package de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.fragment; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.echo.holographlibrary.Bar; import com.echo.holographlibrary.BarGraph; import com.echo.holographlibrary.Line; import com.echo.holographlibrary.LineGraph; import com.echo.holographlibrary.LinePoint; import com.echo.holographlibrary.PieGraph; import com.echo.holographlibrary.PieSlice; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.R; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.logging.Record; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.persistence.HostageDBOpenHelper; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.model.LogFilter; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.activity.MainActivity; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.adapter.StatisticListAdapter; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.dialog.ChecklistDialog; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.dialog.DateTimeDialogFragment; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.helper.ColorSequenceGenerator; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.model.PlotComparisonItem; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.popup.AbstractPopup; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.popup.AbstractPopupItem; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.popup.SimplePopupItem; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.popup.SimplePopupTable; import de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.popup.SplitPopupItem; /** * Created by Julien on 16.02.14. */ public class StatisticsFragment extends Fragment implements ChecklistDialog.ChecklistDialogListener, DateTimeDialogFragment.DateTimeDialogFragmentListener { static final String FILTER_MENU_TITLE_BSSID = "BSSID"; static final String FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID = "ESSID"; static final String FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_protocols); static final String FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOL = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.rec_protocol); static final String FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_BELOW = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.rec_latest); static final String FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_ABOVE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.rec_earliest); static final String FILTER_MENU_TITLE_REMOVE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.rec_reset_filter); static final String FILTER_MENU_POPUP_TITLE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.rec_filter_by); static final String MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS = MainActivity.getContext().getString( R.string.stats_protocols); static final String MENU_TITLE_NETWORK = MainActivity.getContext().getString( R.string.stats_networks); static final String MENU_TITLE_ATTACKS = MainActivity.getContext().getString( R.string.stats_attacks); static final String MENU_POPUP_TITLE = MainActivity.getContext().getString( R.string.stats_visualize); static final String CHART_TYPE_TITLE_BAR = MainActivity.getContext().getString( R.string.stats_bar_plot); static final String CHART_TYPE_TITLE_PIE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_pie_plot); static final String CHART_TYPE_TITLE_LINE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_line_plot); //static final String DIALOG_PROTOCOLS_TITLE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_select_protocol_data); static final String DIALOG_NETWORK_TITLE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_select_network_data); static final String DIALOG_ATTACK_TITLE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_select_attack_data); static final String COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerProtocol = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_attacks_protocol); //static final String COMPARE_TITLE_UsesPerProtocol = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_uses_protocol); static final String COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerDate = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_attacks_date); static final String COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerTime = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_attacks_time); static final String COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerBSSID = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_attacks_bssid); static final String COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerESSID = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_attacks_essid); static final String FILTER_MENU_PROTOCOL_SINGLE_CHOICE_TITLE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_select_protocol); static final String TABLE_HEADER_VALUE_TITLE_ATTACKS_COUNT = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_attacks_count); static final String TABLE_HEADER_VALUE_TITLE_ATTACKS_PERCENTAGE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_per_cent_all); static final String OTHER_CHART_TITLE = MainActivity.getContext().getString(R.string.stats_other); // MINIMAL 2 static int MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHART_OBJECTS = 6; private boolean wasBelowTimePicker; private LogFilter filter; /*Maybe used in the future if the users doesn't need a filterbutton in every situation*/ private boolean showFilterButton; private PieGraph pieGraph; private LineGraph lineGraph; private BarGraph barGraph; private View rootView; private View currentPlotView; private Thread loader; private ProgressBar spinner; private ArrayList currentData; private HostageDBOpenHelper dbh; private ListView legendListView; private Toast noDataNotificationToast; private String selectedCompareData = COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerProtocol; /**The Charttype. * PIE_CHART = 0 * BAR_CHART = 1 * LINE_CHART = 2 */ public enum ChartType { PIE_CHART(0), BAR_CHART(1), LINE_CHART(2); private int value; private ChartType(int value) { this.value = value; } static public ChartType create(int value){ if (value < 0 || value >= ChartType.values().length) return ChartType.PIE_CHART; return ChartType.values()[value]; } public String toString(){ if (this.equals(ChartType.create(0))){ return CHART_TYPE_TITLE_PIE; } if (this.equals(ChartType.create(1))){ return CHART_TYPE_TITLE_BAR; } return CHART_TYPE_TITLE_LINE; } } /**Returns the FilterButton. * @return ImageButton filterButton*/ private ImageButton getFilterButton(){ return (ImageButton) this.rootView.findViewById(; } /** * Returns the layout ID * @Return int layoutID * */ public int getLayoutID(){ return R.layout.fragment_statistics; } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); getActivity().setTitle(getResources().getString(R.string.drawer_statistics)); dbh = new