123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378 |
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using System.Drawing;
- using Emgu.CV;
- using Emgu.CV.Structure;
- using bbiwarg.Utility;
- using bbiwarg.Images;
- using bbiwarg.Detectors.FingerDetection;
- using bbiwarg.Graphics;
- namespace bbiwarg.Detectors.PalmDetection
- {
- class PalmDetector
- {
- private int width, height;
- private OutputImage outputImage;
- private EdgeImage edgeImage;
- private Image<Gray, Byte> handImage;
- private Image<Gray, Byte> pointingHandMask;
- private List<Finger> fingers;
- private Contour<Point> palmContour;
- private List<MCvConvexityDefect> convexityDefects;
- private Vector2D thumbDefectStart;
- private Vector2D thumbDefectEnd;
- private Vector2D thumbDefectDepth, lastThumbDefectDepth;
- private Kalman2DPositionFilter thumbDefectDepthFilter, thumbDefectStartFilter, thumbDefectEndFilter;
- private Vector2D topLeft;
- private Vector2D topRight;
- private Vector2D bottomLeft;
- private Vector2D bottomRight;
- public Quadrangle PalmQuad { get; private set; }
- public PalmDetector()
- {
- // TODO: determine which fingers are index or thumb-fingers and detect palm in thumb-hand
- thumbDefectDepthFilter = new Kalman2DPositionFilter(1.0e-2f, 1.0e-2f);
- thumbDefectStartFilter = new Kalman2DPositionFilter(1.0e-2f, 1.0e-2f);
- thumbDefectEndFilter = new Kalman2DPositionFilter(1.0e-2f, 1.0e-2f);
- }
- public void findPalmQuad(DepthImage depthImage, EdgeImage edgeImage, OutputImage outputImage, List<Finger> trackedFingers)
- {
- this.width = depthImage.Width;
- this.height = depthImage.Height;
- i1 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- i2 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- i3 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- i4 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- i5 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- i6 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- i7 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- i8 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- i9 = new OutputImage(width, height);
- if (trackedFingers.Count >= 2)
- {
- this.edgeImage = edgeImage;
- this.outputImage = outputImage;
- // dst = (src > (MaxDepth - MinDepth)) ? 0 : 1
- handImage = depthImage.Image.ThresholdBinaryInv(new Gray(depthImage.MaxDepth - depthImage.MinDepth - 1), new Gray(1)).Convert<Gray, Byte>();
- fingers = getFingersWithoutThumb(trackedFingers);
- buildPointingHandMask();
- handImage = handImage.And(pointingHandMask);
- findLongestPalmContour();
- if (palmContour != null)
- {
- findConvexityDefectsSortedByDepth();
- removeConvexityDefectsCausedByFingers();
- findHandPoints();
- }
- }
- draw();
- }
- public void reset()
- {
- thumbDefectDepthFilter.reset();
- thumbDefectStartFilter.reset();
- thumbDefectEndFilter.reset();
- lastThumbDefectDepth = null;
- }
- private List<Finger> getFingersWithoutThumb(List<Finger> detectedFingers)
- {
- Finger leftMost = null;
- float minX = float.MaxValue;
- foreach (Finger f in detectedFingers)
- {
- float midX = ((f.Hand + f.Tip) / 2).X;
- if (midX < minX)
- {
- minX = midX;
- leftMost = f;
- }
- }
- List<Finger> result = new List<Finger>();
- foreach (Finger f in detectedFingers)
- {
- if (f != leftMost)
- result.Add(f);
- }
- return result;
- }
- private void fillFingerSlices(Image<Gray, Byte> image, byte val)
- {
- foreach (Finger f in fingers)
- {
- //foreach (FingerSlice s in f.SliceTrail.Slices)
- {
- image.Draw(new LineSegment2DF(f.SliceTrail.Slices[0].Start, f.SliceTrail.Slices[0].End), new Gray(val), 1);
- }
- }
- }
- private Finger getLongestFinger()
- {
- float maxLength = 0;
- Finger longest = null;
- foreach (Finger f in fingers)
- {
- if (f.LineSegment.Length > maxLength)
- {
- maxLength = f.LineSegment.Length;
- longest = f;
- }
- }
- return longest;
- }
- private Point getPointInPointingHand()
- {
- Finger finger = getLongestFinger();
- if (finger == null)
- return new Point(0, 0);
