最後更新於 2 年之前

最後更新於 3 年之前

An advanced Differential Privacy library for pyTorch, based on opacus.

最後更新於 3 年之前

Smart Contract Data feed with Secure Multi-Party Computation

最後更新於 3 年之前

Small tool to quickly enable or disable the need for an active HMD for SteamVR.

最後更新於 3 年之前

最後更新於 3 年之前

Mirror of Covert Channel Application on the RWTH Aachen GitLab.

最後更新於 3 年之前

最後更新於 3 年之前

An Android app builds on top of Twitter and provides users with additional means of privacy control.

最後更新於 3 年之前

Source Code for Masters Thesis Title : User position tracking and manipulation in VR using dynamic menu placement author : hassam chohan

最後更新於 3 年之前

最後更新於 3 年之前

Repository for Privacy-preserving Recommender System for online social networks This folder contains scripts and drafts describing system model.

最後更新於 3 年之前

最後更新於 3 年之前

This folder contains new created datasets of top 10 packages. It also contains other debian daatasets, which we used for experiments.

最後更新於 3 年之前

Repository for the Botnet Simulation Framework (BSF)

最後更新於 3 年之前

This folder contains scripts and description of scripts, which are used for extracting more features.

最後更新於 3 年之前

Trust4App is a framework for assessing trustworthiness of mobile applications. This repository contains the code of backend server (NodeJS) and frontend (mobile app) client of Trust4App.

最後更新於 3 年之前

Off-Line Interactor Recognition is used to read-out whether an off-line sensor was triggered or not.

最後更新於 3 年之前

Raumrekonstruktion und Einbindung in VR. Idealerweise als Overlay

最後更新於 3 年之前

Off-Line Interactor Printing is used to specify and generate printer-ready 3D models for an off-line sensor.

最後更新於 3 年之前