using BBIWARG.Input.InputHandling;
using BBIWARG.Recognition.TouchRecognition;
using BBIWARG.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
namespace BBIWARG.Output.DebugOutput
/// Provides an image showing touch events.
internal class TouchEventVisualizer
/// all touch events starting at the last TouchDown, indexed by a unique id
private Dictionary> activeTouches;
/// relative times of last frame updates which are stored for a limited time, indexed by a unique id
private Dictionary lastUpdates;
/// the next free id, used as a unique id for the dictionaries
private int nextFreeID;
/// old touch events which are stored for a limited time, indexed by a unique id
private Dictionary> oldTouches;
/// used to prevent running and simultaneously from different threads
private Object sync;
/// used to store the relative time at which the touch events occurred
private Stopwatch timer;
/// Creates a TouchEventVisualizer.
public TouchEventVisualizer()
sync = new object();
/// Returns an output image showing the touch events.
/// output image size
/// number of rows in the palm grid
/// number columns in the palm grid
/// image showing touch events
public OutputImage getOutputImage(ImageSize imageSize, int numRows, int numColumns, int sliderPos, int sliderMax, int sliderCurr)
lock (sync)
long currentTime = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
removeOldPositions(currentTime - Parameters.TouchEventVisualizerFadeOutTime);
OutputImage outputImage = new OutputImage(imageSize);
int imageWidth = imageSize.Width;
int imageHeight = imageSize.Height;
// border
// draw grid
int widthPerColumn = imageWidth / numColumns;
int heightPerRow = imageHeight / numRows;
// find active blocks
List> activeBlocks = getActiveBlocks(numRows, numColumns, sliderPos, sliderMax, sliderCurr);
if (numRows * numColumns > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < activeTouches.Values.Count; i++)
List positions = activeTouches.Values.ElementAt(i);
Vector2D lastPosition = positions.Last();
int activeRow = (int)Math.Min(lastPosition.Y * numRows, numRows - 1);
int activeCol = (int)Math.Min(lastPosition.X * activeBlocks.ElementAt(activeRow).Count,
activeBlocks.ElementAt(activeRow).Count - 1);
if (activeRow != sliderPos)
activeBlocks.ElementAt(activeRow)[activeCol] = true;
if (activeRow == sliderPos)
if (Parameters.PalmSliderLastTouched != -1)
int temp = Parameters.PalmSliderCurr + (activeCol - Parameters.PalmSliderLastTouched);
if (temp < 0)
Parameters.PalmSliderCurr = 0;
if (temp > Parameters.PalmSliderMax)
Parameters.PalmSliderCurr = Parameters.PalmSliderMax;
Parameters.PalmSliderCurr = temp;
Parameters.PalmSliderLastTouched = activeCol;
else if (Parameters.PalmSliderLastTouched == -1)
Parameters.PalmSliderLastTouched = activeCol;
Parameters.PalmSliderLastTouched = -1;
if (activeTouches.Values.Count < 1)
Parameters.PalmSliderLastTouched = -1;
if(sliderPos > -1 && sliderPos < numRows)
for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.PalmSliderCurr; i++)
activeBlocks.ElementAt(sliderPos)[i] = true;
Parameters.ActiveTouches = activeBlocks;
// draw blocks
int index = 1;
for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < activeBlocks.ElementAt(row).Count; col++)
if (activeBlocks.ElementAt(row)[col])
outputImage.fillRectangle(new Rectangle(col * imageWidth/activeBlocks.ElementAt(row).Count,
row * heightPerRow, imageWidth / activeBlocks.ElementAt(row).Count, heightPerRow),
if(row != sliderPos)
int x = (int)((col + 0.5f) * imageWidth / activeBlocks.ElementAt(row).Count) - 5;
int y = (int)((row + 0.5f) * heightPerRow) + 5;
outputImage.drawText(new Point(x, y), index.ToString(), Parameters.TouchEventVisualizerTextColor);
// draw grid
for(int i = 0; i < activeBlocks.Count; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < activeBlocks.ElementAt(i).Count; j++)
outputImage.drawLineSegment(new LineSegment2D(
new Vector2D(j * imageWidth/activeBlocks.ElementAt(i).Count, i * heightPerRow),
new Vector2D(j * imageWidth / activeBlocks.ElementAt(i).Count, (i + 1) * heightPerRow -1)),
//for (int i = 0; i <= numColumns; i++)
// outputImage.drawLineSegment(new LineSegment2D(new Vector2D(i * widthPerColumn, 0), new Vector2D(i * widthPerColumn, imageHeight - 1)), Parameters.TouchEventVisualizerGridColor);
for (int i = 0; i <= numRows; i++)
outputImage.drawLineSegment(new LineSegment2D(new Vector2D(0, i * heightPerRow), new Vector2D(imageWidth - 1, i * heightPerRow)), Parameters.TouchEventVisualizerGridColor);
// draw active touches
foreach (List positions in activeTouches.Values)
outputImage.drawTouchGesture(positions, imageSize.MaxPixel);
// draw old touches (fade out)
foreach (int id in oldTouches.Keys)
List positions = oldTouches[id];
long lastUpdate = lastUpdates[id];
float opacity = 1 - ((currentTime - lastUpdate) / (float)Parameters.TouchEventVisualizerFadeOutTime);
outputImage.drawTouchGesture(positions, imageSize.MaxPixel, opacity);
return outputImage;
private List> getActiveBlocks(int numRows, int numColumns, int sliderPos, int sliderMax, int sliderCurr)
List> res = new List>();
for(int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
List temp = new List();
if (i == sliderPos)
for (int j = 0; j < sliderMax; j++) temp.Add(false);
for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) temp.Add(false);
return res;
/// Handles the event that a new frame is finished processing by updating the touch events.
/// event sender
/// event arguments
public void handleNewFrameData(object sender, NewProcessedFrameEventArgs e)
FrameData frameData = e.FrameData;
lock (frameData) lock (sync)
if (frameData.ResetFlag)
foreach (TouchEvent te in frameData.TouchEvents)
switch (te.Type)
case TouchEventType.Down:
activeTouches.Add(te.Touch.TrackID, new List());
case TouchEventType.Move:
case TouchEventType.Up:
oldTouches.Add(nextFreeID, activeTouches[te.Touch.TrackID]);
lastUpdates.Add(nextFreeID, timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
/// Resets the touch events and the timer.
public void reset()
timer = new Stopwatch();
nextFreeID = 1;
activeTouches = new Dictionary>();
oldTouches = new Dictionary>();
lastUpdates = new Dictionary();
/// Removes old touch events and update times.
/// every touch event which occurred before breakTime is removed
private void removeOldPositions(long breakTime)
List ids = new List(lastUpdates.Keys);
for (int i = ids.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
int id = ids[i];
if (breakTime > lastUpdates[id])