Alexander Brakowski b75cceb1b0 merged all the changes of hostage v1 10 years ago
arrays.xml 67b4aa15f3 Added externalIP to Record. 10 years ago
attrs.xml 1e56455f98 Switched to gradle. It requires gradle version 1.10+. Please before importing the project into android studio install the "google play services" and "google repository" through the android sdk manager, otherwise the the build of the project will fail. 10 years ago
colors.xml 1d4b7d20eb Added home fragment view 10 years ago
dimens.xml a468c67df0 First steps... 10 years ago
protocols.xml 5323ed49ef -Added Ghost Protocol: working, but right now for static ip and port, 10 years ago
strings.xml b75cceb1b0 merged all the changes of hostage v1 10 years ago
strings_about.xml 35383aefd9 Updated about window 10 years ago
strings_broadcast.xml ee92b061bc Moved Strings from MainActivity to ressources 10 years ago
strings_connection_info.xml ee92b061bc Moved Strings from MainActivity to ressources 10 years ago
strings_gui.xml ee92b061bc Moved Strings from MainActivity to ressources 10 years ago
strings_preferences.xml ee92b061bc Moved Strings from MainActivity to ressources 10 years ago
styles.xml a468c67df0 First steps... 10 years ago