@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import psycopg2
import powerlaw as pl
import DLAmine as dla
import pickle
+import paper_plots as carlosplt
+from matplotlib2tikz import save as tikz_save
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
## Increase the recursion limit by much to allow bs to parse large files
@@ -824,25 +826,26 @@ def plot_all(src2month):
## Sum of vulnerabilities by package
src2sum = dict()
src2year = dict()
- year_sum = [0] * 16
- year_num = [0] * 16
+ years = 16 # 2001 - 2000 + years
+ year_sum = [0] * years
+ year_num = [0] * years
for pkg in src2month:
- for j in range(16):
+ for j in range(years):
temp = sum(src2month[pkg][12*(1+j):12*(2+j)])
if (temp>0):
year_num[j] += 1
year_sum[j] += temp
- total = sum(src2month[pkg][12:-12])
- last_year = sum(src2month[pkg][-24:-12])
+ total = sum(src2month[pkg][12:])
+ last_year = sum(src2month[pkg][-12:])
print(pkg + '; ' + str(last_year))
- if (total>0):
+ if (total>1):
src2sum[pkg] = total
values = sorted(src2sum.values(),reverse=True)
keys = list(sorted(src2sum, key=src2sum.__getitem__, reverse=True))
i = 0
few_keys = []
- print(keys)
+ #print(keys)
for k in keys:
if (i==0):
@@ -851,105 +854,127 @@ def plot_all(src2month):
i = 0
print('package number =' + str(len(values)) + '... ' + str(len(keys)))
- plt.style.use('ggplot')
- plt.plot([1000] + values)
- #plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(src2sum),10.0)+1,few_keys, rotation="vertical")
+ carlosplt.pre_paper_plot(True)
+ #plt.style.use('ggplot')
+ plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
+ plt.plot([1000] + values, color='darkblue', lw = 2)
+ plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(src2sum),10.0)+1,few_keys, rotation="vertical")
- plt.xscale('log')
+ #plt.xscale('log')
+ carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True)
+ tikz_save('line.tex', figureheight='\\figureheight', figurewidth='\\figurewidth')
print('Yearly vulnerabilites in total' + str(year_sum))
## Number of affected packages
n = len(year_sum)
- yearsx = ['\'01', '\'02', '\'03', '\'04', '\'05', '\'06', '\'07', '\'08', '\'09', '\'10', '\'11' , '\'12' ,'\'13', '\'14', '\'15', '\'16']
- x = range(16)
+ yearsx = []
+ for i in range(1,years+1):
+ yearsx.append('\''+str(i).zfill(2))
+ x = range(years)
width = 1/2
- plt.bar(x, year_num, width, color='orange')
+ plt.bar(x, year_num, width, color='darkblue', edgecolor='black')
plt.ylabel('Number of affected packages')
+ carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True)
## Average number of vulnerabilities per package per year
- average_per_year = [0] * 16
- for j in range(16):
+ average_per_year = [0] * years
+ for j in range(years):
average_per_year[j] = year_sum[j]/float(year_num[j])
+ x_values = list(range(1,years+1))
+ print(x_values)
+ slope = np.polyfit(x_values,average_per_year,1)
+ #slope = np.polyval(slope,x_values)
+ print('Slope: ' + str(slope))
n = len(year_sum)
- yearsx = ['\'01', '\'02', '\'03', '\'04', '\'05', '\'06', '\'07', '\'08', '\'09', '\'10', '\'11' , '\'12' ,'\'13', '\'14', '\'15', '\'16']
- x = range(16)
+ x = range(years)
width = 1/2
#plt.bar(x, year_sum, width)
- plt.bar(x, average_per_year, width, color='blue')
+ plt.bar(x, average_per_year, width, color='darkblue', edgecolor='black')
plt.ylabel('Average vulnerabilities per package')
+ carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True)
## Work on selected packages (php7.0, openjdk8, wireshark, chromium-browser, icedove, linux)
src2quarter = dict()
- quarter_num = 17*4
- for pkg in src2month:
- #if (pkg == 'php7.0' or pkg == 'openjdk-8' or pkg=='wireshark' or pkg=='chromium-browser' or pkg=='icedove' or pkg=='linux'):
- if (pkg == 'php5'):
- quarter_sum = [0] * quarter_num
- for j in range(quarter_num):
- temp = sum(src2month[pkg][12+3*j:12+3*(j+1)])
- quarter_sum[j] = temp
- src2quarter[pkg] = quarter_sum
