/* TUIO C# Library - part of the reacTIVision project http://reactivision.sourceforge.net/ Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Martin Kaltenbrunner This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace TUIO { /** * The abstract TuioContainer class defines common attributes that apply to both subclasses {@link TuioObject} and {@link TuioCursor}. * * @author Martin Kaltenbrunner * @version 1.4 */ public abstract class TuioContainer : TuioPoint { /** * The unique session ID number that is assigned to each TUIO object or cursor. */ protected long session_id; /** * The X-axis velocity value. */ protected float x_speed; /** * The Y-axis velocity value. */ protected float y_speed; /** * The motion speed value. */ protected float motion_speed; /** * The motion acceleration value. */ protected float motion_accel; /** * A Vector of TuioPoints containing all the previous positions of the TUIO component. */ protected List path; /** * Defines the ADDED state. */ public const int TUIO_ADDED = 0; /** * Defines the ACCELERATING state. */ public const int TUIO_ACCELERATING = 1; /** * Defines the DECELERATING state. */ public const int TUIO_DECELERATING = 2; /** * Defines the STOPPED state. */ public const int TUIO_STOPPED = 3; /** * Defines the REMOVED state. */ public const int TUIO_REMOVED = 4; /** * Reflects the current state of the TuioComponent */ protected int state; /** * This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided * Session ID, X and Y coordinate to the newly created TuioContainer. * * @param ttime the TuioTime to assign * @param si the Session ID to assign * @param xp the X coordinate to assign * @param yp the Y coordinate to assign */ public TuioContainer(TuioTime ttime, long si, float xp, float yp) : base(ttime, xp, yp) { session_id = si; x_speed = 0.0f; y_speed = 0.0f; motion_speed = 0.0f; motion_accel = 0.0f; path = new List(); path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos)); state = TUIO_ADDED; } /** * This constructor takes the provided Session ID, X and Y coordinate * and assigs these values to the newly created TuioContainer. * * @param si the Session ID to assign * @param xp the X coordinate to assign * @param yp the Y coordinate to assign */ public TuioContainer(long si, float xp, float yp) : base(xp, yp) { session_id = si; x_speed = 0.0f; y_speed = 0.0f; motion_speed = 0.0f; motion_accel = 0.0f; path = new List(); path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos)); state = TUIO_ADDED; } /** * This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioContainer * and assigs these values to the newly created TuioContainer. * * @param tcon the TuioContainer to assign */ public TuioContainer(TuioContainer tcon) : base(tcon) { session_id = tcon.getSessionID(); x_speed = 0.0f; y_speed = 0.0f; motion_speed = 0.0f; motion_accel = 0.0f; path = new List(); path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos)); state = TUIO_ADDED; } /** * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided * X and Y coordinate to the private TuioContainer attributes. * The speed and accleration values are calculated accordingly. * * @param ttime the TuioTime to assign * @param xp the X coordinate to assign * @param yp the Y coordinate to assign */ public new void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp) { TuioPoint lastPoint = path[path.Count - 1]; base.update(ttime, xp, yp); TuioTime diffTime = currentTime - lastPoint.getTuioTime(); float dt = diffTime.getTotalMilliseconds() / 1000.0f; float dx = this.xpos - lastPoint.getX(); float dy = this.ypos - lastPoint.getY(); float dist = (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); float last_motion_speed = this.motion_speed; this.x_speed = dx / dt; this.y_speed = dy / dt; this.motion_speed = dist / dt; this.motion_accel = (motion_speed - last_motion_speed) / dt; path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos)); if (motion_accel > 0) state = TUIO_ACCELERATING; else if (motion_accel < 0) state = TUIO_DECELERATING; else state = TUIO_STOPPED; } /** * This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of * TuioContainers with unchanged positions. */ public void stop(TuioTime ttime) { update(ttime, this.xpos, this.ypos); } /** * Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided * X and Y coordinate, X and Y velocity and acceleration * to the private TuioContainer attributes. * * @param ttime the TuioTime to assign * @param xp the X coordinate to assign * @param yp the Y coordinate to assign * @param xs the X velocity to assign * @param ys the Y velocity to assign * @param ma the acceleration to assign */ public void update(TuioTime ttime, float xp, float yp, float xs, float ys, float ma) { base.update(ttime, xp, yp); x_speed = xs; y_speed = ys; motion_speed = (float)Math.Sqrt(x_speed * x_speed + y_speed * y_speed); motion_accel = ma; path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos)); if (motion_accel > 0) state = TUIO_ACCELERATING; else if (motion_accel < 0) state = TUIO_DECELERATING; else state = TUIO_STOPPED; } /** * Assigns the provided X and Y coordinate, X and Y velocity and acceleration * to the private TuioContainer attributes. The TuioTime time stamp remains unchanged. * * @param xp the X coordinate to assign * @param yp the Y coordinate to assign * @param xs the X velocity to assign * @param ys the Y velocity to assign * @param ma the acceleration to assign */ public void update(float xp, float yp, float xs, float ys, float ma) { base.update(xp, yp); x_speed = xs; y_speed = ys; motion_speed = (float)Math.Sqrt(x_speed * x_speed + y_speed * y_speed); motion_accel = ma; path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos)); if (motion_accel > 0) state = TUIO_ACCELERATING; else if (motion_accel < 0) state = TUIO_DECELERATING; else state = TUIO_STOPPED; } /** * Takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioContainer * and assigs these values to this TuioContainer. * The TuioTime time stamp of this TuioContainer remains unchanged. * * @param tcon the TuioContainer to assign */ public void update(TuioContainer tcon) { base.update(tcon.getX(), tcon.getY()); x_speed = tcon.getXSpeed(); y_speed = tcon.getYSpeed(); motion_speed = (float)Math.Sqrt(x_speed * x_speed + y_speed * y_speed); motion_accel = tcon.getMotionAccel(); path.Add(new TuioPoint(currentTime, xpos, ypos)); if (motion_accel > 0) state = TUIO_ACCELERATING; else if (motion_accel < 0) state = TUIO_DECELERATING; else state = TUIO_STOPPED; } /** * Assigns the REMOVE state to this TuioContainer and sets * its TuioTime time stamp to the provided TuioTime argument. * * @param ttime the TuioTime to assign */ public void remove(TuioTime ttime) { currentTime = ttime; state = TUIO_REMOVED; } /** * Returns the Session ID of this TuioContainer. * @return the Session ID of this TuioContainer */ public long getSessionID() { return session_id; } /** * Returns the X velocity of this TuioContainer. * @return the X velocity of this TuioContainer */ public float getXSpeed() { return x_speed; } /** * Returns the Y velocity of this TuioContainer. * @return the Y velocity of this TuioContainer */ public float getYSpeed() { return y_speed; } /** * Returns the position of this TuioContainer. * @return the position of this TuioContainer */ public TuioPoint getPosition() { return new TuioPoint(xpos, ypos); } /** * Returns the path of this TuioContainer. * @return the path of this TuioContainer */ public List getPath() { return path; } /** * Returns the motion speed of this TuioContainer. * @return the motion speed of this TuioContainer */ public float getMotionSpeed() { return motion_speed; } /** * Returns the motion acceleration of this TuioContainer. * @return the motion acceleration of this TuioContainer */ public float getMotionAccel() { return motion_accel; } /** * Returns the TUIO state of this TuioContainer. * @return the TUIO state of this TuioContainer */ public int getTuioState() { return state; } /** * Returns true of this TuioContainer is moving. * @return true of this TuioContainer is moving */ public bool isMoving() { if ((state == TUIO_ACCELERATING) || (state == TUIO_DECELERATING)) return true; else return false; } } }