using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;
namespace BBIWARG.Utility
/// Filter used to smooth a series of 2d positions.
internal class Kalman2DPositionFilter
/// number of measurements per second
private float fps;
/// the emgu kalman filter
private Kalman kalman;
/// xx entry for the measurement noise covariance matrix
private float mXX;
/// xy and yx entry for the measurement noise covariance matrix
private float mXY;
/// yy entry for the measurement noise covariance matrix
private float mYY;
/// value used for all entries in the process noise covariance matrix
private float processNoiseFactor;
/// true iff the kalman filter is initialized
public bool Initialized { get; private set; }
/// Creates a Kalman2DPositionFilter.
/// xx entry for the measurement noise covariance matrix
/// xy and yx entry for the measurement noise covariance matrix
/// yy entry for the measurement noise covariance matrix
/// value used for all entries in the process noise covariance matrix
/// number of measurements per second
public Kalman2DPositionFilter(float mXX, float mXY, float mYY, float processNoiseFactor = 1.0e-4f, int fps = 30)
this.mXX = mXX;
this.mXY = mXY;
this.mYY = mYY;
this.processNoiseFactor = processNoiseFactor;
this.fps = fps;
/// Computes a smoothed position for a measurement and updates the filter.
/// the measurement
/// the smoothed position
public Vector2D getCorrectedPosition(Vector2D rawPosition)
Matrix rawPositionMatrix = new Matrix(new float[,] { { rawPosition.X }, { rawPosition.Y } });
// prediction according to model
// corrected point
Matrix estimate = kalman.Correct(rawPositionMatrix);
return new Vector2D(estimate[0, 0], estimate[1, 0]);
/// Computes a prediction for the next position based on the previous positions.
/// prediction for the next position
public Vector2D getPrediction()
Matrix predicton = kalman.Predict();
return new Vector2D(predicton[0, 0], predicton[1, 0]);
/// Resets the kalman filter.
public void reset()
// 6 state variables and 2 measurements (0 controls)
kalman = new Kalman(2, 2, 0);
// time step (s)
float t = 1 / fps;
// transition matrix
Matrix transitionMatrix = new Matrix(new float[,]
{ 1.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 1.0f }
kalman.TransitionMatrix = transitionMatrix;
// measurement matrix
Matrix measurementMatrix = new Matrix(new float[,]
{ 1.0f, 0.0f }, // first measurement = x
{ 0.0f, 1.0f } // second measurement = y
kalman.MeasurementMatrix = measurementMatrix;
// measurement noise covariance matrix
Matrix measurementNoiseCovarianceMatrix = new Matrix(2, 2);
measurementNoiseCovarianceMatrix[0, 0] = mXX;
measurementNoiseCovarianceMatrix[0, 1] = measurementNoiseCovarianceMatrix[1, 0] = mXY;
measurementNoiseCovarianceMatrix[1, 1] = mYY;
kalman.MeasurementNoiseCovariance = measurementNoiseCovarianceMatrix;
// process noise covariance matrix
Matrix processNoiseCovarianceMatrix = new Matrix(2, 2);
processNoiseCovarianceMatrix.SetIdentity(new MCvScalar(processNoiseFactor));
kalman.ProcessNoiseCovariance = processNoiseCovarianceMatrix;
// error covariance post matrix (initial value)
Matrix errorCovariancePostMatrix = new Matrix(2, 2);
errorCovariancePostMatrix.SetIdentity(new MCvScalar(processNoiseFactor));
kalman.ErrorCovariancePost = errorCovariancePostMatrix;
Initialized = false;
/// Sets the initial position.
/// initial position
public void setInitialPosition(Vector2D initialPosition)
// initial state (x, y, v_x, v_y)
Matrix initialState = new Matrix(new float[] { initialPosition.X, initialPosition.Y });
kalman.CorrectedState = initialState;
Initialized = true;