the conductive parts
+module conductiveChamber() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-12,0,2])
+    cube([8,16,26], center=true);
+//The bigger chamber that contains the water
+module initialWaterChamber() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([6,0,2])
+    cube([24,16,26], center=true);
+//The wall where the water will swap over
+module partitionWall() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-6,0,2+(wallHeight/2)])
+    cube([10,16,26-wallHeight], center=true);
+//Addition to the main block, added later. TODO remove, add to baseBlock
+module roofAddition() {
+    translate([0,0,20])
+    cube([40,20,10], center=true);
+//The roof in a 45 degree angle for better printing
+module roofCutout() {
+    difference() {
+        color("blue")
+        translate([1,0,15])
+        rotate([45,0,0])
+        cube([34,11.3,11.3], center=true);
+        translate([1,0,2])
+        cube([34,20,20],center=true);
+    }
+//The hole through which the water can be filled in later
+module fillInHole() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([7,0,23])
+    cylinder(r=1,h=4, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Conductive bar on the wall which is connected to the finger
+module condBarWall() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-16.5,0,-8])
+    cube([1,14,4], center=true);
+//Conductive part on the outside where the finger has to be placed
+module condFinger() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-19,0,0])
+    rotate([0,90,0])
+    cylinder(r=sizeFinger/2,h=2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//A conductive part inside of a wall that connects the two modules above
+module condConnectionFingerWall() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-17.5,0,-4])
+    cube([1,6,12], center=true);
+//Conductive bar on the floor that is connected to the touch screen
+module condBarFloor() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-10,0,-11.5])
+    cube([4,14,1], center=true);
+//Conductive part on the outside that connects to the touchscreen
+module condFloorScreen() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-10,0,-13.5])
+    cylinder(r=sizeScreen/2,h=3, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Combine all conductive parts to one module
+module conductive() {
+    union() {
+        condBarFloor();
+        condBarWall();
+        condFinger();
+        condConnectionFingerWall();
+        condFloorScreen();
+    }
+//The complete non-conducitve object
+module completeObject() {
+    difference() {
+       union() {
+            baseBlock();
+            roofAddition();
+            recognitionAddition();
+        }
+        union() {
+            conductiveChamber();
+            initialWaterChamber();
+            conductive();
+            partitionWall();
+            roofCutout();
+            if (fillLater)
+                fillInHole();
+        }
+    }
+//Render the object depending on the input
+if (crossSection) {
+    difference() {
+        if (conductive) {
+            conductive();
+        }
+        else {
+            completeObject();
+        }
+        translate([-30,-60,-30])
+        cube([60,60,60]);
+    }
+else {
+    if (conductive) {
+        conductive();
+    }
+    else {
+        completeObject();
+    }

+ 205 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+//Render conductive or non-conductive parts
+conductive = false;
+//Render the cross section or complete object
+crossSection = true;
+//Add a hole to fill the object after finishing printing
+fillLater = true;
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be on the touch screen
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be connected to the finger
+//Base block where everything else gets cut out
+module baseBlock() {
+    translate([0,0,3.5])
+     cylinder(r=17,h=51, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Cylinder cut out, outer ring
+module outerRingCutOut() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,-1])
+    cylinder(r=14,h=30, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//The hole through which the water can be filled in later
+module fillInHole() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,23])
+    cylinder(r=1,h=14, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Parting wall, inner cylinder, cut out
+module partingWallInner() {
+    color("blue")
+    cylinder(r=6.5,h=30, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Parting wall, outer cylinder, wall thickness
+module partingWallOuter() {
+    cylinder(r=8,h=30, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Combining the two to one module, complete parting wall
+module partingWall() {
+    translate([0,0,-1])
+    difference() {
+        partingWallOuter();
+        partingWallInner();
+    }
+//Parting wall, ceiling
+module partingWallCeiling() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,14])
+    difference() {
+        sphere(r=8, center=true);
+        sphere(r=6.5, center=true);
+        translate([0,0,-5])
+        cube([20,20,10], center=true);
+        translate([0,0,7])
+        rotate([0,0,90])
+        cylinder(r=3.5,h=4, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+    }
+//Cut out sphere, ceiling for the whole object
+module ball() {
+    color("blue")
+    sphere(r=14, center=true);
+//cube that cuts away half the ball
+module cutCube() {
+    translate([0,0,-7.5])
+    cube([30,30,15],center=true);
+//Ceiling for the whole object
+module ceiling() {
+    translate([0,0,14])
+    difference() {
+        ball();
+        cutCube();
+        if (fillLater)
+            fillInHole();
+    }
+//Slope to collect the water at one point
+module slope() {
+    difference() {
+        translate([5,0,-16])
+        rotate([0,-30,0])
+        cylinder(r=16.5, h=20, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+        partingWallInner();
+    }
+//Connects the conductive point on the touch screen with the inner conductive part 
+module condConnectionHorizontal() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-4.5,0,-19])
+    cube([12,4,2], center=true);
+//Conductive part on the bottom that connects to the touch screen
+module condTouchscreen() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([0,0,-21])
+    cylinder(r=2, h=2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Conductive part that connects the inner conductive part with the touch screen