HostageDBOpenHelper(this.getBaseContext()); // Get the message from the intent if (this.filter == null){ Intent intent = this.getActivity().getIntent(); LogFilter filter = intent.getParcelableExtra(LogFilter.LOG_FILTER_INTENT_KEY); if(filter == null){ this.clearFilter(); } else { this.filter = filter; } } this.rootView = inflater.inflate(this.getLayoutID(), container, false); this.configureRootView(this.rootView); return this.rootView; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setHasOptionsMenu(true); setRetainInstance(true); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig){ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()); ViewGroup container = (ViewGroup) this.getView(); container.removeAllViewsInLayout(); this.rootView = inflater.inflate(this.getLayoutID(), container, false); container.addView(this.rootView); this.configureRootView(this.rootView); } /**Returns the base context. * @return Context the base context * */ private Context getBaseContext(){ return this.getActivity().getBaseContext(); } /**Returns the application context. * @return Context the application context*/ private Context getApplicationContext(){ return this.getActivity().getApplicationContext(); } /**Configures the given rootview. * Sets the Spinner, the list and all requiered buttons. * It also actualises the current plot type. * @param rootView View * */ public void configureRootView(View rootView){ LinearLayout plotLayout = (LinearLayout) rootView.findViewById(; plotLayout.removeAllViews(); plotLayout.setWillNotDraw(false); ProgressBar spinner = (ProgressBar) rootView.findViewById(; if(spinner != null){ this.spinner = spinner; this.spinner.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { RelativeLayout parent = (RelativeLayout) this.spinner.getParent(); parent.removeView(this.spinner); RelativeLayout newParent = (RelativeLayout) rootView.findViewById(; if (newParent != null){ newParent.addView(this.spinner); } } this.legendListView = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(; this.legendListView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView adapterView, View view, int i, long l) { StatisticsFragment.this.userTappedOnLegendItem(i); } }); rootView.setWillNotDraw(false); ImageButton visualButton = (ImageButton) rootView.findViewById(; visualButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { StatisticsFragment.this.openBarSelectionMenuOnView(v); } }); ImageButton filterButton = this.getFilterButton(); filterButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { StatisticsFragment.this.openFilterMenuOnView(v); } }); this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); if (this.currentPlotView instanceof BarGraph){ this.setTitle("" + this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol() + ": " +this.selectedCompareData); } else { this.setTitle(this.selectedCompareData); } } /**Sets the title over the plot view. * @param title String * */ public void setTitle(String title){ TextView titleView = (TextView) this.rootView.findViewById(; if (title != null && titleView != null){ titleView.setText(title); titleView.invalidate(); } } /**Returns the title over the plot view. * @return String title * */ public String getTitle(){ TextView titleView = (TextView) this.rootView.findViewById(; if (titleView != null){ return "" + titleView.getText(); } return ""; } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); this.currentPlotView.invalidate(); if (this.currentPlotView instanceof BarGraph){ this.setTitle("" + this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol() + ": " +this.selectedCompareData); } else { this.setTitle(this.selectedCompareData); } } /**Sets the current chart to the given type and acualises it. * @param type {@link de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.fragment.StatisticsFragment.ChartType ChartType} * */ public void setChartType(ChartType type){ boolean shouldChange = true; this.clearFilter(); if (this.currentPlotView != null){ if (type == ChartType.PIE_CHART){ shouldChange = ! (this.currentPlotView instanceof PieGraph); // SET FILTER BUTTON HIDDEN ImageButton filterButton = this.getFilterButton(); if (filterButton != null) filterButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { if (this.pieGraph != null) this.pieGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); // SHOW FILTER BUTTON ImageButton filterButton = this.getFilterButton(); if (filterButton != null) filterButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } if (type == ChartType.LINE_CHART){ shouldChange = ! (this.currentPlotView instanceof LineGraph); } else { if (this.lineGraph != null) this.lineGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (type == ChartType.BAR_CHART){ shouldChange = ! (this.currentPlotView instanceof BarGraph); } else { if (this.barGraph != null) this.barGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } if (shouldChange){ this.currentPlotView = this.getPlotViewForType(type); this.currentPlotView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); } /**Returns the plot view for a given type. * @param type {@link de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.fragment.StatisticsFragment.ChartType ChartType} * */ public View getPlotViewForType(ChartType type){ switch (type){ case PIE_CHART: return this.getPieGraphView(); case LINE_CHART: return this.getLineGraphView(); default: return this.getBarGraphView(); } } /**Actualises the list view. Therefore it requiers the "currentData".*/ public void actualiseLegendList(){ StatisticListAdapter adapter = new StatisticListAdapter(this.getApplicationContext(), this.currentData); if (this.currentPlotView instanceof LineGraph){ adapter.setValueFormatter(new StatisticListAdapter.ValueFormatter() { @Override public String convertValueForItemToString(PlotComparisonItem item) { return String.format("%.02f", item.getValue2()) + " %" + " " + "("+ (item.getValue1().intValue()) +")"; } }); } else { adapter.setValueFormatter(new StatisticListAdapter.ValueFormatter() { @Override public String convertValueForItemToString(PlotComparisonItem item) { int v = (int) item.getValue2().intValue(); return "" + v; } }); } this.legendListView.setAdapter(adapter); TextView tableHeaderTitleView = (TextView) this.rootView.findViewById(; TextView tableHeaderValueView = (TextView) this.rootView.findViewById(; if (this.currentPlotView instanceof LineGraph){ tableHeaderTitleView.setText(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID); tableHeaderValueView.setText(TABLE_HEADER_VALUE_TITLE_ATTACKS_PERCENTAGE); } if (this.currentPlotView instanceof PieGraph){ tableHeaderTitleView.setText(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOL); tableHeaderValueView.setText(TABLE_HEADER_VALUE_TITLE_ATTACKS_COUNT); } if (this.currentPlotView instanceof BarGraph){ tableHeaderValueView.setText(TABLE_HEADER_VALUE_TITLE_ATTACKS_COUNT); if (this.selectedCompareData.