- Vector2D direction = (finger.Hand - finger.Tip).normalize();
- Vector2D pos = finger.Hand + direction;
- while (pos.isWithin(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1) && pointingHandMask.Data[pos.IntY, pos.IntX, 0] != 0)
- pos += direction;
- i3.fillCircle(pos.IntX, pos.IntY, 3, Color.Red);
- return pos;
- }
- public OutputImage i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9;
- private void buildPointingHandMask()
- {
- pointingHandMask = new Image<Gray, byte>(width, height, new Gray(0));
- // dst = (src > 0) ? 1 : 0;
- pointingHandMask = pointingHandMask.Or(edgeImage.Image.ThresholdBinary(new Gray(0), new Gray(1)));
- i1.Image[0] = i1.Image[1] = i1.Image[2] = 255 * pointingHandMask;
- pointingHandMask = pointingHandMask.Dilate(2);
- i2.Image[0] = i2.Image[1] = i2.Image[2] = 255 * pointingHandMask;
- fillFingerSlices(pointingHandMask, 1);
- i3.Image[0] = i3.Image[1] = i3.Image[2] = 255 * pointingHandMask;
- //pointingHandMask = pointingHandMask.Dilate(1);
- //i4.Image[0] = i4.Image[1] = i4.Image[2] = 255 * pointingHandMask;
- MCvConnectedComp tmp = new MCvConnectedComp();
- // fill with value 2
- CvInvoke.cvFloodFill(pointingHandMask.Ptr, getPointInPointingHand(), new MCvScalar(2), new MCvScalar(0), new MCvScalar(0), out tmp, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
- // dst = (src > 1) ? 0 : 1 (src > 1 <-> src == 2 <-> src filled by flood fill)
- pointingHandMask = pointingHandMask.ThresholdBinaryInv(new Gray(1), new Gray(1));
- i5.Image[0] = i5.Image[1] = i5.Image[2] = 255 * pointingHandMask;
- pointingHandMask = pointingHandMask.Erode(6);
- i6.Image[0] = i6.Image[1] = i6.Image[2] = 255 * pointingHandMask;
- fillFingerSlices(pointingHandMask, 0);
- i7.Image[0] = i7.Image[1] = i7.Image[2] = 255 * pointingHandMask;
- pointingHandMask = pointingHandMask.Erode(2);
- i8.Image[0] = i8.Image[1] = i8.Image[2] = 255 * pointingHandMask;
- // only debug
- i9.Image[0] = i9.Image[1] = i9.Image[2] = 255 * handImage.And(pointingHandMask);
- }
- private void findLongestPalmContour()
- {
- Contour<Point> contour = handImage.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_EXTERNAL);
- palmContour = contour;
- double maxPerimeter = 0;
- while (contour != null)
- {
- if (contour.Perimeter > maxPerimeter)
- {
- maxPerimeter = contour.Perimeter;
- palmContour = contour;
- }
- contour = contour.HNext;
- }
- }
- private void findConvexityDefectsSortedByDepth()
- {
- convexityDefects = new List<MCvConvexityDefect>(palmContour.GetConvexityDefacts(new MemStorage(), Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE));
- convexityDefects.Sort(delegate(MCvConvexityDefect d1, MCvConvexityDefect d2)
- {
- if (d1.Depth < d2.Depth)
- return 1;
- else if (d1.Depth > d2.Depth)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- });
- }
- private void removeConvexityDefectsCausedByFingers()
- {
- List<MCvConvexityDefect> newDefects = new List<MCvConvexityDefect>();
- foreach (MCvConvexityDefect d in convexityDefects)
- {
- bool remove = false;
- float minFingerLineDist = float.MaxValue;
- foreach (Finger f in fingers)
- {
- Utility.LineSegment2D defectLine = new Utility.LineSegment2D(new Vector2D(d.StartPoint), new Vector2D(d.EndPoint));
- Vector2D intersection = defectLine.Line.getIntersection(f.LineSegment.Line);
- if (intersection.isInBox(defectLine.P1, defectLine.P2) && intersection.isInBox(f.LineSegment.P1, f.LineSegment.P2))
- {
- remove = true;
- break;
- }
- Vector2D mid = (new Vector2D(d.StartPoint) + new Vector2D(d.EndPoint)) / 2.0f;
- float dist = f.LineSegment.getDistanceTo(mid);
- if (dist < minFingerLineDist)
- minFingerLineDist = dist;
- }
- if (minFingerLineDist >= Constants.PalmMinDefectMidFingerLineDistance && !remove)
- newDefects.Add(d);
- }
- convexityDefects = newDefects;
- }
- private MCvConvexityDefect? findThumbDefect()
- {
- foreach (MCvConvexityDefect d in convexityDefects)
- {
- Vector2D depth = new Vector2D(d.DepthPoint);