+module condConnectionVertical() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-9.5,0,-16])
+    cube([2,4,4], center=true);
+//Conductive part inside for touchscreen
+module condFloor() {
+    intersection() {
+        color("red")
+        translate([-9.5,0,-13])
+        cube([2,16,2], center=true);
+        slope();
+    }
+//Conducitve part for the finger
+module condFinger() {
+    difference() {
+        intersection() {
+            color("red")
+            translate([-15.5,0,-8])
+            rotate([0,90,0])
+            cylinder(r=2, h=4, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+            baseBlock();
+        }
+        outerRingCutOut();
+    }
+//All conductive parts in one module
+module conductive() {
+    union() {
+        condConnectionHorizontal();
+        condTouchscreen();
+        condConnectionVertical();
+        condFloor();
+        condFinger();
+    }
+//The complete object
+module completeObject() {
+    union() {
+        difference() {
+            baseBlock();
+            union() {
+                outerRingCutOut();
+                if (fillLater)
+                    fillInHole();
+                ceiling();
+                conductive();
+            }
+        }
+        partingWall();
+        partingWallCeiling();
+        difference() {
+            intersection() {
+                slope();
+                baseBlock();
+            }
+            conductive();
+        }
+    }
+//Render the object depending on the input
+if (crossSection) {
+    difference() {
+        if (conductive) {
+            conductive();
+        }
+        else {
+            completeObject();
+        }
+        translate([-30,-60,-30])
+        cube([60,60,60]);
+    }
+else {
+    if (conductive) {
+        conductive();
+    }
+    else {
+        completeObject();
+    }

+ 171 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+//This object changes its state when the water in the bigger chamber is freezing.
+//The ice will break through the red wall, when melting water will flow through the crack into the smaller chamber.
+//Render conductive or non-conductive parts
+conductive = false;
+//Render the cross section or complete object
+crossSection = true;
+//Add a hole to fill the object after finishing printing
+fillLater = true;
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be on the touch screen
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be connected to the finger
+//Base block where everything else gets cut out
+module baseBlock() {
+    translate([-7.5,0,-1])
+    cube([43,20,32], center=true);
+//Part on the outside for easier recognition which object this is
+module recognitionAddition() {
+    difference (){
+        color("green")
+        translate([0,-10,-1])
+        cylinder(r=3,h=32, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+        baseBlock();
+   }
+//chamber where the water gets filled in
+module waterChamber() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,-2])
+    cube([25,16,16], center=true);
+//Chamber where water will be caught
+module frozenChamber() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-19,0,-4])
+    cube([12,16,12], center=true);
+//Cheiling for the chamber with the caught water
+module ceilingFrozen() {
+    color("blue")
+    difference() {
+        translate([-13,0,2])
+        rotate([0,45,0])
+        cube([17,16,17], center=true);
+        translate([-3,0,2])
+        cube([20,20,40], center=true);
+        translate([-13,0,-8])
+        cube([40,20,20], center=true);
+    }
+//Ceiling for the water chamber
+module ceiling() {
+     color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,6])
+    rotate([45,0,0])
+    cube([25,11.3,11.3], center=true);
+//Hole to fill the object after printing
+module fillInHole() {
+     color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,14])
+    cylinder(r=1,h=2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Wall made out of conductive filament. Not used for recognition, only the fragile characteristic is used.
+module condWall() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-12.75,0,2])
+    cube([0.5,12,20], center=true);
+//Conductive part on the inside, connected to the touch screen
+module condFloor() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-16,0,-10.5])
+    cube([4,14,1], center=true);
+//Conductive part on the bottom, connected to the touch screen
+module condTouchscreen() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-16,0,-14])
+    cylinder(r=sizeScreen/2,h=6, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Conductive part on the inside, connected to the finger
+module condSide() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-25.5,0,-7])
+    cube([1,12,4], center=true);
+//Conducitve part on the outside, connected to the finger
+module condFinger() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-28,0,0])
+    rotate([0,90,0])
+    cylinder(r=sizeFinger/2,h=2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Connects the inner and outer part for the finger connection
+module condConnection() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-26.5,0,-4])
+    cube([2,4,10], center=true);
+//All conducitve parts in one module
+module conductive() {
+    union() {
+        condWall();
+        condFloor();
+        condTouchscreen();
+        condSide();
+        condFinger();
+        condConnection();
+    }
+//The whole object
+module completeObject() {
+    difference() {
+        union() {
+            baseBlock();
+            recognitionAddition();
+        }
+        union() {
+            waterChamber();
+            frozenChamber();
+            ceilingFrozen();
+            ceiling();
+            if (fillLater)
+                fillInHole();
+            conductive();
+        }
+    }
+//Render the object depending on the input
+if (crossSection) {
+    difference() {
+        if (conductive) {
+            conductive();
+        }
+        else {
+            completeObject();
+        }
+        translate([-30,-60,-30])
+        cube([60,60,60]);
+    }
+else {
+    if (conductive) {
+        conductive();
+    }
+    else {
+        completeObject();
+    }

+ 167 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+//This object changes its state when its temperature is above 0°C for some minutes.
