Parameters.cs 9.4 KB

  1. using System;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System.Drawing;
  4. using System.Linq;
  5. using System.Text;
  6. using System.Threading.Tasks;
  7. using System.Net;
  8. using bbiwarg.Utility;
  9. namespace bbiwarg
  10. {
  11. public enum InputType
  12. {
  13. Camera,
  14. Movie
  15. }
  16. class Parameters
  17. {
  18. // console
  19. public static readonly int ConsoleWidth = 90;
  20. public static readonly int ConsoleHeight = 30;
  21. // input
  22. public static readonly InputType InputSource = InputType.Movie;
  23. public static readonly String InputMoviePath = "..\\..\\videos\\touch\\4.skv";
  24. // Logger
  25. public static readonly bool LoggerTimerOutputEnabled = true;
  26. public static readonly LogSubject LoggerEnabledSubjects = LogSubject.None;
  27. // Debug window
  28. public static readonly bool DebugWindowEnabled = true;
  29. public static readonly int DebugWindowUpdateIntervall = 1000 / 30; // 30fps
  30. public static readonly String DebugWindowTitle = "BBIWARG - DebugOutput";
  31. // glasses window
  32. public static readonly bool GlassesWindowEnabled = false;
  33. public static readonly int GlassesWindowUpdateInterval = 1000 / 30; // 30fps
  34. public static readonly String GlassesWindowTitle = "BBIWARG - GlassesOuty put";
  35. public static readonly int GlassesWindowNumCalibrationPoints = 20;
  36. // TUIO
  37. public static readonly bool TuioEnabledByDefault = true;
  38. public static readonly String TuioDefaultIP = "";
  39. public static readonly Int16 TuioDefaultPort = 3333;
  40. // confidence image
  41. public static readonly int ConfidenceImageMinThreshold = 500;
  42. // depth image
  43. public static readonly int DepthImageMedianSize = 5;
  44. public static readonly int DepthImageDepthRange = 200; // <255
  45. // edge image
  46. public static readonly int EdgeImageCannyStartThreshold = 80;
  47. public static readonly int EdgeImageCannyLinkingThreshold = 60;
  48. public static readonly int EdgeImageCannySize = 3;
  49. public static readonly int EdgeImageRoughNumDilationIterations = 1;
  50. // general tracking
  51. public static readonly float TrackerMaxRelativeMove = 0.25f;
  52. // finger detection
  53. public static readonly int FingerStepSize = 1;
  54. public static readonly int FingerMaxGapCounter = 3;
  55. public static readonly int FingerMaxSliceDifferencePerStep = 5;
  56. public static readonly int FingerMinNumSlices = 20 / FingerStepSize;
  57. public static readonly float FingerMaxWidth3D = 35f;
  58. public static readonly int FingerMaxWidth2D = 30; // TODO remove and replace with 3Dwidth
  59. public static readonly int FingerMinWidth2D = 2;
  60. public static readonly int FingerRemoveNumSlicesForCorrection = 10 / FingerStepSize;
  61. public static readonly int FingerNumSlicesForRelativeDirection = FingerRemoveNumSlicesForCorrection;
  62. public static readonly int FingerOutMargin = 6;
  63. public static readonly int FingerMaxCrippleDifference = 20;
  64. public static readonly int FingerContourMargin = 4;
  65. // finger tracking
  66. public static readonly int FingerTrackerNumFramesDetectedUntilTracked = 5;
  67. public static readonly int FingerTrackerNumFramesLostUntilDeleted = 10;
  68. public static readonly float FingermXX = 0.000005f;
  69. public static readonly float FingermXY = 0.0f;
  70. public static readonly float FingermYY = 0.000005f;
  71. public static readonly int FingerTrackerNumDirectionsForMeanDirection = 10;
  72. public static readonly float FingerTrackerMaxTipPointRelativeMove = TrackerMaxRelativeMove;
  73. public static readonly float FingerTrackerMaxHandPointRelativeMove = TrackerMaxRelativeMove;
  74. // hand detection
  75. public static readonly int HandNumColors = 3;
  76. public static readonly int HandFloodFillDownDiff = 2;
  77. public static readonly int HandFloodFillUpDiff = 2;
  78. public static readonly float HandMaxSize = 0.6f;
  79. public static readonly float HandMinSize = 0.01f;
  80. public static readonly float HandExtensionMaxRelativeSize = 0.5f * HandMaxSize;
  81. public static readonly int HandExtendMaxDifference = 40;
  82. public static readonly float HandThumbDefectMaxDistanceToThumb = Parameters.FingerMaxWidth2D;
  83. public static readonly float HandThumbDefectMinThumbShortLengthRatio = 0.75f;
  84. public static readonly float HandThumbDefectMaxThumbShortLengthRatio = 1.1f;
  85. public static readonly float HandThumbDefectMinShortLongLengthRatio = 0.3f;
  86. public static readonly float HandThumbDefectMaxShortLongLengthRatio = 0.7f;
  87. // hand tracker
  88. public static readonly int HandTrackerNumFramesDetectedUntilTracked = 5;
  89. public static readonly int HandTrackerNumFramesLostUntilDeleted = 5;