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerBSSID)){ tableHeaderTitleView.setText(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_BSSID); } else { tableHeaderTitleView.setText(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID); } } if (this.currentData == null || this.currentData.isEmpty()){ tableHeaderTitleView.setText(""); tableHeaderValueView.setText(""); } } /* * MENU * */ /**Opens the Bar Option Menu above the given anchor view. * @param anchorView View*/ private void openBarSelectionMenuOnView(View anchorView){ SimplePopupTable visualiseMenu = new SimplePopupTable(this.getActivity(), new AbstractPopup.OnPopupItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(Object ob) { if (ob instanceof AbstractPopupItem){ AbstractPopupItem item = (AbstractPopupItem) ob; StatisticsFragment.this.userSelectMenuItem(item); } } }); visualiseMenu.setTitle(MENU_POPUP_TITLE); int id = 0; for(String title : StatisticsFragment.this.getMenuTitles()){ SimplePopupItem item = new SimplePopupItem(this.getActivity()); item.setTitle(title); item.setItemId(id); item.setSelected(false); visualiseMenu.addItem(item); id++; } visualiseMenu.showOnView(anchorView); } /**Will be called when the users selected an menu item (visualise menu / plot menu). * If the user selected "Protocols" this method sets the current plot type to piegraph. * Otherwise it will open a new dialog to select the comparison type. * */ private void userSelectMenuItem(AbstractPopupItem item){ // OPEN A DIALOG TO SPECIFY THE VISUALISE DATA if (item.getTitle().equals(MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS)){ ChartType chartType = ChartType.PIE_CHART; this.selectedCompareData = COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerProtocol; this.setChartType(chartType); this.setTitle(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerProtocol); } if (item.getTitle().equals(MENU_TITLE_NETWORK)){ this.openNetworkDataDialog(); } if (item.getTitle().equals(MENU_TITLE_ATTACKS)){ this.openAttackDataDialog(); } } /**Returns the menu titles (visualise menu / plot menu)*/ private ArrayList getMenuTitles(){ ArrayList titles = new ArrayList(); titles.add(MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS); titles.add(MENU_TITLE_NETWORK); titles.add(MENU_TITLE_ATTACKS); return titles; } /* * PLOT DATA DIALOGS * */ // private void openProtocolDataDialog(){ // ArrayList titles = this.getDialogProtocolDataTitle(); // ChecklistDialog newFragment = new ChecklistDialog(DIALOG_PROTOCOLS_TITLE, titles, this.selectedData(titles), false , this); //, DIALOG_PROTOCOLS_TITLE); // } /**Opens the network comparison dialog*/ private void openNetworkDataDialog(){ ArrayList titles = this.getDialogNetworkDataTitle(); ChecklistDialog newFragment = new ChecklistDialog(DIALOG_NETWORK_TITLE, titles, this.selectedData(titles), false , this);, DIALOG_NETWORK_TITLE); } /**Opens the attack comparison dialog*/ private void openAttackDataDialog(){ ArrayList titles = this.getDialogAttackDataTitle(); ChecklistDialog newFragment = new ChecklistDialog(DIALOG_ATTACK_TITLE, titles, this.selectedData(titles), false , this);, DIALOG_ATTACK_TITLE); } /* * * DIALOG ACTION METHODS * * */ /** * Will be called if the user selects the positiv button on an checklist dialog. * @param dialog {@link ChecklistDialog ChecklistDialog} * */ public void onDialogPositiveClick(ChecklistDialog dialog) { String title = dialog.getTitle(); ArrayList titles =dialog.getSelectedItemTitles(); if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS)){ //titles = titles.size() == 0 ? this.protocolTitles() : titles; this.filter.setProtocols(titles); this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); return; } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_PROTOCOL_SINGLE_CHOICE_TITLE)){ if (titles.size() == 0){ titles = new ArrayList(); titles.add(this.protocolTitles().get(0)); } this.filter.setProtocols(titles); this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); String fragTitle = "" + this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol() + ": " + this.selectedCompareData; this.setTitle(fragTitle); return; } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID)){ this.filter.setESSIDs(titles); this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); return; } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_BSSID)){ this.filter.setBSSIDs(titles); this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); return; } if (titles.size() != 0){ String data = titles.get(0); this.setTitle(data); this.actualiseFilterButton(); if (data.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerTime) || data.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerDate)){ ChartType chartType = ChartType.LINE_CHART; this.selectedCompareData = data; this.setChartType(chartType); return; } if (data.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerBSSID) || data.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerESSID)){ ChartType chartType = ChartType.BAR_CHART; this.selectedCompareData = data; this.setChartType(chartType); String fragTitle = "" + this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol() + ": " + this.selectedCompareData; this.setTitle(fragTitle); return; } } } /** * Will be called if the user selects the negativ button on an checklist dialog. * @param dialog {@link ChecklistDialog ChecklistDialog} * */ public void onDialogNegativeClick(ChecklistDialog dialog) { } /* * * DIALOG DATA * * */ // private ArrayList getDialogProtocolDataTitle(){ // ArrayList data = new ArrayList(); // data.add(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerProtocol); // data.add(COMPARE_TITLE_UsesPerProtocol); // return data; // } /** * Returns the Attacks comparison titles. * @return ArrayList the titles */ private ArrayList getDialogAttackDataTitle(){ ArrayList data = new ArrayList(); data.add(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerDate); data.add(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerTime); return data; } /** * Returns the network comparison titles. * @return ArrayList the titles */ private ArrayList getDialogNetworkDataTitle(){ ArrayList data = new ArrayList(); data.add(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerESSID); data.add(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerBSSID); return data; } /** * DEFAULT * Returns an boolean array with a default selection. Just the first object is true. * @return boolean[] selected array */ private boolean[] selectedData(ArrayList data){ boolean[] selected = new boolean[data.size()]; // SET DEFAULT selected[0] = true; return selected; } /* * * FILTER BUTTON * * */ /**Paints the filter button if the current filter object is set.*/ private void actualiseFilterButton(){ if ((this.filter.isSet() && (!