+//The ice will melt and flow into the other chamber where it can be detected.
+//The temperature is changeable depending on what the ice is made of. For example saturated salt water will melt at ~21°C and can be detected through this method.
+//Render conductive or non-conductive parts
+conductive = false;
+//Render the cross section or complete object
+crossSection = true;
+//Add a hole to fill the object after finishing printing
+fillLater = true;
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be on the touch screen
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be connected to the finger
+//The main block where everything else gets cut out
+module baseBlock() {
+    translate([1,0,0])
+    cube([42,20,30], center=true);
+//Additional part on the side wall for easier recognition which object this is
+module recognitionAddition() {
+    difference (){
+        color("green")
+        translate([-21,0,5])
+        cube([2,10,40], center=true);
+        baseBlock();
+        roofAddition();
+   }
+//The chamber where the melted water will be caught
+module conductiveChamber() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([10,0,8])
+    cube([16,16,26], center=true);
+//The chamber where the ice will be filled in
+module iceChamber() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-10,0,13])
+    cube([16,16,16], center=true);
+//The roof of the ice chamber
+module iceRoof() {
+     color("blue")
+    translate([-10,0,5])
+    rotate([0,45,0])
+    cube([11.3,16,11.3], center=true);
+//The roof of the conductive chamber
+module conductiveRoof() {
+     color("blue")
+    translate([10,0,-5])
+    rotate([0,45,0])
+    cube([11.3,16,11.3], center=true);
+//The tunnel where the melted water flows through to get into the conductive chamber
+module meltingTunnel() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-4.5,0,-0.5])
+    rotate([0,100,0])
+    cylinder(r=1.5,h=15, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Addition to the main block, added later for the roof cutout. TODO move to baseBlock
+module roofAddition() {
+    translate([1,0,20])
+    cube([42,20,10], center=true);
+//The hole through which the water can be filled in later
+module fillInHole() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-10,0,23])
+    cylinder(r=1,h=4, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Conductive bar on the floor, connected to the touch screen
+module condBarFloor() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([4,0,22])
+    cube([4,14,2], center=true);
+//Conductive bar on the wall, connected to the finger
+module condBarWall() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([19,0,13])
+    cube([2,14,14], center=true);
+//Conductive part on the outside, connected to the touchscreen
+module condTouchscreen() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([4,0,24])
+    cylinder(r=sizeScreen/2,h=2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Conductive part on the outside, connected to the finger
+module condFinger() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([21,0,8])
+    rotate([0,90,0])
+    cylinder(r=sizeFinger/2,h=2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//All conductive parts combined to one module
+module conductive() {
+    union() {
+        condBarFloor();
+        condBarWall();
+        condTouchscreen();
+        condFinger();
+    }
+//The complete non-conducitve object
+module completeObject() {
+    difference() {
+         union() {
+            baseBlock();
+            roofAddition();
+             recognitionAddition();
+        }
+        union() {
+            conductiveChamber();
+            iceChamber();
+            iceRoof();
+            conductiveRoof();
+            meltingTunnel();
+            if (fillLater)
+                fillInHole();
+            conductive();
+        }
+    }
+//Rotate the object for easier printing
+//Render the object depending on the input
+if (crossSection) {
+    difference() {
+        if (conductive) {
+        conductive();
+    }
+    else {
+        completeObject();
+    }
+    translate([-30,-60,-30]) 
+    cube([60,60,60]);
+    }
+else {
+    if (conductive) {
+        conductive();
+    }
+    else {
+        completeObject();
+    }

+ 217 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+//This object changes its state when the bottom half gets squeezed.
+//Water will be squeezed from the bottom chamber into the top one where it can be detected.