+ quarter_num = years*4
+ pkg = 'php5'
+ quarter_sum = [0] * quarter_num
+ for j in range(quarter_num):
+ temp = sum(src2month[pkg][12+3*j:12+3*(j+1)])
+ quarter_sum[j] = temp
+ src2quarter[pkg] = quarter_sum
for pkg in src2quarter:
n = len(src2quarter[pkg])
- quartersx = ['1/\'01', '2/\'01', '3/\'01', '4/\'01', '1/\'02', '2/\'02', '3/\'02', '4/\'02', '1/\'03', '2/\'03', '3/\'03', '4/\'03', '1/\'04', '2/\'04', '3/\'04', '4/\'04', '1/\'05', '2/\'05', '3/\'05', '4/\'05', '1/\'06', '2/\'06', '3/\'06', '4/\'06', '1/\'07', '2/\'07', '3/\'07', '4/\'07', '1/\'08', '2/\'08', '3/\'08', '4/\'08', '1/\'09', '2/\'09', '3/\'09', '4/\'09', '1/\'10', '2/\'10', '3/\'10', '4/\'10', '1/\'11', '2/\'11', '3/\'11', '4/\'11', '1/\'12', '2/\'12', '3/\'12', '4/\'12', '1/\'13', '2/\'13', '3/\'13', '4/\'13', '1/\'14', '2/\'14', '3/\'14', '4/\'14', '1/\'15', '2/\'15', '3/\'15', '4/\'15', '1/\'16', '2/\'16', '3/\'16', '4/\'16', '1/\'17', '2/\'17', '3/\'17', '4/\'17']
- x = range(quarter_num)
- width = 1/2
- ## Plot different colors for php
- before = src2quarter[pkg][:-8] + ([0] * 8)
- after = ([0] * 60) + src2quarter[pkg][-8:]
- print(len(src2quarter[pkg]))
- bar1 = plt.bar(x[:-26], before[24:-2], width, color='blue', label='before php7')
- bar2 = plt.bar(x[:-26], after[24:-2], width, color='red', label='after php7')
- plt.legend(handles=[bar1, bar2])
- print('PHP Sum before: ' + str(sum(before)))
- print('PHP Sum after: ' + str(sum(after)))
- #plt.bar(x, src2quarter[pkg], width, color='red')
- plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n-26),quartersx[24:-2], rotation="vertical")
- plt.ylabel('Vulnerabilities per quarter of package ' + pkg)
- plt.xlabel('Quarter')
- plt.show()
+ quartersx = []
+ for i in range(1,years+1):
+ for j in range(1,5):
+ if j==1:
+ quartersx.append('Q' + str(j)+'\''+str(i).zfill(2))
+ else:
+ quartersx.append(' ')
+ x = range(quarter_num)
+ width = 1/2
+ ## Plot different colors for php
+ before = src2quarter[pkg][:-8] + ([0] * 8)
+ after = ([0] * (len(before)-8)) + src2quarter[pkg][-8:]
+ print(len(src2quarter[pkg]))
+ bar1 = plt.bar(x[:-26], before[24:-2], width, color='darkblue', label='before php7', edgecolor='black')
+ bar2 = plt.bar(x[:-26], after[24:-2], width, color='darkred', label='after php7', edgecolor='black')
+ plt.legend(handles=[bar1, bar2])
+ print('PHP Sum before: ' + str(sum(before)))
+ print('PHP Sum after: ' + str(sum(after)))
+ plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n-26),quartersx[24:-2], rotation="vertical")
+ plt.ylabel('Vulnerabilities per quarter of package ' + pkg)
+ plt.xlabel('Quarter')
+ carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True)
+ plt.show()
- ## Plot for openjdk-7
+# ## Plot for openjdk-7
pkg = 'openjdk-7'
quarter_sum = [0] * quarter_num
for j in range(quarter_num):
temp = sum(src2month[pkg][12+3*j:12+3*(j+1)])
quarter_sum[j] = temp
- src2quarter[pkg] = quarter_sum
+ src2quarter[pkg] = quarter_sum
n = len(src2quarter[pkg])
- quartersx = ['1/\'01', '2/\'01', '3/\'01', '4/\'01', '1/\'02', '2/\'02', '3/\'02', '4/\'02', '1/\'03', '2/\'03', '3/\'03', '4/\'03', '1/\'04', '2/\'04', '3/\'04', '4/\'04', '1/\'05', '2/\'05', '3/\'05', '4/\'05', '1/\'06', '2/\'06', '3/\'06', '4/\'06', '1/\'07', '2/\'07', '3/\'07', '4/\'07', '1/\'08', '2/\'08', '3/\'08', '4/\'08', '1/\'09', '2/\'09', '3/\'09', '4/\'09', '1/\'10', '2/\'10', '3/\'10', '4/\'10', '1/\'11', '2/\'11', '3/\'11', '4/\'11', '1/\'12', '2/\'12', '3/\'12', '4/\'12', '1/\'13', '2/\'13', '3/\'13', '4/\'13', '1/\'14', '2/\'14', '3/\'14', '4/\'14', '1/\'15', '2/\'15', '3/\'15', '4/\'15', '1/\'16', '2/\'16', '3/\'16', '4/\'16', '1/\'17', '2/\'17', '3/\'17', '4/\'17']
x = range(quarter_num)
width = 1/2
- ## Plot different colors for php
+# ## Plot different colors for openjdk
before = src2quarter[pkg][:-10] + ([0] * 10)
- after = ([0] * 58) + src2quarter[pkg][-10:]
+ after = ([0] * (len(before)-10)) + src2quarter[pkg][-10:]