(this.currentPlotView instanceof BarGraph))|| (this.filter.hasATimestamp() || this.filter.hasBSSIDs() || this.filter.hasESSIDs()))){ ImageButton filterButton = this.getFilterButton(); if (filterButton != null){ filterButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_filter_pressed); filterButton.invalidate(); } } else { ImageButton filterButton = this.getFilterButton(); if (filterButton != null){ filterButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_filter); filterButton.invalidate(); } } } /** * Opens the filter menu above an given anchor view. * @param anchor View */ private void openFilterMenuOnView(View anchor){ SimplePopupTable filterMenu = new SimplePopupTable(this.getActivity(), new AbstractPopup.OnPopupItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(Object ob) { if (ob instanceof AbstractPopupItem){ AbstractPopupItem item = (AbstractPopupItem) ob; StatisticsFragment.this.onFilterMenuItemSelected(item); } } }); filterMenu.setTitle(FILTER_MENU_POPUP_TITLE); for(String title : StatisticsFragment.this.filterMenuTitles()){ AbstractPopupItem item = null; if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_BELOW)) continue; if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_ABOVE)){ item = new SplitPopupItem(this.getActivity()); item.setValue(SplitPopupItem.RIGHT_TITLE, FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_BELOW); item.setValue(SplitPopupItem.LEFT_TITLE, FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_ABOVE); if (this.filter.hasBelowTimestamp()){ item.setValue(SplitPopupItem.RIGHT_SUBTITLE, this.getDateAsString(this.filter.belowTimestamp)); } if (this.filter.hasAboveTimestamp()){ item.setValue(SplitPopupItem.LEFT_SUBTITLE, this.getDateAsString(this.filter.aboveTimestamp)); } } else { item = new SimplePopupItem(this.getActivity()); item.setTitle(title); ((SimplePopupItem)item).setSelected(this.isFilterSetForTitle(title)); } filterMenu.addItem(item); } filterMenu.showOnView(anchor); } /** * Will be called if the user selected an filter item. * @param item {@link AbstractPopupItem AbstractPopupItem} */ private void onFilterMenuItemSelected(AbstractPopupItem item){ if (item instanceof SplitPopupItem){ SplitPopupItem sItem = (SplitPopupItem) item; this.wasBelowTimePicker = sItem.wasRightTouch; if (this.wasBelowTimePicker){ this.openTimestampToFilterDialog(); } else { this.openTimestampFromFilterDialog(); } return; } String title = item.getTitle(); if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID)){ this.openESSIDFilterDialog(); } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_BSSID)){ this.openBSSIDFilterDialog(); } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOL)){ this.openFilterDialogSelectProtocol(); } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS)){ this.openProtocolsFilterDialog(); } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_REMOVE)){ this.clearFilter(); this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); } } /** * Return the menu titles of the filter menu. * @return ArrayList filter menu title * */ private ArrayList filterMenuTitles(){ ArrayList titles = new ArrayList(); if (this.currentPlotView instanceof LineGraph){ titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID); titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS); titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_ABOVE); if (this.filter.hasESSIDs() || this.filter.hasATimestamp() || (this.filter.getProtocols() != null && this.filter.hasProtocols() && this.filter.getProtocols().size() != this.protocolTitles().size())){ titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_REMOVE); } } else { titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOL); String protocol = this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol(); if (protocol.length() > 0){ if (this.selectedCompareData.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerBSSID)){ titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_BSSID); } else { // DEFAULT titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID); } } titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_ABOVE); if (this.filter.hasATimestamp() || this.filter.hasESSIDs() || this.filter.hasBSSIDs() || (this.currentPlotView instanceof LineGraph && this.filter.hasProtocols())){ titles.add(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_REMOVE); } } return titles; } /** * Opens a multiple protocol checklist dialog */ private void openProtocolsFilterDialog(){ ChecklistDialog newFragment = new ChecklistDialog(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS, this.protocolTitles(), this.selectedProtocols(), true , this);, FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS); } /** * Opens a single protocol checklist dialog */ private void openFilterDialogSelectProtocol(){ ArrayList titles = this.protocolTitles(); boolean[] selected = new boolean[titles.size()]; int i = 0; for (String title : titles){ selected[i] = title.equals(this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol()); i++; } ChecklistDialog newFragment = new ChecklistDialog(FILTER_MENU_PROTOCOL_SINGLE_CHOICE_TITLE, titles, selected, false , this);, FILTER_MENU_PROTOCOL_SINGLE_CHOICE_TITLE); } /** * Opens a multiple essid checklist dialog */ private void openESSIDFilterDialog(){ ChecklistDialog newFragment = new ChecklistDialog(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID, this.essids(), this.selectedESSIDs(), true , this);, FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID); } /**Opens a multiple bssid checlist dialog.*/ private void openBSSIDFilterDialog(){ ChecklistDialog newFragment = new ChecklistDialog(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_BSSID, this.bssids(), this.selectedBSSIDs(), true , this);, FILTER_MENU_TITLE_BSSID); } /** Opens a minimal timestamp dialog.**/ private void openTimestampFromFilterDialog(){ this.wasBelowTimePicker = false; DateTimeDialogFragment newFragment = new DateTimeDialogFragment(this.getActivity()); newFragment.setDateChangeListener(this);, FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_ABOVE); if (this.filter.aboveTimestamp != Long.MIN_VALUE)newFragment.setDate(this.filter.aboveTimestamp); } /** Opens the maximal timestamp dialog.