+//Render conductive or non-conductive parts
+conductive = false;
+//Render the cross section or complete object
+crossSection = true;
+//Add a hole to fill the object after finishing printing
+fillLater = false;
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be on the touch screen
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be connected to the finger
+//Bottom cylinder
+module bottomCylinder() {
+    translate([0,0,-10])
+    cylinder(r=13,h=20, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Bottom cut out cylinder where the water will be filled in
+module bottomCutout() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,-9])
+    cylinder(r=8,h=18, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Top cylinder
+module topCylinder() {
+    translate([0,0,10])
+    cylinder(r=13,h=20, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Top cot out where the water will be caught
+module topCutout() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,5])
+    cylinder(r=8,h=10, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//The cone for the roof, used for easier printing
+module topCone() {
+   color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,14.5])
+    cylinder(r1=8, r2=0,h=9, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true); 
+//The hole through which the water can be filled in later
+module fillInHole() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([0,0,19])
+    cylinder(r=1,h=2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Outer part of the cone
+module coneOutside() {
+   translate([0,0,5])
+    cylinder(10,10,2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true); 
+//Inner cut out part of the cone
+module coneCutout() {
+   translate([0,0,5])
+    cylinder(10,8,1, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true); 
+//The cone where the water gets squeezed through, the water will be caught on its top
+module coneMid() {
+    difference() {
+        coneOutside();
+        coneCutout();
+    }
+//Isolation around the conductive bottom part
+module isolationBottom() {
+    difference() {
+        color("blue")
+        translate([0,-12-sizeScreen/2,-6])
+        cube([4+sizeScreen,4+sizeScreen,28], center=true);
+        topCylinder();
+        bottomCylinder();
+    }
+//Isolation around the conductive top part
+module isolationTop() {
+    difference() {
+        color("blue")
+        translate([0,12+sizeFinger/2,11])
+        cube([sizeFinger+4,sizeFinger+4,18], center=true);
+        topCylinder();
+        bottomCylinder();
+    }
+//Bevel for the top isolation, for easier printing and recognizing what the top part is
+module isolationTopBevel() {
+   difference() {
+        color("blue")
+        translate([0,9.9+sizeFinger/2,5-sizeFinger/2])
+       rotate([45,0,0])
+        cube([sizeFinger+4,1+sizeFinger*1.5,10], center=true);
+        topCylinder();
+        bottomCylinder();
+    } 
+//Conductive bar on the top part, connected to the finger
+module condTop() {
+    color("red")
+        translate([0,12+sizeFinger/2,11])
+        cube([sizeFinger,sizeFinger,18], center=true);
+//Conductive part that connects the bar to the inside
+module condTopInside() {
+    difference() {
+    color("red")
+        translate([0,10,4])
+        cube([4,7,3], center=true);
+        topCutout();
+    }
+//Conductive bar on the bottom part, connected to the touchscreen
+module condBottom() {
+    color("red")
+        translate([0,-12-sizeScreen/2,-7])
+        cube([sizeScreen,sizeScreen,26], center=true);
+//Conductive part that connects the bar to the inside
+module condBottomInside() {
+    difference() {
+    color("red")
+        translate([0,-10,4])
+        cube([4,7,3], center=true);
+        topCutout();
+        coneMid();
+    }
+//All conductive parts combined to one module
+module conductive() {
+    union() {
+        condTop();
+        condTopInside();
+        condBottom();
+        condBottomInside();
+    }
+//The combined, non-conductive bottom part
+module combinedBottom() {
+    difference() {
+        bottomCylinder();   
+        union() {
+            bottomCutout();
+            conductive();
+        }
+    }
+//The combined, non-conductive top part
+module combinedTop() {
+    union() {
+        coneMid();
+        difference() {
+            union() {
+               topCylinder(); 
+               isolationBottom();
+               isolationTop();
+               isolationTopBevel();
+            }  
+            union() {
+                conductive();
+                topCone();
+                topCutout();
+                if (fillLater)
+                    fillInHole();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//Combined top and bottom parts to one module.
+//If a printer can choose different densities for different parts, you can print the top part with 100% infill (solid) and the bottom part with ~20% (flexible) 
+module completeObject() {
+    union() {
+        combinedBottom();
+        combinedTop();
+    }
+//Render the object depending on the input
+if (crossSection) {
+    difference() {
+       if (conductive) {
+           conductive();
+       }
+       else {
+           completeObject();
+       }
+       translate([0,-30,-30])
+       cube([60,60,60]) ;
+    }
+else {
+    if (conductive) {
+        conductive();
+    }
+    else {
+        completeObject();
+    }

+ 145 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+//Render conductive or non-conductive parts
+conductive = false;
+//Render the cross section or complete object
+crossSection = true;
+//Add a hole to fill the object after finishing printing
+fillLater = false;
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be on the touch screen
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be connected to the finger
+//Base block where everything else gets cut out
+module baseBlock() {
+    translate([0,0,0])
+    cube([30,18,40], center=true);
+//Chamber that will be filled with water
+module waterChamber() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-6,0,-2])
