/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of Alfresco * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see . */ package org.alfresco.jlan.app; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import org.alfresco.jlan.debug.Debug; import org.alfresco.jlan.debug.DebugConfigSection; import org.alfresco.jlan.ftp.FTPConfigSection; import org.alfresco.jlan.netbios.server.NetBIOSNameServer; import org.alfresco.jlan.netbios.win32.Win32NetBIOS; import org.alfresco.jlan.oncrpc.nfs.NFSConfigSection; import org.alfresco.jlan.server.NetworkServer; import org.alfresco.jlan.server.ServerListener; import org.alfresco.jlan.server.config.ServerConfiguration; import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.SMBErrorText; import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.SMBStatus; import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.CIFSConfigSection; import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.SMBServer; import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.util.DriveMapping; import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.util.DriveMappingList; import org.alfresco.jlan.util.ConsoleIO; import org.alfresco.jlan.util.Platform; import org.alfresco.jlan.util.win32.Win32Utils; /** * JLAN File Server Application * * @author gkspencer */ public class JLANServer implements ServerListener { // Constants // // Checkpoints public static final int CheckPointStarting = 0; public static final int CheckPointConfigLoading = 1; public static final int CheckPointConfigLoaded = 2; public static final int CheckPointCheckIPAddress = 3; public static final int CheckPointCreateSMBServer = 4; public static final int CheckPointCreateFTPServer = 5; public static final int CheckPointCreateNFSServer = 6; public static final int CheckPointServersStart = 7; public static final int CheckPointServersStarted = 8; public static final int CheckPointRunning = 9; public static final int CheckPointServersStop = 10; public static final int CheckPointServersStopped = 11; public static final int CheckPointFinished = 12; // Default configuration file name private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIGFILENAME = "jlanserver.xml"; // Flag to enable/disable local IP address checking private static final boolean CheckLocalIPAddress = false; // Server shutdown flag protected static boolean m_shutdown = false; // Server restart flag protected static boolean m_restart = false; // Flag to enable user to shutdown the server via the console protected static boolean m_allowShutViaConsole = true; // Flag to control output of a stacktrace if an error occurs protected static boolean m_dumpStackOnError = true; // Server configuration private ServerConfiguration m_srvConfig; /** * Start the JLAN Server * * @param args an array of command-line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create the main JLAN server object JLANServer jlanServer = new JLANServer(); // Loop until shutdown while (m_shutdown == false) { // Start the server jlanServer.start(args); // DEBUG if ( Debug.EnableInfo && m_restart == true) { Debug.println("Restarting server ..."); Debug.println("--------------------------------------------------"); } } } /** * Class constructor */ protected JLANServer() { } /** * Set/clear the allow shutdown via console flag * * @param consoleShut boolean */ public static final void setAllowConsoleShutdown(boolean consoleShut) { m_allowShutViaConsole = consoleShut; } /** * Enable/disable exception stack dumps * * @param ena boolean */ protected final void enableExceptionStackDump(boolean ena) { m_dumpStackOnError = ena; } /** * Start the JLAN Server * * @param args String[] */ protected void start(String[] args) { // Command line parameter should specify the configuration file PrintStream out = createOutputStream(); // Clear the shutdown/restart flags m_shutdown = true; m_restart = false; // Checkpoint - server starting checkPoint(out, CheckPointStarting); // Load the configuration m_srvConfig = null; try { // Checkpoint - configuration loading checkPoint(out, CheckPointConfigLoading); // Load the configuration m_srvConfig = loadConfiguration(out, args); // Checkpoint - configuration loaded checkPoint(out, CheckPointConfigLoaded); } catch (Exception ex) { // Failed to load server configuration checkPointError(out, CheckPointConfigLoading, ex); return; } // Check if the local IP address returns a valid value, '' indicates a mis-configuration in the hosts // file if ( CheckLocalIPAddress) { try { // Checkpoint - check IP address checkPoint(out, CheckPointCheckIPAddress); // Get the local address String localAddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); if ( localAddr.equals("")) { out.println("%% Local IP address resolves to, this may be caused by a mis-configured hosts file"); return; } } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { // Failed to get local host IP address details checkPointError(out, CheckPointCheckIPAddress, ex); return; } } // NetBIOS name server, SMB, FTP and NFS servers try { // Create the SMB server and NetBIOS name server, if enabled if ( m_srvConfig.hasConfigSection(CIFSConfigSection.SectionName)) { // Checkpoint - create SMB/CIFS server checkPoint(out, CheckPointCreateSMBServer); // Get the CIFS server configuration CIFSConfigSection cifsConfig = (CIFSConfigSection) m_srvConfig.getConfigSection(CIFSConfigSection.SectionName); // Load the Win32 NetBIOS library // // For some strange reason the native code loadLibrary() call hangs if done later by the SMBServer. // Forcing the Win32NetBIOS class to load here and run the static initializer fixes the problem. if ( cifsConfig.hasWin32NetBIOS()) Win32NetBIOS.LanaEnumerate(); // Create the NetBIOS name server if NetBIOS SMB is enabled if ( cifsConfig.hasNetBIOSSMB()) m_srvConfig.addServer(createNetBIOSServer(m_srvConfig)); // Create the SMB server m_srvConfig.addServer(createSMBServer(m_srvConfig)); } // Create the FTP server, if enabled if ( m_srvConfig.hasConfigSection(FTPConfigSection.SectionName)) { // Checkpoint - create FTP server checkPoint(out, CheckPointCreateFTPServer); // Create the FTP server m_srvConfig.addServer(createFTPServer(m_srvConfig)); } // Create the NFS server and mount server, if enabled if ( m_srvConfig.hasConfigSection(NFSConfigSection.SectionName)) { // Checkpoint - create NFS server checkPoint(out, CheckPointCreateNFSServer); // Get the NFS server configuration NFSConfigSection nfsConfig = (NFSConfigSection) m_srvConfig.getConfigSection(NFSConfigSection.SectionName); // Check if the port mapper is enabled if ( nfsConfig.hasNFSPortMapper()) m_srvConfig.addServer(createNFSPortMapper(m_srvConfig)); // Create the mount server m_srvConfig.addServer(createNFSMountServer(m_srvConfig)); // Create the NFS server m_srvConfig.addServer(createNFSServer(m_srvConfig)); } // Checkpoint - starting servers checkPoint(out, CheckPointServersStart); // Get the debug configuration DebugConfigSection dbgConfig = (DebugConfigSection) m_srvConfig.getConfigSection(DebugConfigSection.SectionName); // Start the configured servers for (int i = 0; i < m_srvConfig.numberOfServers(); i++) { // Get the current server NetworkServer server = m_srvConfig.getServer(i); // DEBUG if ( Debug.EnableInfo && dbgConfig != null && dbgConfig.hasDebug()) Debug.println("Starting server " + server.getProtocolName() + " ..."); // Start the server m_srvConfig.getServer(i).startServer(); } // Checkpoint - servers started checkPoint(out, CheckPointServersStarted); // Check if the server is running as a service boolean service = false; if ( ConsoleIO.isValid() == false) service = true; // Checkpoint - servers running checkPoint(out, CheckPointRunning); // Wait while the server runs, user may stop or restart the server by typing a key m_shutdown = false; while (m_shutdown == false && m_restart == false) { // Check if the user has requested a shutdown, if running interactively if ( service == false && m_allowShutViaConsole) { // Wait for the user to enter the shutdown key int inChar = ConsoleIO.readCharacter(); if ( inChar == 'x' || inChar == 'X') m_shutdown = true; else if ( inChar == 'r' || inChar == 'R') m_restart = true; else if ( inChar == 'g' || inChar == 'G') { Debug.println( "Running garbage collection ..."); System.gc(); } else