*/ private void openTimestampToFilterDialog(){ this.wasBelowTimePicker = true; DateTimeDialogFragment newFragment = new DateTimeDialogFragment(this.getActivity()); newFragment.setDateChangeListener(this);, FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_BELOW); if (this.filter.belowTimestamp != Long.MAX_VALUE) newFragment.setDate(this.filter.belowTimestamp); } /** Returns all essids * If the current plot is a bar graph, it just return all possible essids for the selected protocol * @return ArrayList essids * */ public ArrayList essids(){ ArrayList records; if (this.currentPlotView instanceof BarGraph){ records = dbh.getUniqueESSIDRecordsForProtocol(this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol()); } else { records = dbh.getUniqueESSIDRecords(); } return records; } /** Returns a boolean array. The position in the array will be true, if the essid is selected in the filter. * @return boolean[] selected essids*/ public boolean[] selectedESSIDs(){ ArrayList essids = this.essids(); boolean[] selected = new boolean[essids.size()]; int i = 0; for(String essid : essids){ selected[i] =(this.filter.getESSIDs().contains(essid)); i++; } return selected; } /** Returns all bssids * If the current plot is a bar graph, it just return all possible bssids for the selected protocol * @return ArrayList bssids * */ public ArrayList bssids(){ ArrayList records ; if (this.currentPlotView instanceof BarGraph){ records = dbh.getUniqueBSSIDRecordsForProtocol(this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol()); } else { records = dbh.getUniqueBSSIDRecords(); } return records; } /** Returns a boolean array. The position in the array will be true, if the bssid is selected in the filter. * @return boolean[] selected bssids*/ public boolean[] selectedBSSIDs(){ ArrayList bssids = this.bssids(); boolean[] selected = new boolean[bssids.size()]; int i = 0; for(String bssid : bssids){ selected[i] =(this.filter.getBSSIDs().contains(bssid)); i++; } return selected; } /**Will be called if the user selects an date on the timestamp dialog*/ public void onDateTimePickerPositiveClick(DateTimeDialogFragment dialog) { if(this.wasBelowTimePicker){ this.filter.setBelowTimestamp(dialog.getDate()); } else { this.filter.setAboveTimestamp(dialog.getDate()); } this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); } /**Will be called if the user cancels an date selection on the timestamp dialog*/ public void onDateTimePickerNegativeClick(DateTimeDialogFragment dialog) { if(this.wasBelowTimePicker){ this.filter.setBelowTimestamp(Long.MAX_VALUE); } else { this.filter.setAboveTimestamp(Long.MIN_VALUE); } this.actualiseCurrentPlot(); } /* * * PLOT TYPES * * **/ /**Returns the current pie graph. * @return PieGraph current piegraph*/ public PieGraph getPieGraphView(){ if (this.pieGraph == null) { this.pieGraph = new PieGraph(this.getApplicationContext()); LinearLayout plotLayout = (LinearLayout) this.rootView.findViewById(; plotLayout.addView(this.pieGraph); this.pieGraph.setOnSliceClickedListener(new PieGraph.OnSliceClickedListener() { @Override public void onClick(int index) { StatisticsFragment.this.onSliceClick(index); } }); } return this.pieGraph; } /** * Returns the current {@link com.echo.holographlibrary.LineGraph Linegraph} . * @return LineGraph current line graph */ public LineGraph getLineGraphView(){ if (this.lineGraph == null) { this.lineGraph = new LineGraph(this.getActivity()); LinearLayout plotLayout = (LinearLayout) this.rootView.findViewById(; plotLayout.addView(this.lineGraph); this.lineGraph.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); } return this.lineGraph; } /** * Returns the current {@link com.echo.holographlibrary.BarGraph BarGraph} . * @return BarGraph the current bar graph */ public BarGraph getBarGraphView(){ if (this.barGraph == null) { this.barGraph = new BarGraph(this.getActivity()); LinearLayout plotLayout = (LinearLayout) this.rootView.findViewById(; this.barGraph.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT )); plotLayout.addView(this.barGraph); this.barGraph.setShowBarText(false); this.barGraph.setPopupImageID(R.drawable.popup_black); this.barGraph.setOnBarClickedListener(new BarGraph.OnBarClickedListener() { @Override public void onClick(int i) { StatisticsFragment.this.onBarClick(i); } }); } return this.barGraph; } /* * FEED PLOTS WITH DATA * */ /** * Sets the data for the given PieGraph * @param piegraph {@link com.echo.holographlibrary.PieGraph PieGraph} */ public void setPieGraphData(PieGraph piegraph){ this.currentData = this.getPieData(); if (this.currentData == null){ this.currentData = new ArrayList(); } piegraph.removeSlices(); for (PlotComparisonItem item : this.currentData){ PieSlice slice = new PieSlice(); slice.setColor(item.getColor()); Double value2 = (Double) item.getValue2(); float v = value2.floatValue(); slice.setValue(v); slice.setTitle(item.getTitle()); piegraph.addSlice(slice); } //piegraph.invalidate(); } /** * Sets the data for the given LineGraph * @param linegraph {@link LineGraph Linegraph} */ public void setLineGraphData(LineGraph linegraph){ this.currentData = this.getLineData(); if (this.currentData == null){ this.currentData = new ArrayList(); } linegraph.removeAllLines(); double rangeMax_Y = 0; double rangeMin_Y = 0; double rangeMax_X = 0; double rangeMin_X = 0; int count = 0; for (PlotComparisonItem lineItem : this.currentData){ ArrayList data = lineItem.getChildItems(); //int index = 0; Line l = new Line(); int lineColor = lineItem.getColor(); l.setColor(lineColor); for (PlotComparisonItem pointItem : data){ LinePoint p = new LinePoint(); p.setX(pointItem.getValue1()); Double value2 = pointItem.getValue2(); p.setY(value2); p.setColor(lineColor); l.addPoint(p); rangeMax_Y = Math.max(pointItem.getValue2(), rangeMax_Y); rangeMax_X = Math.max(pointItem.getValue1(), rangeMax_X); if (count != 0){ rangeMin_Y = Math.min(pointItem.getValue2(), rangeMin_Y); rangeMin_X = Math.min(pointItem.getValue1(), rangeMin_X); } else { rangeMin_Y = pointItem.getValue2(); rangeMin_X = pointItem.getValue1(); } //index++; count++; } linegraph.addLine(l); } // add a bit more space rangeMax_Y++; rangeMin_Y--; boolean shouldUseDate = this.selectedCompareData.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerDate); if (shouldUseDate){ linegraph.resetXLimits(); if (this.filter.hasBelowTimestamp()){ rangeMax_X = Math.max(this.filter.belowTimestamp, rangeMax_X); } if (this.filter.hasAboveTimestamp()){ rangeMin_X = Math.min(this.filter.aboveTimestamp, rangeMin_X); } if (rangeMax_X == rangeMin_X){ double aDay = 60*60*24*1000; rangeMax_X+= aDay; rangeMin_X-= aDay; } double stepRange = (rangeMax_X - rangeMin_X)/(60*60*24*1000); linegraph.setxAxisStep(Math.max(1, (float) Math.min(stepRange, 4))); linegraph.setRangeX(rangeMin_X , rangeMax_X); linegraph.setConverter(new LineGraph.AxisDataConverter() { @Override public String convertDataForX_Position(double x) { return StatisticsFragment.this.getDateAsDayString((long)x); } @Override public String convertDataForY_Position(double y){ return "" + (long)y; } }); } else { linegraph.setxAxisStep(12.f); linegraph.setRangeX(0, 24); linegraph.setConverter(null); } int maxY = (int)(rangeMax_Y - rangeMin_Y); linegraph.setYAxisStep(Math.min(maxY, 5)); int yStep = (int)linegraph.getyAxisStep(); if ((maxY % yStep) != 0) { maxY = maxY + (yStep - (maxY % yStep)); } rangeMax_Y = rangeMin_Y + maxY; linegraph.setRangeY(rangeMin_Y, rangeMax_Y); linegraph.setLineToFill(0); } /** * Set the graph data to the given graph * @param bargraph {@link BarGraph BarGraph} * */ public void setBarGraphData(BarGraph bargraph){ this.currentData = this.getBarData(); if (this.currentData == null){ this.currentData = new ArrayList(); } ArrayList bars = new ArrayList(); for (PlotComparisonItem item : this.currentData){ Bar d = new Bar(); d.setColor(item.getColor()); Long value2 = item.getValue2().longValue(); d.setName(""); d.setValue(value2.floatValue()); bars.add(d); } barGraph.setBars(bars); } /* * * FETCH & ACTUALISE RECORD DATA * * */ /** * Returns the DataBaseHandler result for the current filter. * @return records {@link java.util.ArrayList}, {@link Record Record} */ public ArrayList getFetchedRecords(){ if (this.filter == null) this.clearFilter(); return this.dbh.getRecordsForFilter(this.filter); } /**Actualises the current plot in a background thread.