+    cylinder(r=7.5,h=30, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Roof of the water chamber
+module waterRoof() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-6,0,12])
+    sphere(r=7.5, center=true);
+//Hole to fill water into the chamber
+module waterHole() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([-6,0,18])
+    cylinder(r=1,h=6, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Connection between the two chambers
+module tunnel() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([])
+    rotate([0,90,0])
+    cylinder(r=3,h=10, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Second chamber that catches the water
+module catchChamber() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([8,0,0])
+    cylinder(r=5,h=30, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Roof of the second chamber
+module roofCatch() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([8,0,14])
+    sphere(r=5, center=true);
+//Hole where the air gets pushed through
+module holeCatch() {
+    color("blue")
+    translate([8,0,18])
+    cylinder(r=1,h=6, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Conductive part on the inside bottom
+module condFloor() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([8,0,-16])
+    cylinder(r=5,h=2, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Touchscreen electrode
+module condTouchscreen() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([8,0,-18.5])
+    cylinder(r=sizeScreen/2,h=3, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Finger electrode
+module condFinger() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([13,0,-10])
+    rotate([0,90,0])
+    cylinder(r=sizeFinger/2,h=4, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//Finger electrode cut to match the cylinder shape
+module condFingerCut() {
+    difference() {
+        condFinger();
+         catchChamber();
+    }
+module conductive() {
+    difference() {
+        union() {
+            condFloor();
+            condTouchscreen();
+            condFingerCut();
+        }
+         catchChamber();
+    }
+module completeObject() {
+    difference() {
+        baseBlock();
+        union() {
+            waterChamber();
+            waterRoof();
+            waterHole();
+            tunnel();
+            catchChamber();
+            roofCatch();
+            holeCatch();
+            conductive();
+        }
+    }    
+//Render the object depending on the input
+if (crossSection) {
+    difference() {
+        if (conductive) {
+            conductive();
+        }
+        else {
+            completeObject();
+        }
+        translate([-30,-60,-30])
+        cube([60,60,60]);
+    }
+else {
+    if (conductive) {
+        conductive();
+    }
+    else {
+        completeObject();
+    }

+ 132 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+//Render conductive or non-conductive parts
+conductive = false;
+//Render the cross section or complete object
+crossSection = false;
+//Add a hole to fill the object after finishing printing
+fillLater = true;
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be on the touch screen
+//Diameter of the conductive part that will be connected to the finger
+//Number of supports between the plates
+//Calculate for the for-loop
+a=numberSupports/2 - 1;
+//First plate
+module plateOne() {
+    cube([61,20,4], center=true);
+//Second plate
+module plateTwo() {
+    translate([0,0,10])
+    cube([61,20,4], center=true);
+//Supports between the plates, number dependend on input
+module supports() { 
+    color("red")
+   for (i = [0:1:a]) {
+      translate([-26+i*8,0,5])
+       rotate([0,45,0])
+       cube([0.5,20,12], center=true);
+   } 
+   color("red")
+   for (i = [0:1:a]) {
+       translate([26-i*8,0,5])
+       rotate([0,45,0])
+       cube([0.5,20,12], center=true);
+   }
+//Larger bottom area for better printing
+module printSupportOne() {
+    translate([0,-9.75,-3])
+    rotate([90,0,0])
+    cube([61,10,0.5], center=true);
+module printSupportTwo() {
+    translate([0,-9.75,13])
+    rotate([90,0,0])
+    cube([61,10,0.5], center=true);
+//Conductive bars between the plates
+module condBar1() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([1,0,2.25])
+    cube([4,20,2],center=true);
+module condBar2() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-1,0,7.75])
+    cube([4,20,2],center=true);
+//Conductive pins on the outside, connected to the finger or touchscreen
+module condPin1() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([1,0,-0.05])
+    cylinder(r=sizeFinger/2,h=4.1, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+module condPin2() {
+    color("red")
+    translate([-1,0,10.05])
+    cylinder(r=sizeScreen/2,h=4.1, $fa=1, $fs=0.5, center=true);
+//All conductive parts in one module
+module conductive() {
+    union() {
+        condBar1();
+        condBar2();
+        condPin1();
+        condPin2();
+        supports();
+    }
+//All non-conducitve parts in one module
+module completeObject() {
+    rotate([90,0,0])
+    difference() {
+        union() {
+            plateOne();
+            plateTwo();
+            printSupportOne();
+            printSupportTwo();
+        }
+        conductive();
+    }
+//Render dependend on inputs
+if (crossSection) {
+    difference() {
+        if(conductive) {
+            rotate([90,0,0])
+            conductive();
+        }
+        else {
+            completeObject();
+        }
+        translate([-40,-30,-60])
+        cube([80,60,60]);
+    }
+else {
+    if(conductive) {
+        rotate([90,0,0])
+        conductive();
+    }
+    else {
+        completeObject();
+    }




























+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+                  <Label fx:id="blueText" text="Water" />
+                  <Label fx:id="iceText" text="Ice" />
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+ 228 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