- Vector2D start = new Vector2D(d.StartPoint);
- Vector2D end = new Vector2D(d.EndPoint);
- float angle = (float) ((depth - start).getAngleBetween(depth - end) * 180 / Math.PI);
- if (angle <= Constants.PalmMaxThumbDefectAngle)
- {
- return d;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private void findHandPoints()
- {
- MCvConvexityDefect? thumbDefect = findThumbDefect();
- if (convexityDefects.Count > 0 && (thumbDefect != null || thumbDefectDepthFilter.Initialized))
- {
- if (thumbDefect != null)
- {
- thumbDefectDepth = new Vector2D(thumbDefect.Value.DepthPoint);
- thumbDefectStart = new Vector2D(thumbDefect.Value.StartPoint);
- thumbDefectEnd = new Vector2D(thumbDefect.Value.EndPoint);
- }
- if (!thumbDefectDepthFilter.Initialized)
- {
- thumbDefectDepthFilter.setInitialPosition(thumbDefectDepth);
- thumbDefectStartFilter.setInitialPosition(thumbDefectStart);
- thumbDefectEndFilter.setInitialPosition(thumbDefectEnd);
- }
- else
- {
- thumbDefectDepth = thumbDefectDepthFilter.getCorrectedPosition(thumbDefectDepth);
- thumbDefectStart = thumbDefectStartFilter.getCorrectedPosition(thumbDefectStart);
- thumbDefectEnd = thumbDefectEndFilter.getCorrectedPosition(thumbDefectEnd);
- }
- lastThumbDefectDepth = thumbDefectDepth;
- Vector2D handLength, handWidth;
- if (thumbDefectDepth.getDistanceTo(thumbDefectStart) > thumbDefectDepth.getDistanceTo(thumbDefectEnd))
- {
- //right hand
- handLength = thumbDefectStart - thumbDefectDepth;
- handWidth = 0.8f * new Vector2D(-handLength.Y, handLength.X);
- topLeft = thumbDefectStart;
- bottomLeft = thumbDefectDepth - 0.4f * handLength;
- bottomRight = bottomLeft + handWidth;
- topRight = bottomRight + 1.2f * handLength - 0.3f * handWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- //left hand
- handLength = thumbDefectEnd - thumbDefectDepth;
- handWidth = 0.8f * new Vector2D(handLength.Y, -handLength.X);
- topRight = thumbDefectEnd;
- bottomRight = thumbDefectDepth - 0.4f * handLength;
- bottomLeft = bottomRight + handWidth;
- topLeft = bottomLeft + 1.2f * handLength - 0.3f * handWidth;
- }
- PalmQuad = new Quadrangle(bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight, bottomRight);
- }
- }
- private void draw()
- {
- if (palmContour != null && palmContour.Count<Point>() > 0) {
- outputImage.drawContour(palmContour, Constants.PalmConturColor);
- outputImage.drawPoints(palmContour.GetConvexHull(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE), Constants.PalmConvexHullColor);
- }
- if (PalmQuad != null)
- {
- outputImage.fillCircle(thumbDefectStart.IntX, thumbDefectStart.IntY, 3, Color.Red);
- outputImage.fillCircle(thumbDefectEnd.IntX, thumbDefectEnd.IntY, 3, Color.Red);
- outputImage.fillCircle(thumbDefectDepth.IntX, thumbDefectDepth.IntY, 3, Color.Red);
- outputImage.drawLineSegment(new Utility.LineSegment2D(thumbDefectDepth, (thumbDefectStart + thumbDefectEnd) / 2.0f), Constants.PalmThumbDefectColor, 1);
- Vector2D[] vertices = PalmQuad.Vertices;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- outputImage.drawLineSegment(new bbiwarg.Utility.LineSegment2D(vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4]), Constants.PalmQuadColor);
- drawGrid(new Vector2D(vertices[0]), new Vector2D(vertices[1]), new Vector2D(vertices[2]), new Vector2D(vertices[3]));
- }
- }
- private void drawGrid(Vector2D a, Vector2D b, Vector2D c, Vector2D d)
- {
- Vector2D relAB = (b - a) / Constants.PalmGridRows;
- Vector2D relDC = (c - d) / Constants.PalmGridRows;
- Vector2D relBC = (c - b) / Constants.PalmGridColumns;
- Vector2D relAD = (d - a) / Constants.PalmGridColumns;
- for (int i = 1; i < Constants.PalmGridRows; i++)
- {
- outputImage.drawLineSegment(new bbiwarg.Utility.LineSegment2D(a + i * relAB, d + i * relDC), Constants.PalmGridColor);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < Constants.PalmGridColumns; i++)
- {
- outputImage.drawLineSegment(new bbiwarg.Utility.LineSegment2D(a + i * relAD, b + i * relBC), Constants.PalmGridColor);
- }
- }
- }
- }