*/ public void actualiseCurrentPlot(){ this.spinner.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); this.actualiseFilterButton(); LinearLayout plotLayout = (LinearLayout) this.rootView.findViewById(; if (this.barGraph != null) this.barGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (this.lineGraph != null) this.lineGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (this.pieGraph != null) this.pieGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); View plot = this.currentPlotView; if (plot == null){ this.currentPlotView = this.getPieGraphView(); plot = this.currentPlotView; } if (plot.getParent() != null && !plot.getParent().equals(plotLayout)){ LinearLayout linLayout = (LinearLayout)plot.getParent(); linLayout.removeView(plot); plot.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT )); plotLayout.addView(plot); } this.currentPlotView = plot; final LinearLayout thePlotlayout = plotLayout; if (this.loader != null && this.loader.isAlive()) this.loader.interrupt(); this.loader = null; this.loader = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { this.loadDataInBackground(); this.actualiseUI(); } private void loadDataInBackground(){ View plot = StatisticsFragment.this.currentPlotView; if (plot instanceof PieGraph){ PieGraph pie = (PieGraph) plot; StatisticsFragment.this.setPieGraphData(pie); } if (plot instanceof BarGraph){ BarGraph bar = (BarGraph) plot; StatisticsFragment.this.setBarGraphData(bar); } if (plot instanceof LineGraph){ LineGraph line = (LineGraph)plot; StatisticsFragment.this.setLineGraphData(line); } } private void actualiseUI(){ Activity actv = StatisticsFragment.this.getActivity(); if (actv != null){ actv.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // SET VISIBILITY View plot = StatisticsFragment.this.currentPlotView; if (plot instanceof PieGraph){ // HIDE FILTER BUTTON ImageButton filterButton = StatisticsFragment.this.getFilterButton(); if (filterButton != null) filterButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { if (StatisticsFragment.this.pieGraph != null){ StatisticsFragment.this.pieGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (StatisticsFragment.this.pieGraph.getParent() != null){ thePlotlayout.removeView(StatisticsFragment.this.pieGraph); } } // SHOW FILTER BUTTON ImageButton filterButton = StatisticsFragment.this.getFilterButton(); if (filterButton != null) filterButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } if (! (plot instanceof BarGraph)){ if (StatisticsFragment.this.barGraph != null){ StatisticsFragment.this.barGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (StatisticsFragment.this.barGraph.getParent() != null){ thePlotlayout.removeView(StatisticsFragment.this.barGraph); } } } if (!(plot instanceof LineGraph)){ if (StatisticsFragment.this.lineGraph != null){ StatisticsFragment.this.lineGraph.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (StatisticsFragment.this.lineGraph.getParent() != null){ thePlotlayout.removeView(StatisticsFragment.this.lineGraph); } } } plot.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (plot.getParent() == null){ thePlotlayout.addView(plot); } StatisticsFragment.this.actualiseLegendList(); StatisticsFragment.this.currentPlotView.bringToFront(); StatisticsFragment.this.currentPlotView.invalidate(); StatisticsFragment.this.spinner.setVisibility(View.GONE); StatisticsFragment.this.showEmptyDataNotification(); } }); } } }); this.loader.start(); } /** * Shows a small toast if the data to show is empty (no records). */ private void showEmptyDataNotification(){ if (this.noDataNotificationToast == null){ this.noDataNotificationToast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), R.string.no_data_notification, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } if (this.getFilterButton().getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE){ this.noDataNotificationToast.setText(R.string.no_data_notification); } else { this.noDataNotificationToast.setText(R.string.no_data_notification_no_filter); } if (this.currentData == null || this.currentData.isEmpty()){; } } /** Calculates and returns the data for the piegraph * @return ArrayList data */ public ArrayList getPieData(){ // DEFAULT return this.attacksPerProtocols(); } /** Calculates and returns the data for the bargraph. * @return ArrayList data */ public ArrayList getBarData(){ String protocol = this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol(); if (protocol.length() > 0){ if (this.selectedCompareData.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerESSID)){ return this.attacksPerESSID(protocol); } // DEFAULT return this.attacksPerBSSID(protocol); } // Nothing available return new ArrayList(); } /** Calculates and returns the data for the linegraph * @return ArrayList data */ public ArrayList getLineData(){ return this.attacksPerTime(); } /* * DATA SOURCE * */ /*PROTOCOLS OVERVIEW*/ /** * Returns the attacks per protocols comparison result. * The returned data is resized to the specified limit. * @return ArrayList */ public synchronized ArrayList attacksPerProtocols(){ ArrayList plotItems = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; for (String title : this.getSelectedProtocolTitles()){ int attacksCount = this.dbh.getAttackPerProtocolCount(title); if (attacksCount == 0) continue; PlotComparisonItem item = new PlotComparisonItem(title,this.getColor(index), 0., (double) attacksCount); plotItems.add(item); index++; } Collections.sort(plotItems, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(PlotComparisonItem s1, PlotComparisonItem s2) { return s2.getValue2().compareTo(s1.getValue2()); } }); return this.resizeData(plotItems); } /* * LINE PLOT DATA */ /** * Returns the line graph data responding to the selectedCompareData key. * The returned data is resized to the specified limit. * @return plotItems {@link PlotComparisonItem PlotComparisonItems} */ public ArrayList attacksPerTime(){ HashMap > > lineMap = new HashMap>>(); boolean shouldUseDate = this.selectedCompareData.