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+<?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.Menu?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.MenuBar?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.RadioButton?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.TitledPane?>
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+<?import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane?>
+<?import javafx.scene.layout.ColumnConstraints?>
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+               </content>
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+                        <Label id="weightLabel" fx:id="weightLabel" disable="true" text="Load limit:" HBox.hgrow="NEVER">
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+                              <Insets right="38.0" />
+                           </HBox.margin></Label>
+                        <Region prefWidth="0.0" HBox.hgrow="ALWAYS" />
+                        <Button fx:id="weightInfo" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#openWeightInfo" />
+                     </children>
+                  </HBox>
+               </content>
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+                              <Button fx:id="meltInfo" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#openTemperatureUpInfo" />
+                           </children>
+                        </HBox>
+                        <HBox alignment="CENTER_LEFT">
+                           <children>
+                              <RadioButton id="temperatureRadio2" fx:id="temperatureRadio2" disable="true" mnemonicParsing="false" prefHeight="27.0" prefWidth="15.0" />
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+                              <Button fx:id="freezeInfo" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#openTemperatureDownInfo" />
+                           </children>
+                        </HBox>
+                     </children>
+                  </VBox>
+               </content>
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+                              <Button fx:id="flipInfo" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#openFlipInfo" />
+                           </children>
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+               </content>
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+                     </children>
+                  </HBox>
+               </content>
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+               <children>
+                  <HBox alignment="CENTER" prefHeight="51.0" prefWidth="430.0" spacing="10.0">
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+                        <Button id="createObjectButton" alignment="CENTER" contentDisplay="CENTER" disable="true" mnemonicParsing="false" prefHeight="66.0" prefWidth="337.0" style="-fx-padding: 10;" text=" Create Object" textAlignment="CENTER" />
+                        <Button id="saveObjectButton" alignment="CENTER" contentDisplay="CENTER" disable="true" mnemonicParsing="false" prefHeight="67.0" prefWidth="339.0" style="-fx-padding: 10;" text=" Save Object" />
+                     </children>
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+                     </VBox.margin>
+                  </HBox>
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+            <HBox alignment="CENTER_LEFT" prefHeight="50.0">
+               <children>
+                  <Label text="Choose Off-Line Sensor" textAlignment="CENTER">
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+                     </font>
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+                        <Insets bottom="10.0" left="10.0" right="10.0" top="10.0" />
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+                     <HBox.margin>
+                        <Insets bottom="10.0" left="10.0" right="10.0" top="10.0" />
+                     </HBox.margin></ComboBox>
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+               <BorderPane.margin>
+                  <Insets />
+               </BorderPane.margin>
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+                  <Button id="settingsButton" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#openSettings" />
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+                  <Insets right="10.0" />
+               </BorderPane.margin>
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+      </BorderPane>
+   </children>

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?import java.lang.*?>
+<?import javafx.geometry.*?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
+<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
+<?import javafx.geometry.Insets?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.Button?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.Label?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar?>
+<?import javafx.scene.control.TitledPane?>
+<?import javafx.scene.layout.ColumnConstraints?>
+<?import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane?>
+<?import javafx.scene.layout.HBox?>
+<?import javafx.scene.layout.Region?>
+<?import javafx.scene.layout.RowConstraints?>
+<?import javafx.scene.layout.VBox?>
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+      <RowConstraints maxHeight="80.0" minHeight="10.0" prefHeight="47.0" vgrow="SOMETIMES" />
+  </rowConstraints>
+   <children>
+      <Button fx:id="saveButton" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#saveClicked" text="Ok" GridPane.columnIndex="1" GridPane.halignment="CENTER" GridPane.rowIndex="3" GridPane.valignment="CENTER" />
+      <TitledPane animated="false" collapsible="false" text="Filling Hole" GridPane.columnSpan="2">
+         <content>
+            <HBox alignment="CENTER_LEFT" prefHeight="100.0" prefWidth="200.0">
+               <children>
+                  <Label prefHeight="54.0" prefWidth="359.0" text="Add a hole to the object. Helps filling water into the object after printing" wrapText="true" />
