HosTaGe Settings About OFF ON Connection Info Status Paranoid Mode Connection info Not connected  attack  attacks Secure Insecure  logged  recorded 0 attacks recorded Information You are not connected to a WiFi network. \n\nPlease connect to one, before trying to activate HosTaGe. You are not connected to any network. \n\nPlease connect to one, before trying to activate HosTaGe. Currently you are not connected to the Internet.\n\nPlease establish a connection to use the Threatmap. The current active profile does not seem to monitor any services.\n\nPlease activate some services to monitor in the profile. Your device does not have \'Portbinder\' installed. Due to the limitations of Android OS, you could only use services that are utilizing ports > 1024.\n\nTo enable full functionality of HosTaGe, please make sure your device is rooted and \'Portbinder\' is installed. Your device cannot use the full feature of HosTaGe yet. Click \'Help\' to find out how to enable this. No, Thanks Your device does not have root access. To unlock full functionality of HosTaGe, a rooted device is required. Help Confirm How? Portbinder Video Tutorial Visit Website Please follow the instructions in our website to install \'Portbinder\'.\n\nAlternatively, you can use the automated installer by pressing the \'Just Help Me!\' button. This automated installer fetches the appropriate Portbinder binary and installs in a location within the device.\n\nThis automated process will CHANGE some folder permissions to work. Proceed on your own risk.\n\nConfirm to proceed with automated installation of Portbinder? Just Help Me! An profile needs a name. Please type in a name and press save again. Monitor current connection Active profile: SSID: BSSID: Protocol: Timestamp: Location: Internal IP: External IP: Remote IP: Packet type: Packet content: Services Recorded connections: Statistics Database Actions First Attack: Last Attack: Clear Delete Cancel Close Show records Clear all data? Choose Export Format Delete data sets by: Delete all data before: Show records BSSID SSID timestamp protocol Open navigation drawer Close navigation drawer Overview Threat Map Records Services Settings Profiles Application info Statistics Help videos Apply Cancel de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.preferences 9fc4f490-659e-11e3-949a-0800200c9a66 recorded attacks: Current connection Monitor services Device rooted Porthack installed Yes No No Attacks are recorded. Please check your filter option. No Attacks are recorded. Today Yesterday HosTaGe Tell us what do you think about HosTaGe UI developed by Core developed by Advanced Settings Change the name of this profile Change the description of this profile here Choose an icon for this profile General Description Select Icon Delete profile Discard Save Do you really want to delete this profile? Protocol Date ESSID BSSID Sort by Latest Earliest Reset Filter Group by Filter by Time Set Date Set Cancel Protocols Networks Attacks Visualize Bar Plot Pie Plot Line Plot Other Attack count Select Protocol Attacks per ESSID Attacks per BSSID Attacks over time (24h) Attacks over date Uses per protocol Attacks per protocol Select attack data to compare Select network data to compare Select protocol data to compare % of all All RECEIVED SENT from %s to %s\n%s at %s MMMM d, yyyy \'at\' H:m:s a No content REMOTE IP Conversation Do you really want to delete this record? This profile will imitate a Windows Vista machine This profile will imitate a Windows 7 machine This profile will activate Windows XP typical services This profile will imitate a simple webserver, which just supports the HTTP protocol This profile will imitate an apache web server This profile will imitate an IIS web server This profile will imitate a simple webserver, which supports both the HTTP and HTTPS protocol This profile monitors unix typical services This profile will imitate a linux machine by monitoring linux typical services This profile will imitate a linux machine which has just SSH activated This profile imitates a VOIP Server by monitoring the SIP service This profile monitors services randomly This profile monitors all available services Swipe from the left or right on an item to expose all available actions for an item Monitor GHOST Activate GHOST monitoring This protocol mirrors an incoming connection back to the attacker on the same port, that it is running on Mirror GHOST ports Mirrors the traffic on the given ports. Separate them by \',\' Monitor protocols Activate the protocols that should be monitored by HosTaGe Please note, that this profile can\'t be edited. If you make any changes to this profile, a new profile will be created. Choose export format Synchronize records Via Bluetooth Via NFC Via Online Database