- bar1 = plt.bar(x[:-48], before[48:], width, color='blue', label='before openjdk-8')
- bar2 = plt.bar(x[:-48], after[48:], width, color='red', label='after openjdk-8')
+ bar1 = plt.bar(x[:-48], before[48:], width, color='darkblue', label='before openjdk-8', edgecolor='black')
+ bar2 = plt.bar(x[:-48], after[48:], width, color='darkred', label='after openjdk-8', edgecolor='black')
plt.legend(handles=[bar1, bar2])
print('OpenJDK Sum before: ' + str(sum(before)))
@@ -959,6 +984,7 @@ def plot_all(src2month):
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n-48),quartersx[48:], rotation="vertical")
plt.ylabel('Vulnerabilities per quarter of package ' + pkg)
+ carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True)
@@ -966,14 +992,14 @@ def plot_all(src2month):
n = len(year_sum)
- yearsx = ['\'01', '\'02', '\'03', '\'04', '\'05', '\'06', '\'07', '\'08', '\'09', '\'10', '\'11' , '\'12' ,'\'13', '\'14', '\'15', '\'16']
- x = range(16)
+ x = range(years)
width = 1/2
- plt.bar(x, year_sum, width)
+ plt.bar(x, year_sum, width, color='darkblue', edgecolor='black')
#plt.bar(x, average_per_year, width)
plt.ylabel('Total vulnerabilities')
+ carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True)
sumall = sum(values)
@@ -1004,15 +1030,17 @@ def plot_all(src2month):
## Print all LTS
+ cut = 12*4+1
n = len(quarter_sum)
x = range(quarter_num)
width = 1/2
- plt.bar(x, LTS_quarter, width, color='red', label='regular support')
+ plt.bar(x, LTS_quarter, width, color='brown', label='regular support', edgecolor='black')
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n),quartersx, rotation="vertical")
plt.ylabel('Vulnerabilities per quarter of Debian LTS')
+ carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True)
@@ -1025,23 +1053,25 @@ def plot_all(src2month):
- n = len(quarter_sum)
- x = range(quarter_num)
+ cut = 12*4+1
+ n = len(quarter_sum) - cut
+ x = range(quarter_num-cut)
width = 1/2
- bar1 = plt.bar(x, quarter_sum_regular, width, color='brown', label='regular support')
- bar12 = plt.bar(x, quarter_sum_errors, width, color='orange', label='regular support after release of next version - may contain noise')
- bar2 = plt.bar(x, LTS_quarter, width, color='blue', label ='long-term support')
+ bar1 = plt.bar(x, quarter_sum_regular[cut:], width, color='darkblue', label='regular', edgecolor='black')
+ bar12 = plt.bar(x, quarter_sum_errors[cut:], width, color='darkorange', label='regular*', edgecolor='black')
+ bar2 = plt.bar(x, LTS_quarter[cut:], width, color='darkred', label ='long-term', edgecolor='black')
#bar1 = plt.bar(x[:-48], before[48:], width, color='blue', label='regular support')
#bar2 = plt.bar(x[:-48], after[48:], width, color='red', label='long-term support')
plt.legend(handles=[bar1, bar12, bar2])
- plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n),quartersx, rotation="vertical")
+ plt.xticks(np.arange(0,n),quartersx[cut:], rotation="vertical")
plt.ylabel('Vulnerabilities per quarter of Debian Wheezy')
+ carlosplt.post_paper_plot(True,True,True)
@@ -1098,17 +1128,12 @@ def aptsec_help():
## Note: aptsec_status(), considers *reportedly installed* packages, while this
## one looks at *actually loaded* software that influenced the CPU since bootup.
-def aptsec_attest(sha1file):
- pass
-## Main Program starts here!!
action = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
-# print('No argument given')
-# aptsec_help()
-# sys.exit(0)
+ print('No argument given')
+ aptsec_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
action = ''
@@ -1144,7 +1169,7 @@ if action == 'update':
# getdeps(src2dsa, src2deps)
save_DBs(dsatable, src2dsa, dsa2cve, cvetable, src2month, src2sloccount, src2pop, src2deps, src2sum)
- lstm.predict(src2month, src2sloccount, src2pop, src2deps)
+# lstm.predict(src2month, src2sloccount, src2pop, src2deps)
# print(pkg_with_cvss['linux'])
low = []