+                  <Region prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" HBox.hgrow="ALWAYS" />
+                  <CheckBox fx:id="holeCheckBox" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#fillHoleChecked" />
+               </children>
+            </HBox>
+         </content>
+      </TitledPane>
+      <TitledPane animated="false" collapsible="false" text="Conductive Sizes" GridPane.columnSpan="2" GridPane.rowIndex="1">
+         <content>
+            <VBox prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="100.0">
+               <children>
+                  <HBox alignment="CENTER_LEFT" prefHeight="100.0" prefWidth="200.0">
+                     <children>
+                        <Label fx:id="touchscreenLabel" text="Conductive dot diameter touchscreen: 4.0mm" wrapText="true" />
+                        <Region prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" HBox.hgrow="ALWAYS" />
+                        <ScrollBar fx:id="touchscreenSlider" prefHeight="22.0" prefWidth="250.0" value="40.0" />
+                     </children>
+                  </HBox>
+                  <HBox alignment="CENTER_LEFT" prefHeight="100.0" prefWidth="200.0">
+                     <children>
+                        <Label fx:id="fingerLabel" text="Conducitve dot diameter finger: 4.0mm" wrapText="true" />
+                        <Region prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" HBox.hgrow="ALWAYS" />
+                        <ScrollBar fx:id="fingerSlider" prefHeight="22.0" prefWidth="230.0" value="40.0" />
+                     </children>
+                  </HBox>
+               </children>
+            </VBox>
+         </content>
+      </TitledPane>
+      <TitledPane animated="false" collapsible="false" text="OpenSCAD" GridPane.columnSpan="2" GridPane.rowIndex="2">
+         <content>
+            <HBox alignment="CENTER_LEFT" prefHeight="100.0" prefWidth="200.0">
+               <children>
+                  <Label prefHeight="27.0" prefWidth="247.0" text="OpenSCAD Folder" wrapText="true" />
+                  <Button fx:id="scadPath" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#pathClicked" prefHeight="39.0" prefWidth="376.0" text="Button" />
+               </children>
+            </HBox>
+         </content>
+      </TitledPane>
+      <Button mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#cancelSettings" text="Cancel" GridPane.halignment="CENTER" GridPane.rowIndex="3" GridPane.valignment="CENTER" />
+   </children>
+   <padding>
+      <Insets bottom="10.0" left="10.0" right="10.0" top="10.0" />
+   </padding>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public class Export {
 				//Commandline addition for each view-part
 				//Instructions-text and object-specification
-		if (instructions == null || android == null)
+		if (instructions == null)
 		String[] arguments = new String[3];


+ 26 - 54

@@ -11,14 +11,12 @@ import javafx.application.Platform;
 import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
 import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
 import javafx.concurrent.Task;
-import javafx.event.EventHandler;
 import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
 import javafx.geometry.Pos;
 import javafx.scene.*;
 import javafx.scene.control.*;
 import javafx.scene.image.Image;
 import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
-import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
 import javafx.scene.layout.*;
 import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
 import javafx.scene.paint.PhongMaterial;
@@ -55,16 +53,11 @@ public class Main extends Application {
     private static boolean detected = true;
     private CheckBox accelerationCheckBox;
-    private Label accelerationLabel;
-    private CheckBox weightCheckBox;
-    private Label weightLabel;
-    private CheckBox tempCheckBox;
-    private Label tempLabel;
-    private CheckBox tiltingCheckBox;
-    private Label rotationLabel;
-    private CheckBox pressureCheckBox;
-    private Label pressureLabel;
-    private Button createObjectButton;
+	private CheckBox weightCheckBox;
+	private CheckBox tempCheckBox;
+	private CheckBox tiltingCheckBox;
+	private CheckBox pressureCheckBox;
+	private Button createObjectButton;
     private ComboBox<String> comboBox;
     private Pane fxPanel;
     private Group rootGroup;
@@ -88,24 +81,17 @@ public class Main extends Application {
-        primaryStage.getIcons().add(new Image(Main.class.getResourceAsStream("/pictures/offline_launch_icons.png")));
-        UIController.setPath(getClass().getResource("/pictures/acceleration.png").toString().replace("acceleration.png", ""));
         Node nodeAccel = root.lookup("#accelerationPane");
         TitledPane pane = (TitledPane) nodeAccel;
         BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane();
         accelerationCheckBox = new CheckBox();
         BorderPane.setAlignment(accelerationCheckBox, Pos.CENTER_LEFT);
-        accelerationLabel = new Label(" Acceleration");
+		Label accelerationLabel = new Label(" Acceleration");
-        accelerationLabel.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
-			@Override
-			public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
-				accelerationCheckBox.setSelected(!accelerationCheckBox.isSelected());
-				accelerationClicked();
-			}
+        accelerationLabel.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
+			accelerationCheckBox.setSelected(!accelerationCheckBox.isSelected());
+			accelerationClicked();
         Image imgAccelSymbol = new Image(getClass().getResource("/pictures/acceleration.png").toString());
 		ImageView imViewAccelSymbol = new ImageView(imgAccelSymbol);
@@ -125,13 +111,10 @@ public class Main extends Application {
         weightCheckBox = new CheckBox();
 		BorderPane.setAlignment(weightCheckBox, Pos.CENTER_LEFT);
-        weightLabel = new Label(" Load");
-        weightLabel.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
-			@Override
-			public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
