package de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.sync.wifi_direct; import; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.R; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui.activity.MainActivity; /** * Created by Julien on 07.01.2015. * * The client task. * * The client is the initial actor and will try to connect to the host as long as the task is not interrupted or successfully connected to the host. * * */ public abstract class WiFiP2pClientTask extends BackgroundTask { // Set the port here for the client and host task. public static int DEFAULT_WIFI_PORT = 1029; private String hostIP; private Socket socket; private WifiP2pDevice ownDevice; public String getHostIP() { return hostIP; } public void setHostIP(String hostIP) { this.hostIP = hostIP; } public static int port(){ return DEFAULT_WIFI_PORT; } public static int time_out(){ return 1000; } public WiFiP2pClientTask(String hostIP, WifiP2pDevice ownDevice, BackgroundTaskCompletionListener l){ super(l); this.ownDevice = ownDevice; this.hostIP = hostIP; } @Override public void interrupt(boolean b){ super.interrupt(b); if (b && this.socket != null) { try { this.socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("DEBUG_WiFiP2p", e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public String performInBackground(){ String e_message = null; int tryNum = 1; int max_tries = 10; while (!this.isInterrupted() && tryNum <= max_tries){ this.socket = new Socket(); try { Log.d("DEBUG_WiFiP2p", "ClientTask - Opening client socket - "); socket.bind(null); socket.connect((new InetSocketAddress(hostIP, port())), time_out()); Log.d("DEBUG_WiFiP2p", "ClientTask socket - " + socket.isConnected()); this.handleConnection(socket); Log.d("DEBUG_WiFiP2p", "ClientTask - Data written"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e){ Log.e("DEBUG_WiFiP2p", e.getMessage()); e_message = e.getLocalizedMessage(); if (e_message == null){ e_message = WiFiP2pServerTask.ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILED;// COMMUNICATION_ERROR } return e_message; } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("DEBUG_WiFiP2p", e.getMessage()); if(this.isInterrupted()) { this.interrupt(true); break; } long seconds_to_wait = (long) Math.min(60, Math.pow(2, 1)); tryNum++; Log.i("DEBUG_WiFiP2p", "ClientTaskError - could not connect to server. Will try again in " + 1 + "s"); try { Thread.sleep(seconds_to_wait * time_out()); } catch (InterruptedException ie){ ie.printStackTrace(); } } finally { if (socket != null) { if (socket.isConnected()) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Give up e.printStackTrace(); Log.d("DEBUG_WiFiP2p","ClientTaskError - Failed to close socket - "+ e.getLocalizedMessage()); e_message = e.getLocalizedMessage(); if (e_message == null){ e_message = WiFiP2pServerTask.ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED;// FAILED TO CONNECT } return e_message; } } } } } if (tryNum > max_tries){ e_message = WiFiP2pServerTask.ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;// CONNECTION_TIMEOUT } return e_message; } /** * Initiates the client task and sends the first response to the host. * @param client the client socket * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ private void handleConnection(Socket client) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { InputStream is = client.getInputStream(); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); OutputStream os = client.getOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os); Object obj = null; do { WiFiP2pSerializableObject receivedObj = ( WiFiP2pSerializableObject) obj; obj = null; WiFiP2pSerializableObject toSend = this.handleReceivedObject(receivedObj); if (toSend != null) { toSend.setActingDevice_IP_address(this.ownDevice.deviceAddress); oos.writeObject(toSend); oos.flush(); oos.reset(); obj = ois.readObject(); } } while (obj != null && obj instanceof WiFiP2pSerializableObject); oos.close(); os.close(); ois.close(); is.close(); this.interrupt(true); } /** * This method is initially called with a null parameter to inform about a initial state. * Return null to disable the client task. * @param receivedObj the response for the last request, null if it is the first call on the host. * @return WiFiP2pSerializableObject request object */ public abstract WiFiP2pSerializableObject handleReceivedObject(WiFiP2pSerializableObject receivedObj); }