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerDate); ArrayList records = this.getFetchedRecords(); for (Record record : records){ long timestamp = record.getTimestamp(); long time = 0; if (shouldUseDate){ time = this.getDateFromMilliseconds(timestamp); } else { time = this.getDayHourFromDate(timestamp); } // GET CORRECT MAP HashMap > recordMap; String groupKey = record.getSsid(); if (lineMap.containsKey(groupKey)){ recordMap = lineMap.get(record.getSsid()); } else { recordMap = new HashMap >(); lineMap.put(groupKey, recordMap); } // GET LIST OF RECORDS ArrayList list; if (recordMap.containsKey(time)){ list = recordMap.get(time); } else { list = new ArrayList(); recordMap.put(time, list); } list.add(record); } ArrayList plotItems = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; for (String groupKey : lineMap.keySet()){ HashMap > recordMap = lineMap.get(groupKey); ArrayList singleLineItems = new ArrayList(); int numbOfAttacks = 0; for (long time : recordMap.keySet()){ ArrayListlist = recordMap.get(time); if (list.size() == 0) continue; PlotComparisonItem item = new PlotComparisonItem(this.getHourAsTimeString(time), 0 , (double)time, (double) list.size()); singleLineItems.add(item); numbOfAttacks +=list.size(); } Collections.sort(singleLineItems, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(PlotComparisonItem s1, PlotComparisonItem s2) { return s1.getValue1().compareTo(s2.getValue1()); } }); double itemValue = (((double)numbOfAttacks / (double)records.size())*100.); PlotComparisonItem item = new PlotComparisonItem(groupKey, this.getColor(index), (double) numbOfAttacks, itemValue); item.setChildItems(singleLineItems); plotItems.add(item); index++; } Collections.sort(plotItems, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(PlotComparisonItem s1, PlotComparisonItem s2) { return s2.getValue2().compareTo(s1.getValue2()); } }); return plotItems; } /* * BAR PLOT DATA */ /**Returns plotitems for the comparison "attacks per bssid" * The returned data is resized to the specified limit. * @return ArrayList of {@link PlotComparisonItem PlotComparisonItems} */ public ArrayList attacksPerBSSID(String protocol){ LogFilter filter = new LogFilter(); ArrayList protocollist = new ArrayList(); filter.setAboveTimestamp(this.filter.getAboveTimestamp()); filter.setBelowTimestamp(this.filter.getBelowTimestamp()); filter.setBSSIDs(this.filter.getBSSIDs()); protocollist.add(protocol); filter.setProtocols(protocollist); ArrayList plotItems = new ArrayList(); HashMap recordMap = new HashMap(); ArrayList records = this.dbh.getRecordsForFilter(filter); for (Record record : records){ int count = 0; if (recordMap.containsKey(record.getBssid())){ count = recordMap.get(record.getBssid()); } count++; recordMap.put(record.getBssid(), count); } int index = 0; for (String key : recordMap.keySet()){ double value = (double)recordMap.get(key); if (value == 0.) continue; PlotComparisonItem item = new PlotComparisonItem(key, this.getColor(index), 0., value); plotItems.add(item); index++; } Collections.sort(plotItems, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(PlotComparisonItem s1, PlotComparisonItem s2) { return s2.getValue2().compareTo(s1.getValue2()); } }); return this.resizeData(plotItems); } /**Returns plotitems for the comparison "attacks per essid" * @return ArrayList of {@link PlotComparisonItem PlotComparisonItems} */ public ArrayList attacksPerESSID(String protocol){ LogFilter filter = new LogFilter(); filter.setAboveTimestamp(this.filter.getAboveTimestamp()); filter.setBelowTimestamp(this.filter.getBelowTimestamp()); filter.setESSIDs(this.filter.getESSIDs()); ArrayList protocollist = new ArrayList(); protocollist.add(protocol); filter.setProtocols(protocollist); ArrayList plotItems = new ArrayList(); HashMap recordMap = new HashMap(); ArrayList records = this.dbh.getRecordsForFilter(filter); for (Record record : records){ int count = 0; if (recordMap.containsKey(record.getSsid())){ count = recordMap.get(record.getSsid()); } count++; recordMap.put(record.getSsid(), count); } int index = 0; for (String key : recordMap.keySet()){ double value = (double)recordMap.get(key); if (value == 0.) continue; PlotComparisonItem item = new PlotComparisonItem(key,this.getColor(index), 0. ,value); plotItems.add(item); index++; } Collections.sort(plotItems, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(PlotComparisonItem s1, PlotComparisonItem s2) { return s2.getValue2().compareTo(s1.getValue2()); } }); return this.resizeData(plotItems); } /** * This will normalize the given list of plot items to the specified length of MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHART_OBJECTS. * Creates an "others" group, containing all objects after the (MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHART_OBJECTS - 1)th object from the given list. * If the given list does contain MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHART_OBJECTS+1 or more objects, nothing will change. * * @param plotItems to normalize {@link PlotComparisonItem PlotComparisonItems} * @return the normalized ArrayList of {@link PlotComparisonItem PlotComparisonItems} */ private ArrayList resizeData(ArrayList plotItems){ if (plotItems != null){ if (plotItems.size() > MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHART_OBJECTS && MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHART_OBJECTS > 1){ ArrayList copy = new ArrayList(); ArrayList others = new ArrayList(); double valueOfOthers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < plotItems.size(); i++){ if (i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHART_OBJECTS - 1){ PlotComparisonItem item = plotItems.get(i); item.setColor(this.getColor(i)); copy.add(plotItems.get(i)); } else { PlotComparisonItem item = plotItems.get(i); others.add(item); valueOfOthers+=item.getValue2(); } } PlotComparisonItem otherItem = new PlotComparisonItem(OTHER_CHART_TITLE, this.getOtherColor(), 0., valueOfOthers); otherItem.setChildItems(others); copy.add(otherItem); Collections.sort(copy, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(PlotComparisonItem s1, PlotComparisonItem s2) { return s2.getValue2().compareTo(s1.getValue2()); } }); return copy; } } return plotItems; } /* * FILTER STUFF * */ /** * Returns the first selected protocol from all selected protocols. * If no protocol is selected, it return the first protocol in the protocolTitles() list. * @return String protocolName * */ private String getCurrentSelectedProtocol(){ ArrayList protocolTitles = this.getSelectedProtocolTitles(); if (protocolTitles != null && protocolTitles.size() != 0){ return protocolTitles.get(0); } return this.protocolTitles().get(0); } /** * Return all Protocols * * @return ArrayList protocolNames * */ public ArrayList protocolTitles(){ ArrayList titles = new ArrayList(); for (String protocol : this.getResources().getStringArray( R.array.protocols)) { titles.add(protocol); } return titles; } /** * Returns a boolean array containing a bool