-				weightCheckBox.setSelected(!weightCheckBox.isSelected());
-				weightClicked();
-			}
+		Label weightLabel = new Label(" Load");
+        weightLabel.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
+			weightCheckBox.setSelected(!weightCheckBox.isSelected());
+			weightClicked();
 		Image imgWeightSymbol = new Image(getClass().getResource("/pictures/weight.png").toString());
 		ImageView imViewWeightSymbol = new ImageView(imgWeightSymbol);
@@ -151,13 +134,10 @@ public class Main extends Application {
         tempCheckBox = new CheckBox();
 		BorderPane.setAlignment(tempCheckBox, Pos.CENTER_LEFT);
-        tempLabel = new Label(" Temperature");
-		tempLabel.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
-			@Override
-			public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
-				tempCheckBox.setSelected(!tempCheckBox.isSelected());
-				temperatureClicked();
-			}
+		Label tempLabel = new Label(" Temperature");
+		tempLabel.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
+			tempCheckBox.setSelected(!tempCheckBox.isSelected());
+			temperatureClicked();
 		Image imgTempSymbol = new Image(getClass().getResource("/pictures/temperature.png").toString());
 		ImageView imViewTempSymbol = new ImageView(imgTempSymbol);
@@ -180,13 +160,10 @@ public class Main extends Application {
         tiltingCheckBox = new CheckBox();
 		BorderPane.setAlignment(tiltingCheckBox, Pos.CENTER_LEFT);
-        rotationLabel = new Label(" Tilting");
-        rotationLabel.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
-			@Override
-			public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
-				tiltingCheckBox.setSelected(!tiltingCheckBox.isSelected());
-				tiltingClicked();
-			}
+		Label rotationLabel = new Label(" Tilting");
+        rotationLabel.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
+			tiltingCheckBox.setSelected(!tiltingCheckBox.isSelected());
+			tiltingClicked();
 		Image imgRotationSymbol = new Image(getClass().getResource("/pictures/rotation.png").toString());
 		ImageView imViewRotationSymbol = new ImageView(imgRotationSymbol);
@@ -206,13 +183,10 @@ public class Main extends Application {
         pressureCheckBox = new CheckBox();
 		BorderPane.setAlignment(pressureCheckBox, Pos.CENTER_LEFT);
-        pressureLabel = new Label(" Pressure");
-        pressureLabel.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
-			@Override
-			public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
-				pressureCheckBox.setSelected(!pressureCheckBox.isSelected());
-				pressureClicked();
-			}
+		Label pressureLabel = new Label(" Pressure");
+        pressureLabel.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
+			pressureCheckBox.setSelected(!pressureCheckBox.isSelected());
+			pressureClicked();
 		Image imgPressureSymbol = new Image(getClass().getResource("/pictures/pressure.png").toString());
 		ImageView imViewPressureSymbol = new ImageView(imgPressureSymbol);
@@ -417,9 +391,7 @@ public class Main extends Application {
 					return null;
-			task.setOnSucceeded( e -> {
-				glassPane.setVisible(false);
-			});
+			task.setOnSucceeded( e -> glassPane.setVisible(false));
 			task.setOnRunning(e -> {
 				clearView((SubScene) fxPanel.getChildren().get(0));

+ 8 - 21

@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ package ui;
 import controller.Controller;
 import controller.SettingsController;
 import javafx.application.Platform;
-import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
-import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
 import javafx.concurrent.Task;
 import javafx.fxml.FXML;
 import javafx.scene.control.Button;
@@ -38,31 +36,20 @@ public class SettingsWindow {
 		window = this;
-	public static SettingsWindow getWindow() {
+	static SettingsWindow getWindow() {
 		return window;
-	protected void setUpListener() {
+	void setUpListener() {
 		touchscreenSlider.setValue(Controller.getC().getSizeScreen() * 10);
 		fingerSlider.setValue(Controller.getC().getSizeFinger() * 10);
-		String s = Controller.getC().getOpenSCADPath().toString();
-		touchscreenSlider.valueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
-			@Override
-			public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
-				touchscreenScrolled();
-			}
-		});
-		fingerSlider.valueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
-			@Override
-			public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
-				fingerScrolled();
-			}
-		});
+		touchscreenSlider.valueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> touchscreenScrolled());
+		fingerSlider.valueProperty().addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> fingerScrolled());
@@ -71,13 +58,13 @@ public class SettingsWindow {
-	protected void touchscreenScrolled() {
+	private void touchscreenScrolled() {
 		touchscreenLabel.setText("Conductive dot diameter touchscreen: "+ Math.round(touchscreenSlider.getValue())/10f+"mm");
-	protected void fingerScrolled() {
+	private void fingerScrolled() {
 		fingerLabel.setText("Conductive dot diameter finger: "+ Math.round(fingerSlider.getValue())/10f +"mm");
@@ -86,7 +73,7 @@ public class SettingsWindow {
 	protected void pathClicked() {
 		Task task = new Task() {
-			protected Void call() throws Exception {
+			protected Void call() {
 				DirectoryChooser chooser = new DirectoryChooser();
 				Platform.runLater(() -> {
 							File file = chooser.showDialog(stage);
@@ -116,7 +103,7 @@ public class SettingsWindow {
-	public void setStage(Stage stage) {
+	void setStage(Stage stage) {
 		this.stage = stage;

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 package ui;
-import javafx.application.Platform;
 import javafx.fxml.FXML;
 import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
 import javafx.scene.Parent;
@@ -17,14 +16,6 @@ public class UIController  {
 	private Parent root;
 	private Stage stage;
-	private static String path;
-	public static void setPath(String p) {
-		path = p;
-	}
 	public UIController() {
 		try {
 			root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("InformationWindow.fxml"));