package de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.fragment; import; /** * This abstract fragments allows the definition of an child - parent relation of fragments. It is necessary for the app to allow Up navigation of fragments. * * @author Alexander Brakowski * @created 12.03.14 16:20 */ public abstract class UpNavigatibleFragment extends Fragment { /** * Holds a reference to the parent fragment */ private Class mUpFragment; /** * Indicates whether the fragment is up navigatible */ private boolean mIsUpNavigatible = false; private boolean mAllowBack = false; /** * Retrieves the parent fragment to be used for up navigation * @return the parent fragment */ public Class getUpFragment(){ return mUpFragment; } /** * Sets the parent fragment of this fragment. * @param upFragment the fragment to set as parent */ public void setUpFragment(Class upFragment){ this.mUpFragment = upFragment; } /** * Checks whether this fragment can be navigated up * * @return true if this fragment can be up navigated, * false otherwise */ public boolean isUpNavigatible(){ return mIsUpNavigatible; } /** * Sets the state of up navigation for this fragment * @param isUpNavigatible true to allow up navigation * false no up navigation */ public void setUpNavigatible(boolean isUpNavigatible){ this.mIsUpNavigatible = isUpNavigatible; } public boolean getAllowBack(){ return mAllowBack; } public void setAllowBack(boolean allowBack){ this.mAllowBack = allowBack; } }