if ( inChar == -1) { // Sleep for a short while try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } } else { // Sleep for a short while try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } } // Checkpoint - servers stopping checkPoint(out, CheckPointServersStop); // Shutdown the servers int idx = m_srvConfig.numberOfServers() - 1; while (idx >= 0) { // Get the current server NetworkServer server = m_srvConfig.getServer(idx--); // DEBUG if ( Debug.EnableInfo && dbgConfig != null && dbgConfig.hasDebug()) Debug.println("Shutting server " + server.getProtocolName() + " ..."); // Stop the server server.shutdownServer(false); } // Close the configuration m_srvConfig.closeConfiguration(); // Checkpoint - servers stopped checkPoint(out, CheckPointServersStopped); } catch (Exception ex) { // Server error checkPointError(out, CheckPointServersStarted, ex); } finally { // Close all active servers int idx = m_srvConfig.numberOfServers() - 1; while (idx >= 0) { NetworkServer srv = m_srvConfig.getServer(idx--); if ( srv.isActive()) srv.shutdownServer(true); } } // Checkpoint - finished checkPoint(out, CheckPointFinished); } /** * Shutdown the server when running as an NT service * * @param args String[] */ public final static void shutdownServer(String[] args) { m_shutdown = true; } /** * Create the SMB server * * @param config ServerConfiguration * @return NetworkServer * @exception Exception */ protected final NetworkServer createSMBServer(ServerConfiguration config) throws Exception { // Create an SMB server NetworkServer smbServer = new SMBServer(config); // Check if there are any drive mappings configured if ( Platform.isPlatformType() == Platform.Type.WINDOWS && config.hasConfigSection(DriveMappingsConfigSection.SectionName)) smbServer.addServerListener(this); // Return the SMB server return smbServer; } /** * Create the NetBIOS name server * * @param config ServerConfiguration * @return NetworkServer * @exception Exception */ protected final NetworkServer createNetBIOSServer(ServerConfiguration config) throws Exception { // Create a NetBIOS name server return new NetBIOSNameServer(config); } /** * Create the FTP server * * @param config ServerConfiguration * @return NetworkServer * @exception Exception */ protected final NetworkServer createFTPServer(ServerConfiguration config) throws Exception { // Create the FTP server instance return createServer("org.alfresco.jlan.ftp.FTPServer", config); } /** * Create the NFS server * * @param config ServerConfiguration * @return NetworkServer * @exception Exception */ protected final NetworkServer createNFSServer(ServerConfiguration config) throws Exception { // Create the NFS server instance return createServer("org.alfresco.jlan.oncrpc.nfs.NFSServer", config); } /** * Create the NFS mount server * * @param config ServerConfiguration * @return NetworkServer * @exception Exception */ protected final NetworkServer createNFSMountServer(ServerConfiguration config) throws Exception { // Create the mount server instance return createServer("org.alfresco.jlan.oncrpc.mount.MountServer", config); } /** * Create the NFS port mapper server * * @param config ServerConfiguration * @return NetworkServer */ protected final NetworkServer createNFSPortMapper(ServerConfiguration config) throws Exception { // Create the port mapper server instance return createServer("org.alfresco.jlan.oncrpc.portmap.PortMapperServer", config); } /** * Create a network server using reflection * * @param className String * @param config ServerConfiguration * @return NetworkServer * @exception Exception */ protected final NetworkServer createServer(String className, ServerConfiguration config) throws Exception { // Create the server instance using reflection NetworkServer srv = null; // Find the server constructor Class[] classes = new Class[1]; classes[0] = ServerConfiguration.class; Constructor srvConstructor = Class.forName(className).getConstructor(classes); // Create the network server Object[] args = new Object[1]; args[0] = config; srv = (NetworkServer) srvConstructor.newInstance(args); // Return the network server instance return srv; } /** * Load the