  90. public static readonly float HandTrackerMaxCentroidRelativeMove = TrackerMaxRelativeMove;
  91. public static readonly float HandmXX = 0.0005f;
  92. public static readonly float HandmXY = 0.0f;
  93. public static readonly float HandmYY = 0.0005f;
  94. // palm detection
  95. public static readonly int PalmNumPositionsForPalmWidth = 5;
  96. public static readonly float PalmInsideTolerance = 0.1f;
  97. // palm tracker
  98. public static readonly int PalmTrackerNumFramesDetectedUntilTracked = 5;
  99. public static readonly int PalmTrackerNumFramesLostUntilDeleted = 5;
  100. public static readonly float PalmTrackerMaxWristUpperRelativeMove = TrackerMaxRelativeMove;
  101. public static readonly float PalmTrackerMaxWristLowerRelativeMove = TrackerMaxRelativeMove;
  102. public static readonly float PalmTrackerMaxFingersUpperRelativeMove = TrackerMaxRelativeMove;
  103. public static readonly float PalmTrackerMaxFingersLowerRelativeMove = TrackerMaxRelativeMove;
  104. public static readonly float PalmmXX = 0.00005f;
  105. public static readonly float PalmmXY = 0.0f;
  106. public static readonly float PalmmYY = 0.00005f;
  107. //palm Grid
  108. public static readonly int PalmGridDefaultNumRows = 3;
  109. public static readonly int PalmGridDefaultNumColumns = 4;
  110. // touch detection
  111. public static readonly float TouchMinTouchValue = 0.3f;
  112. public static readonly int TouchAreaSize = 30;
  113. public static readonly int TouchFloodfillDownDiff = 1;
  114. public static readonly int TouchFloodfillUpDiff = 3;
  115. public static readonly int TouchTipInsideFactor = 2;
  116. public static readonly int TouchTipOutsideFactor = 7;
  117. // touch tracking
  118. public static readonly int TouchTrackerNumFramesDetectedUntilTracked = 1;
  119. public static readonly int TouchTrackerNumFramesLostUntilDeleted = 5;
  120. public static readonly float TouchTrackerMaxAbsolutePositionRelativeMove = TrackerMaxRelativeMove;
  121. public static readonly float TouchmXX = 0.003f;
  122. public static readonly float TouchmXY = 0.0f;
  123. public static readonly float TouchmYY = 0.00165f;
  124. public static readonly float TouchProcessNoise = 3.0e-4f;
  125. // touchEventVisualizer
  126. public static readonly int TouchEventVisualizerFadeOutTime = 1500;
  127. // homographyExport
  128. public static readonly String HomographyFileName = "homography.txt";
  129. // colors
  130. public static readonly Color ColorDetected = Color.Turquoise;
  131. public static readonly Color ColorTracked = Color.Yellow;
  132. public static readonly Color DepthImageColor = Color.White;
  133. public static readonly Color EdgeImageColor = Color.Blue;
  134. public static readonly Color OutputImageBorderColor = Color.White;
  135. public static readonly Color FingerSliceColor = Color.Magenta;
  136. public static readonly Color FingerDetectedColor = ColorDetected;
  137. public static readonly Color FingerTrackedColor = ColorTracked;
  138. public static readonly Color FingerTipColor = Color.Blue;
  139. public static readonly Color FingerHandColor = Color.Yellow;
  140. public static readonly Color FingerContourColor = Color.Red;
  141. public static readonly Color FingerIDColor = Color.White;
  142. public static readonly Color TouchEventDetectedColor = ColorDetected;
  143. public static readonly Color TouchEventTrackedColor = ColorTracked;
  144. public static readonly Color TouchEventAreaMatchedSubtractColor = Color.DarkOrange;
  145. public static readonly Color TouchEventAreaNonMatchedSubtractColor = Color.DarkSlateGray;
  146. public static readonly Color TouchEventStatusBarColor = Color.Green;
  147. public static readonly Color TouchEventVisualizerLineColor = Color.Yellow;
  148. public static readonly Color TouchEventVisualizerPointColor = Color.Red;
  149. public static readonly Color TouchEventVisualizerGridColor = Color.White;
  150. public static readonly Color TouchEventVisualizerTextColor = Color.White;
  151. public static readonly Color TouchEventVisualizerActiveBlockColor = Color.DarkSlateGray;
  152. public static readonly Color PalmQuadColor = Color.Blue;
  153. public static readonly Color PalmGridColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
  154. public static readonly Color[] HandColors = new Color[3] { Color.Red, Color.Blue, Color.Green };
  155. public static readonly Color HandCentroidColor = Color.Yellow;
  156. public static readonly Color HandIDColor = Color.White;
  157. public static readonly Color HandThumbDefectPointColor = Color.Lime;
  158. public static readonly Color HandThumbDefectLineColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
  159. public static readonly Color CalibrationPointColor = Color.Yellow;
  160. }
  161. }