123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # (c) 2011 by Immo 'FaUl' Wehrenberg
- # be most verbose
- use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics;
- use IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2;
- use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip;
- # use IO::Uncompress::UnLzma; #does not exist on debian
- use Storable;
- use Env qw($HOME);
- use vars qw($cache $dists $arch @sources @distributions);
- # directory with mirror from
- $arch = "i386";
- $dists = "dists/";
- #distris in cronological order
- @distributions = ("potato", "woody", "sarge", "etch", "lenny", "squeeze");
- $cache = "$HOME/.apt-sec/cache/";
- eval {
- mkdir "$HOME/.apt-sec";
- mkdir $cache;
- };
- sub recursor($$$);
- sub getarrayofpackeges($);
- sub getfilehandle($) {
- my $name = pop;
- my $fd;
- if ($name =~ /.bz2$/) {
- $fd = new IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 $name or die "$name: $!";
- }
- elsif ($name =~ /.gz$/) {
- $fd = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip $name or die "$name: $!";
- }
- # elsif ($name =~ /.lzma$/) {
- # $fd new IO::Uncompress::UnLzma $name or die "$name: $!";
- else {
- open $fd, $name or die "$name: $!";
- }
- return $fd;
- }
- sub cachename($;$) {
- my $f = shift;
- my $suffix = shift;
- $suffix = "cache" if ! defined $suffix;
- my @a = stat $f;
- $f =~ s/\/\//\//g;
- $f =~ s/\//_/g;
- my $x = $cache."/".$f."_".$a[9].".".$suffix;
- return $x;
- }
- sub getcached ($;$) {
- my %file;
- my $cachename = cachename shift(), shift();
- eval {
- my $file = retrieve $cachename;
- %file = %{$file};
- };
- return %file;
- }
- # parsefile($filehandle)
- # returns hash of the package file given with $filename, key is package name,
- # value is a reference to a hash with key: value
- sub parsefile($) {
- my $filename = pop;
- # do we have stuff cached?
- my %file = getcached($filename, "parsefile.cache");
- return %file if %file;
- my $fd = getfilehandle $filename;
- # this is the parser
- my $savedsl = $/;
- $/ = "\n\n";
- while (<$fd>) {
- my %dict;
- $_ = "\n".$_;
- ($_, %dict) = split /\n(\w+): /; # first is crap
- $file{$dict{"Package"}} = \%dict;
- }
- $/ = $savedsl;
- close $fd;
- # cache result
- store \%file, cachename ($filename, "parsefile.cache");
- return %file;
- }
- # getarrayofpackeges($field)
- # Returns an array of all packages given in @fields (as returned by getfield()
- # strips versions
- sub getarrayofpackages($) {
- $_ = pop or return;
- s/(\(.*?\)|\s)//g; # remove everything inside parathesis and whitespaces
- return split /,/ or ();
- }
- # parsesource($filehandle)
- # parses the sourcefile represented by the open file in $filehandle
- # returns a dict with each binary package name reference to a
- # source package hash
- sub parsesource($) {
- my $filename = pop;
- # do we have stuff cached?
- my %file = getcached($filename, "parsesource.cache");
- return %file if %file;
- # if not, parse
- my $savedsl = $/;
- $/ = "\n\n";
- my $fd = getfilehandle $filename;
- while (<$fd>) {
- my %dict;
- $_ = "\n".$_;
- ($_, %dict) = split /\n(\w+): /; # first is crap
- foreach my $bin (getarrayofpackages ($dict{"Binary"})) {
- $file{$bin} = \%dict;
- }
- }
- $/ = $savedsl;
- close $fd;
- # cache
- store \%file, cachename ($filename, "parsesource.cache");
- return %file;
- }
- # intersection (\@array1, \@array2)
- # returns intersection of both arrays
- sub intersection($$) {
- my @arr1 = uniq(pop);
- my @arr2 = uniq(pop);
- my @intersection;
- my %c;
- foreach (@arr1, @arr2){
- $c{$_}++;
- }
- foreach (keys %c) {
- if ($c{$_} > 1) {
- push @intersection, $_;
- }
- }
- return @intersection;
- }
- # uniq(\@array)
- # returns an array which all unique elements of @array
- sub uniq($) {
- my %c = map {$_, 1} @{pop()};
- return keys %c;
- }
- # old_names_in_file($name, $filehandle)
- # returns array of alternative names to $name in the opened Package
- # file ($filehandle)
- sub old_names_in_file($) {
- my %pkg = %{pop()};
- my @replaces = getarrayofpackages($pkg{"Replaces"});
- my @conflicts = getarrayofpackages($pkg{"Conflicts"});
- return intersection(\@replaces, \@conflicts);
- }
- # pkg2src(%sources, $packagename)
- # return the source package to a given binary package
- sub pkg2src($$){
- my $p = pop;
- my %f = %{pop()};
- if (!$p || !$f{$p}) {
- return ();
- }
- return $f{$p}->{"Package"};
- }
- # recursor (\@distris, \@names, $start)
- # recursively works through all @dists (filenames of uncompressed Package files
- # from debian) from last to first. Tries to find alternative names to the names
- # given in @names), if $start = 1, dies if name is not found in the current dist
- sub recursor($$$) {
- my $start = pop;
- my @names = @{pop()};
- my @distris = @{pop()};
- my $dist = pop(@distris);
- my %pkg;
- my @list = @names;
- my %binfile = parsefile "$dists/$dist/binary-$arch/Packages.bz2";
- my %sourcefile = parsesource "$dists/$dist/source/Sources.bz2";
- foreach my $p (@names) {
- eval {
- push @sources, pkg2src(\%sourcefile, $p);
- @sources = uniq(\@sources);
- %pkg = %{$binfile{$p}};
- @list = old_names_in_file(\%pkg);
- @names = (@names, @list);
- @names = uniq(\@names);
- } or do {
- die "Could not find any package named '$p'" if grep ($p, @ARGV) && $start;
- };
- }
- @names = uniq(\@names);
- if (@distris){
- return recursor(\@distris, \@names, 0);
- } else {
- return (@names);
- }
- }
- sub main() {
- $\ = "\n";
- $, = "\n";
- my @dists = @distributions;
- my $F;
- my @binpackages = recursor(\@dists, \@ARGV, 1);
- #print @l;
- #print "---";
- print @sources;
- }
- main();