server configuration, default is to load using an XML configuration file. * * @param out PrintStream * @param cmdLineArgs String[] * @return ServerConfiguration * @exception Exception */ protected ServerConfiguration loadConfiguration(PrintStream out, String[] cmdLineArgs) throws Exception { String fileName = null; if ( cmdLineArgs.length < 1) { // Search for a default configuration file in the users home directory fileName = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + DEFAULT_CONFIGFILENAME; } else fileName = cmdLineArgs[0]; // Load the configuration ServerConfiguration srvConfig = null; // Create an XML configuration srvConfig = new XMLServerConfiguration(); srvConfig.loadConfiguration(fileName); // Return the server configuration return srvConfig; } /** * Create the output stream for logging * * @return PrintStream */ protected PrintStream createOutputStream() { return System.out; } /** * Checkpoint method, called at various points of the server startup and shutdown * * @param out PrintStream * @param check int */ protected void checkPoint(PrintStream out, int check) { } /** * Checkpoint error method, called if an error occurs during server startup/shutdown * * @param out PrintStream * @param check int * @param ex Exception */ protected void checkPointError(PrintStream out, int check, Exception ex) { // Default error output goes to the console String msg = "%% Error occurred"; switch (check) { // Configuration load error case CheckPointConfigLoading: msg = "%% Failed to load server configuration"; break; // Checking local network address error case CheckPointCheckIPAddress: msg = "%% Failed to get local IP address details"; break; // case CheckPointServersStarted: msg = "%% Server error"; break; } // Output the error message and a stack trace out.println(msg); if ( m_dumpStackOnError) ex.printStackTrace(out); } /** * Handle server startup/shutdown events * * @param server NetworkServer * @param event int */ public void serverStatusEvent(NetworkServer server, int event) { // Check for an SMB server event if ( server instanceof SMBServer) { // Get the drive mappings configuration DriveMappingsConfigSection mapConfig = (DriveMappingsConfigSection) m_srvConfig .getConfigSection(DriveMappingsConfigSection.SectionName); if ( mapConfig == null) return; // Check for a server startup event, add drive mappings now that the server is running if ( event == ServerListener.ServerStartup) { // Get the mapped drives list DriveMappingList mapList = mapConfig.getMappedDrives(); // Add the mapped drives for (int i = 0; i < mapList.numberOfMappings(); i++) { // Get the current drive mapping DriveMapping driveMap = mapList.getMappingAt(i); // DEBUG if ( Debug.EnableInfo && mapConfig.hasDebug()) Debug.println("Mapping drive " + driveMap.getLocalDrive() + " to " + driveMap.getRemotePath() + " ..."); // Create a local mapped drive to the JLAN Server int sts = Win32Utils.MapNetworkDrive(driveMap.getRemotePath(), driveMap.getLocalDrive(), driveMap .getUserName(), driveMap.getPassword(), driveMap.hasInteractive(), driveMap.hasPrompt()); // Check if the drive was mapped successfully if ( sts != 0) Debug.println("Failed to map drive " + driveMap.getLocalDrive() + " to " + driveMap.getRemotePath() + ", status = " + SMBErrorText.ErrorString(SMBStatus.Win32Err, sts)); } } else if ( event == ServerListener.ServerShutdown) { // Get the mapped drives list DriveMappingList mapList = mapConfig.getMappedDrives(); // Remove the mapped drives for (int i = 0; i < mapList.numberOfMappings(); i++) { // Get the current drive mapping DriveMapping driveMap = mapList.getMappingAt(i); // DEBUG if ( Debug.EnableInfo && mapConfig.hasDebug()) Debug.println("Removing mapped drive " + driveMap.getLocalDrive() + " to " + driveMap.getRemotePath() + " ..."); // Remove a mapped drive int sts = Win32Utils.DeleteNetworkDrive(driveMap.getLocalDrive(), false, true); // Check if the drive was unmapped successfully if ( sts != 0) Debug.println("Failed to delete mapped drive " + driveMap.getLocalDrive() + " from " + driveMap.getRemotePath() + ", status = " + SMBErrorText.ErrorString(SMBStatus.Win32Err, sts)); } } } } }