using BBIWARG.Images;
using BBIWARG.Recognition.FingerRecognition;
using BBIWARG.Recognition.HandRecognition;
using BBIWARG.Recognition.PalmRecognition;
using BBIWARG.Recognition.TouchRecognition;
using BBIWARG.Utility;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;
namespace BBIWARG.Input.InputHandling
/// Data class which holds all data read an generated for one frame.
public class FrameData
/// the depth image read in this frame
public DepthImage DepthImage { get; set; }
/// a list of fingers detected in this frame
public List DetectedFingers { get; set; }
/// a list of hands detected in this frame
public List DetectedHands { get; set; }
/// a list of palms detected in this frame
public List DetectedPalms { get; set; }
/// a list of objects detected in this frame
public List DetectedTouches { get; set; }
/// the edge image created in this frame
public EdgeImage EdgeImage { get; set; }
/// the id of the frame
public int FrameID { get; set; }
/// the size of all the images
public ImageSize ImageSize { get; set; }
/// set iff the input source is a movie which is in the first frame again
public bool ResetFlag { get; set; }
/// a list of touch events generated in this frame
public List TouchEvents { get; set; }
/// a list of fingers which are tracked in this frame
public List TrackedFingers { get; set; }
/// a list of hands which are tracked in this frame
public List TrackedHands { get; set; }
/// a list of palms which are tracked in this frame
public List TrackedPalms { get; set; }
/// a list of objects which are tracked in this frame
public List TrackedTouches { get; set; }