using BBIWARG.Input.InputHandling;
using BBIWARG.Input.InputProviding;
using BBIWARG.Recognition.FingerRecognition;
using BBIWARG.Recognition.PalmRecognition;
using BBIWARG.Utility;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace BBIWARG.Output.GlassesOutput
/// A Windows Form which displays a full screen window to be shown on augmented reality glasses.
public partial class GlassesWindow : Form
/// true iff the calibration image has the latest data
private bool calibrationImageUpToDate;
/// position of the current calibration point in the output plane
private Vector2D currentCalibrationPoint;
/// id of the current frame
private int currentFrameID;
/// true iff the window is showing the latest data
private bool guiUpToDate;
/// the image shown on the glasses
private OutputImage image;
/// the input handler
private InputHandler inputHandler;
/// the input provider
private IInputProvider inputProvider;
/// size of the input images
private ImageSize inputSize;
/// size of the image show on the glasses
private ImageSize outputSize;
/// projection from the input image plane to a plane which lies in front of the wearer of the glasses (output plane)
private Projection2DTo2D projection;
/// random number generator
private Random rand;
/// timer to periodically update the window
private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer;
/// Creates a GlassesWindow.
/// input provider
/// input handler
/// title of the window
/// the screen this window is shown on
/// the update interval for the window in milliseconds
public GlassesWindow(IInputProvider inputProvider, InputHandler inputHandler, String name, Screen screen, int updateInterval)
this.inputProvider = inputProvider;
this.inputHandler = inputHandler;
this.inputSize = inputHandler.ImageSize;
this.outputSize = new ImageSize(screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height);
guiUpToDate = false;
calibrationImageUpToDate = false;
rand = new Random();
currentCalibrationPoint = getRandomOutputPoint();
projection = new Projection2DTo2D(inputSize, outputSize, Parameters.GlassesWindowNumCalibrationPoints);
Name = name;
Text = name;
timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
timer.Interval = updateInterval;
timer.Tick += update;
KeyPreview = true;
// fullscreen
FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
Location = screen.Bounds.Location;
Size = screen.Bounds.Size;
/// Stops the input provider when closing the window.
/// event arguments
protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
/// Returns a random point in the glasses image.
/// a random point in the output image
private Vector2D getRandomOutputPoint()
return outputSize.getAbsolutePoint(new Vector2D((float)rand.NextDouble(), (float)rand.NextDouble()));
/// Handle key down events by showing the next point or finishing or resetting the calibration.
/// event sender
/// event arguments
private void GlassesWindow_OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.K)
FrameData frameData = inputHandler.FrameData;
if (frameData != null)
lock (frameData)
if (frameData.TrackedFingers.Count == 1)
Vector2D pointOutput = currentCalibrationPoint;
Vector2D pointInput = frameData.TrackedFingers[0].TipPoint;
projection.addCalibrationPoints(pointInput, pointOutput);
currentCalibrationPoint = getRandomOutputPoint();
else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.R)
currentCalibrationPoint = getRandomOutputPoint();
/// Updates the window.
/// the event sender
/// the event arguments
private void update(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!inputProvider.IsActive)
if (projection.IsCalibrated)
FrameData frameData = inputHandler.FrameData;
if (frameData != null)
lock (frameData)
if (currentFrameID != frameData.FrameID)
currentFrameID = frameData.FrameID;
if (!calibrationImageUpToDate)
if (!guiUpToDate)
/// Updates the calibration image.
private void updateCalibrationImage()
guiUpToDate = false;
if (image != null)
image = new OutputImage(outputSize);
image.fillCircle(currentCalibrationPoint, 25, Color.Orange);
/// Updates the GUI elements.
private void updateGUI()
// update image boxes
imageBox.Image = image;
guiUpToDate = true;
/// Updates the glasses image.
/// data for the new frame
private void updateImage(FrameData frameData)
guiUpToDate = false;
if (image != null)
image = new OutputImage(outputSize);
foreach (Palm palm in frameData.TrackedPalms)
Quadrangle quadInput = palm.Quad;
Vector2D a = projection.projectPoint(quadInput.TopLeft);
Vector2D b = projection.projectPoint(quadInput.TopRight);
Vector2D c = projection.projectPoint(quadInput.BottomRight);
Vector2D d = projection.projectPoint(quadInput.BottomLeft);
Quadrangle quadOutput = new Quadrangle(a, b, c, d);
image.drawQuadrangleGrid(quadOutput, Color.Yellow, Color.Orange, 3, 4);
foreach (Finger finger in frameData.TrackedFingers)
Vector2D tipProjected = projection.projectPoint(finger.TipPoint);
image.fillCircle(tipProjected, 10, Color.Yellow);