value for each protocol. If the value is true, the filter object contains the protocol. * The array sequence equates to the protocolTitles() list. * @return boolean[] selection array * */ public boolean[] selectedProtocols(){ ArrayList protocols = this.protocolTitles(); boolean[] selected = new boolean[protocols.size()]; int i = 0; for(String protocol : protocols){ selected[i] =(this.filter.protocols.contains(protocol)); i++; } return selected; } public ArrayList getSelectedProtocolTitles(){ ArrayList knownProtocols = this.protocolTitles(); if (this.filter.hasProtocols()){ ArrayList titles = new ArrayList(); int i =0; for (boolean b : this.selectedProtocols()){ if (b){ String title = knownProtocols.get(i); titles.add(title); } i++; } return titles; } return this.protocolTitles(); } /* * * COLOR STUFF * * */ /** Returns the color for the other group * @return int color*/ public int getOtherColor(){ return Color.argb(255, 80, 80, 80); // grey } /** Returns the color for the given index * @return int color*/ public Integer getColor(int index) { return ColorSequenceGenerator.getColorForIndex(index); } /** Returns the Plot layout. * * @return LinearLayout plot layout */ public LinearLayout getPlotLayout(){ if (this.rootView != null){ return (LinearLayout) this.rootView.findViewById(; } else { return null; } } /* * * FILTER STUFF * * */ /** * Returns true if the current filter is set for a given filter menu title. * @param title of the filter menu item {@link String String} * @return boolean b */ private boolean isFilterSetForTitle(String title){ if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_BSSID)){ return this.filter.hasBSSIDs(); } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_ESSID)){ return this.filter.hasESSIDs(); } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_PROTOCOLS)){ return (this.filter.getProtocols() != null && this.filter.hasProtocols() && this.filter.getProtocols().size() != this.protocolTitles().size()); } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_BELOW)){ return this.filter.hasBelowTimestamp(); } if (title.equals(FILTER_MENU_TITLE_TIMESTAMP_ABOVE)){ return this.filter.hasAboveTimestamp(); } return false; } /** * Clears the current filter. */ private void clearFilter(){ if(filter == null) this.filter = new LogFilter(); this.filter.clear(); } /* * * DATE TRANSFORMATION * */ /** * Returns the current hour from a date. * @param timeInMillis long * @return milliseconds in long */ public long getDayHourFromDate(long timeInMillis){ Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis (timeInMillis); int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); //int min = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); return hour; } /** * Returns the current date without the seconds, minutes, hours. * @param timeInMillis long * @return long date with time 00:00:00 * */ public long getDateFromMilliseconds(long timeInMillis){ long millisInDay = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000; return (timeInMillis / millisInDay) * millisInDay; } /** * Returns the given hour as a formated string. * Format: "HH:00" * */ private String getHourAsTimeString(long hour) { return "" + hour + ":00"; } //static final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d.M.yy"); /**Returns a date as a formated string * @param timeStamp date * @return String date format is localised*/ @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") private String getDateAsDayString(long timeStamp) { try { Date netDate = (new Date(timeStamp)); DateFormat dateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getMediumDateFormat(this.getActivity()); return dateFormat.format(netDate); //return dateFormat.format(netDate); } catch (Exception ex) { return "xx"; } } @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") /**Returns a date as a formated string * @param long date * @return String date format (H:mm dd/MM/yyyy)*/ private String getDateAsString(long timeStamp) { try { DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("H:mm dd.MM.yyyy"); Date netDate = (new Date(timeStamp)); return sdf.format(netDate); } catch (Exception ex) { return "xx"; } } /** * USERINTERACTION */ /** * Will be called if the users taps on a list row. * @param index int */ private void userTappedOnLegendItem(int index){ if (index < this.currentData.size()){ PlotComparisonItem item = this.currentData.get(index); ArrayList selectedData; String groupingKey = null; selectedData = new ArrayList(); if (item.getChildItems() == null){ selectedData.add(item.getTitle()); } else { for (PlotComparisonItem other : item.getChildItems()){ selectedData.add(other.getTitle()); } } LogFilter filter = new LogFilter(); if (this.currentPlotView instanceof PieGraph){ filter.setProtocols(selectedData); if(selectedData != null && selectedData.size() > 1){ groupingKey = MainActivity.getInstance().getResources().getString(R.string.rec_protocol); } } if (this.currentPlotView instanceof BarGraph){ if (this.selectedCompareData.equals(COMPARE_TITLE_AttacksPerESSID)){ filter.setESSIDs(selectedData); groupingKey = MainActivity.getInstance().getResources().getString(R.string.ESSID); } else { filter.setBSSIDs(selectedData); groupingKey = MainActivity.getInstance().getResources().getString(R.string.BSSID); } ArrayList currentSelectedProtocol = new ArrayList(); currentSelectedProtocol.add(this.getCurrentSelectedProtocol()); filter.setProtocols(currentSelectedProtocol); } if (this.currentPlotView instanceof LineGraph){ selectedData = new ArrayList(); selectedData.add(item.getTitle()); filter.setESSIDs(selectedData); filter.setProtocols(this.filter.getProtocols()); groupingKey = MainActivity.getInstance().getResources().getString(R.string.ESSID); } if (this.filter.hasATimestamp()){ filter.setAboveTimestamp(this.filter.getAboveTimestamp()); filter.setBelowTimestamp(this.filter.getBelowTimestamp()); } this.pushRecordOverviewForFilter(filter, groupingKey); } } /**Will be called if the user clicked on a slice * @param index of the slice (int)*/ public void onSliceClick(int index){ } /**Will be called if the user clicked on a bar * @param index of the bar (int)*/ public void onBarClick(int index){ this.userTappedOnLegendItem(index); } /** * Displays a record over view fragment. * @param filter {@link de.tudarmstadt.informatik.hostage.ui2.model.LogFilter LogFilter} * @param groupingKey String, key to group the attack list in the RecordOverview */ private void pushRecordOverviewForFilter(LogFilter filter, String groupingKey){ FragmentManager fm = this.getActivity().getFragmentManager(); if (fm != null){ RecordOverviewFragment newFragment = new RecordOverviewFragment(); newFragment.setUpNavigatible(true); newFragment.setFilter(filter); if (groupingKey != null && groupingKey.length() != 0) newFragment.setGroupKey(groupingKey); MainActivity.getInstance().injectFragment(newFragment); } } }